MovieChat Forums > The Flash (1990) Discussion > So Much Better Than The New Version!

So Much Better Than The New Version!

I'm sorry, but I've given this new version 2 1/4 episodes, and it's just unwatchable to me.

The original had better writing, acting, photography, music, production design, and even a better depiction of Barry's speed!

Kinda tired right now, so I don't feel like going into a long list, but I just wanted to leave this here.


Go rest old man. While this was good; the new version is better.



Poor guy. Maybe he's a young guy and he's just got Fibromyalgia or ME.

I'm not a fan of the CW style so I sympathise with the OP. The 90s comic book shows were more fun by embracing the camp.

Oh, you English are so superior, aren't you?



The original was wonderful with great special effects and story.


I'm not knocking this version because I grew up with it; but change is good and the newest version on the CW is far more advanced. While I am a huge fan of anything comic book related, I love where the 2014 version is heading and the fact that John Wesley Shipp was chosen to play Barry Allen's father is simply homage to Mr. Shipp. Before casting judgement, lets see how season 1 plays out, shall we?


Can't we just like them both?

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


I think so, and I think those behind the scenes want us to. Why else cast John Wesley Shipp in not only a recurring role, but an important one? Why else cast Amanda Pays in a role similar to--even sharing the same name as--her role here? Watching interviews, paying attention to the story, I think the people behind the new version really are saying that they aren't trying to make us "choose", but are, if anything, saying that they are, too, fans of this series.

I think that's important, because while I agree with others her that change is good, as is seeing what directions time, money, technology can take a story, that doesn't mean we should forget what inspired the change to begin with. They haven't, and I don't think they're asking us to, either.


Sometimes You Plant Seeds For Trees You Will Never Sit Under


Shipp is great in the new series, in limited screen time.


The new show has gotten better. If you can accept it for what it is, then I found I could enjoy it more. I liked the characters more on this 90' version, but the Reverse Flash in the new show is killer. Since The Reverse Flash showed up it has gotten better.


The problem with all the CW Shows is there mainly Teen Soap Operas. The Old Show was Cheesy, Yes. But at least i don't have to deal with crappy a love triangle between Iris, Barry, and who ever is Iris West fiance this week. Not to mention that John Wesley Shipp looked like he actually went to the Gym. and it was Flash before they decide to make him a Spider-man clone. But it is nice that they gave him a role in the new flash.
