Best Episode?

My vote is for "Captain Cold"...

This is a rotten way to end it!
This is not the end; you haven't read it yet.
In the Mouth of Madness


Mmmmm yes I would have to say Captain Cold or Trial of the Trickster.


Oh and I forgot Watching the Detectives. So hard to decide.


I just watched Trial of the Trickster tonight and I have to say they went out with a bang with this one. They really hit their stride in the end. The acting from everyone involved is superb, Hamill especially is unhinged. Walker delivers one of her finest scores. They spared no expense on the effects and stunts. You can really tell the budget was bigger on the finale. That last shot where the workers are hanging the sign on "Welcome to Central City: Home of The Flash" really brought a tear to the eye. So sad the show had to end. I think they only could have improved with a second season.


Just seen your a flash fan so decided to show you my Pollux Tribute on youtube if you want to see it from Twin Streaks.

EZ the man with two legs


Common guys, Ghost in the Machine and The Deadly Nightshade were ultimatly the best.



I agree for Captain Cold.

I wonder if the season continued would he ever be able to come back?

In some Flash stories his ice coats but doesn't kill...

...yet he said in the end he was setting his ice gun to 'full power'...

Which makes it seem doubtful if he could come back.

But the series is over so it doesn't matter.

BTW The way they showed his frozen victims is far superior to the way the Governator's victims were depicted as frozen.


Apparently, according to the producers, The Flash would fight Captain Cold, Mirror Master and the Trickster in a 2nd season opener. So he would've come back. But I would've hoped that they'd bring in Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang and Heatwave.


Twin Streaks with this scene

EZ the man with two legs

reply is the best episode

EZ the man with two legs


I'm with the Trickster and Nightshade crowds. Trickster was pure fun, while Nightshade had a nice tradition flavor.


The only full uploaded episode on YouTube is Captain Gold

Confirms the opening thread


The Nightshade episodes were fantastic. Jason Bernard was brilliant in the role.


My favorites were any episode with the Rogues. Overall though I'd say "Ghost in the Machine" because it helped the show move away from straight crime drama and get into comic book territory.


My favorite, besides the pilot, is Fast Forward. Loved the callback to Pike. I also love the line, "Let's see how fast you can really run..."

-- Wild Card, Bitches!! --



I know, I'm not really answering the question, but I like the ones with the Trickster, Pike, Megan Lockhart, Nightshade, Captain Cold and Mirror Master. That would be my top 9. If you need a answer, I'll go with the pilot.
A couple of side notes, David Cassidy was never better than as Mirror Master.
If Heath Ledger won a Oscar for the Joker, then Mark Hamill should have won a Emmy for the Trickster. I still think Mark Hamill's Joker was far superior to Ledger.
Michael Nader was the coolest bad guy on TV.
I don't blame Barry for going after Megan. Amanda Pays is fine, but there was always something about Joyce Hyser.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter.


I have to say Watching the Detectives- Joyce Hyser was SO good as Megan Lockhart, and I loved that she was so popular she ended up returning to the show 2 more times. The actress and character were unlike any other female character on TV up to that time, so independent and strong. I love the scenes where she had to think on her feet, like when she broke into Barry's apartment and got caught, or when she was in Amanda's lab and she told the assassins they were in quarantine.


The pilot or either of the Nightshade episodes.

Obviously you're not a golfer


"Mirror, Mirror"

I tended to like the Howard Chaykin/John Francis Moore-scripted episodes.

Je suis Charlie Hebdo.
