Brenda or Kelly

Which as far as looks do you prefer? Kelly is striking, but Brenda has this certain something about her, her looks are unique..


Kelly for me. She is still hot now too.

I watched a few episodes months back and Brenda doesn't stop complaining!


I think that's one of the reasons why Dylan chose Kelly over Brenda, Brenda was too whiny, and annoying.


Then Kelly turned into the whiny complaining one.


Poor Dylan, he never got a break. :(


It was his own fault. He chose to date one girl and expect to screw her best friend on the side.


Hear hear.


Then after he chose Kelly, he wanted Brenda on the side.


All she wanted to do was go shopping and party. Which I guess was fine in high school. But as adult you expect more things in life. you want people to accomplish things with themselves and be productive members of society. You can't actually put I went shopping on a resume.


I'd go with Brenda. And i wish that they'd both told Dylan to piss off in season 3.


Again, hear hear!


Ya exactly In his face


If you watched the beginning episodes of the reboot, he was still wavering back and forth between the two of them. They should have just told him to go to hell.


I did watch the first season of that reboot. And you're right, they should have.

If they plan on bringing the OG cast back again, i really hope they don't even bother with a love triangle (depending of they ignore Kelly and Dylan having a son).


I didn't watch the rest of the series regularly, but they eventually got rid of the originals.


David, Kelly, Steve and Donna consistently stayed. Dylan left and came back in the original. I did not watch the reboot. Dylan and Brenda were not together and it took liberties with the plot

If they wanted a 'black family' should have either had D'shawn Hardell or Robinson Ashe III / Sherice Ashe and their families who were supposed to be the Walshes next door neighbors from the original series.

None of this bringing in brand new characters and making up stuff off the top of your head.

I still think Ashes to Ashes (where we meet the Ashes) was supposed to be an attempt at a spin off. Spelling/Fox saw the reaction though and realized it would not work. Disappointed.

Oh and I would have paired Donna with somebody who never pressured her to sleep with him before marriage....unlike David who is a POS skank druggie


I really thought with the curly blonde hair, he would be Steve's son.

I think that Kelly and Steve would be good together. I never liked him with Janet.


I pictured Kelly and Brandon together--image is everything in politics


Ugh - I could just imagine Brandon in politics. "My first act as governor will be to abolish all laws in this state. People should be able to do whatever they want."


Really?? Look @ the flashback episode he's playing the uptight ROTC solider a little too perfectly. I doubt that type of person would abolish all rules--more like enact them. I can almost see it. The only thing out of place is that Kelly is also a hippie....vs a right wing Pat Nixon type.


That was Brenda's "fantasy" while reading the diary. Look at brandon's views throughout the show.


Kelly does the perfect political wife much better.


I will also say - I thought Nat would have been a "cooler" old person back in the 60s. Not like his sixties-self was portrayed.


oh like Arnold/Al from 'Happy Days? My guess was that they went for the other archetype….the 'hard worker' struggling to make ends meet. Los Angeles still might have been expensive back then.


Luke was really good as the anti-war protestor in that episode.


Yes! Like Al/Arnold! But they seemed to do ok, even with being nice to the kids.

Then again, the teens in Happy Days were from the 50s, still "respectable" types that a lot of adults still liked, move on to the 60s with the "hippies" that a lot of the adults hated.

So older Nat might have been cool to the 50s kids, but hated change.

(I know, it's a lot of analyzing a character, lol)


Happy Days moved into the 1960's--kinda haphazardly.

Only fleeting mentions re Feminine Mystique and civil rights/intergration. They do mention the Cuban missle crisis but gloss over the assassination--still too current.

The repeated 'disability rights' issue episodes Winkler got in (this was his pet cause) really stand out bc civil rights laws actually did not start getting passed until late 1960's/early 70's! Before that it was social security.

And then the people still in charge yes in the 70's were the world war II gen/their parents-my grandparents. Did they personally want to see stuff from 'their kids' perspective about the 50's/60's?

I was watching these episodes as a little kid but my parents as well as the actors/crew had been in high school/college...etc I am sure this was why there were only fleeting references to the 60's. The producers...etc might have done more today. plus a lot still wasn't released/known.

I'm sure happy days would look differently today.


You are right! I watched as a child also, I forgot they moved along to the 60s.

I wonder what a version today would be like - and what time period they would set it in.

I thunk it might be fun to make one that switches between 80s/90s/early 2000s, showing generations and changes. Just don't get too hung up on continuity (like a character wants to be a nurse as a kid, then is a stay at home mom as an adult).


If they did make a remake of Happy Days I would only want Max Winkler (yes he IS Henry's son) playing the role....otherwise I KNOW it is going to flop

Although...and getting back to the original topic (he-he)....people HAVE already compared BH 90210 to Happy Days---Brandon was Ritchie, Dylan was the Fonz...etc, Brenda was Joannie

This IS why it also did last for so many years and is so remembered too. So many of us do know each episode verbatim. How many other shows are even like this?


Shannen Doherty(Brenda) has always had a very unique and beautiful look. Jennie Garth is gorgeous, but I think Shannen is hotter,


Brenda. I think in terms of appearance and personally, Brenda wins anyday. Also, there's something about Jenny Garth's little girl looks that I could never get on board with. Like, I would probably pick anyone but her.


Kelly in the earlier seasons, Brenda in s3 plus.


I think Shannon is extremely attractive, uniquely so, but I gotta go with Jennie Garth. She has that sunny, smiling, fresh-faced, corn-silk and sunflower thing going on. She's probably the woman I would most like as a mate and arm candy.


Jennie Garth. She's got junk in her trunk.




Both at the same time please. Or if I can only choose one, then Kelly wins.
