the thing to remember is that Supergirl is debuting in an era of 'Supers' you can't throw a Krytonite chunk without hitting something sourced from a Comic book title.
Flash on the other hand was the first Comic Book Title since Wonder Woman was on ABC/CBS in the late 70s... while not a promise of success it is a lot harder to screw up in this environment than it was in 1990...
the two biggest factors that hurt Flash '90 were Budget and Timeslot
-- late 80s TV effects were just too expensive to deliver what they needed and pay for everything else the show needed
-- it debuted opposite the 1-2 Punch of Cosby Show and the Simpsons on NBC and Fox respectively... from there they went to the almost unheard of idea of starting on the Half hour... neither of which delivered the Ratings to offset the effects budget... after that I believe it had two more time slots before the Finale aired.
Supergirl's biggest weakness right now is in airing opposite Gotham... but looking at the grid, where else does it go?
-- It's not 'dark' enough to warrant a 10/9c slot
9/8 would displace CBS Fav. and proven commodity Scorpion...
8/7 Flash and NCIS
9/8 Shield and NCIS NO
8/7 Arrow
9/8 Supernatural and Empire
8/7 Greys, Bones, Heroes
9/8 Scandal, Blacklist
all but death to most shows...