MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) Discussion > Season 7 Episode Recap: (Unintentional C...

Season 7 Episode Recap: (Unintentional Cheesy, Funny and Awful Moments)

Hey guys, back a little sooner than I was intending, I still haven't finished the Season yet but I might as well start posting up what I have so far. Thanks to my good buddy Nutsberry messaging me multiple times about the status, I've caved lol

It's the same process as always with my recaps, so if you're offended by some strong language and sexual innuendos then stop reading now. No seriously stop....

Still here?

OK! If you wanna contribute and have a laugh then read on with my full Season recap. This is my third and final Season review so I hope you enjoy it, and as always, any input and or criticism, is always welcome.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


Episode One

Dave apparently had a great summer with Donna! Having no sex whatsoever...

Brando and Steve are stranded in Hadley City and instantly get into it with two of the local idiots who instantly run for the hills when Brando puffs his chest out and acts his usual "tough" self. Has this guy ever been in a real fight?

Anyways Steve has an awful dose of the horn and can't wait any longer to see Clare and decides to ditch Brando so he can go and get a flight to meet Nurse Clare and have her drain his main vein.

Val's complaining about having a horrible summer which isn't true, she's doing normal teenage things like smoking weed and lying in bed all day watching TV. That's an awesome way to spend a summer!

Brando the eighty year old wise man trapped in twenty year old body wants to learn everything about the Alamo, the history, the heritage blah blah instead of doing doing normal things like going out partying, getting the helmet polished, extreme sports etc etc. His quest for knowledge ultimately leaves some poor soul in it's blistering wake when her racist boss gives her hell for talking to the wise wizard in the corner and ultimately quits her job. Hmmmm something tells me this isn't just a coincidence...

Kenny Bannerman the legend!! This slimeball makes Professor Sleaze from season six look like an amateur. He instantly hits on Val who in fairness is looking ridiculously hot when she comes to see him over sorting out her financial issues. He showers her with compliments and sleazy innuendos that were so slimy it was literally dripping all over his desk.

Taz the singer or wannabe Russell Brand hitting on the moron and instantly remembering her magazine cover. Once again the beauty of Kelly Taylor dazzles everyone in sight.

The absolute genius "music video" that burst the comedy meter through the roof. Taz was an absolute genius in this scene hamming it up as tears of laughter streamed from my eyes. If there ever was an Oscar for moron of the decade this idiot would win hands down. I really wish he was a series regular :(

Brando gets into it again with the racist mechanics and huffs and puffs as they continually insult Mariah and yet he still doesn't throw a punch, instead he grins through gritted teeth as he pretends that Mariah really is that strong in holding him back from them and kicking their asses. Onto a Jazz bar they go and encounter another two racist idiots, one of whom Brando wins a no blinking contest when he stares him out after he threatened to make Brando his bitch.

So after the interminable dross of she flew here, he flew there, but she's not really here, and he's not really there but they're both really here, Steve finally reunites with Clare at the airport after both of them are stranded and immediately head straight to a hotel room to tenderize the beef curtains.

Mariah's headed to New York! That chance meeting with Brando wasn't by accident afterall as Brando uses his special powers to enrich the life of someone less worthy and have them realise their dreams. She's off to be some hotshot Angel book writer of some kind, (I think that's what it was as I desperately fought with my very soul to stay awake...)

Donna quits Team Dave and Donna of music video fame, after Dave gets drunk with power and unbelievably thinks he's actually relevant and talented at this special craft. Of course you are Dave!

Mariah thanks Brando and tells him he's proof angels do exist. That's putting it mildly! You just spent a day in the presence of the god of 90210, why else do you think your life is suddenly falling into place literally a day after meeting the guy? Anyways a farewell kiss to rub in the faces of the watching racist mechanics from earlier and Mariah's off on the bus to a better life as Brando smugly smiles to himself as yet another soul's life is now better for having him in it.

Nat makes me sick. And he can't act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


Episode Two

It's reunion time at the beach club!! "Hey you remember that time last week we had a conversation on the beach?" "They were the best haha!!"" Shoot me now.

I literally forgot about this monstrosity of revelations, lost memories and boring flashbacks, do I really have to do this? (SIGH)

Steve starts remembering a fight he had with Kelly from years ago which involved bad hairstyles, chipmunks in prom dresses and really really bad acting.

Clare being a complete woman and giving Steve hell for sleeping with Kelly years ago.

Bannerman the Porn Star inviting Val to play Squash and have lunch before finally executing his main mission of pounding the punanni pavement.

Mark Reese is here everyone! Hideous hairstyle and all, flirting with the moron who he hopes turns around and looks back at him. She does! I only wished she'd walked off a cliff without realising it as she turned back around again :(

Brando visiting Mother Theresa at her latest pet project of volunteering at an AIDs hospice to make herself look even more holier than thou. He walks in as she tenderly scrubs the floors of a dirty toilet like any spoiled brat, and reunites with her over some awkward dialogue and cringy moments that realistically should have went something like this:

Brando: "So yeah uhm, I still like you and stuff, so instead of flirting and nearly misses that we'll inevitably go through the entire Season only to end up together anyway, why don't we cut all the BS and just get it on now?"

Kelly: "OMG! Yes!! You know I love you!! I choose me!!! I mean you!!! I choose you!! I mean me!! Me me me!!"

Brando: "OK shut up now and get naked."

Steve's two moron brothers eating up valuable screen time with their "comedic scenes" of spying on girls getting undressed...SKIP!

Donna suddenly being irresistible to some plank of wood who wouldn't touch her with a barge pole and was supposedly some lusted after guy back in the day, i.e yesterday.

Steve suddenly having to come clean over some story he made up about Kelly years earlier. Why?? What is their to possibly gain from this other than some boring fallout and inevitable boring happy ending??!! Also The Wise Wizard of 90210 Brando encourages Steve with his line "Maybe now's the time to come clean". What twenty one year old guy talks to another guy the same age like that??!!

Kelly runs into Bannerman the porn star and his latest victim Val and nearly rumbles his really laughable charade of being seperated, when she asks how his wife and son are doing.
I love this guy. Not as much as Saint Finley of NuEvo mind, but a hell of a lot.

In absolute torrid scenes Steve and Kelly predictably reunite on the beach...SKIP!!!

And finally Brando wins another no blinking stare contest when he beats Kelly with a cheesy smile on his face after they've exchanged verbal diarrhea about being in the right place with each other sometime in the future.

Was Nat in this episode? Answers on a postcard. And as always, he can't act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


glad to have you back!

bannerman rules! this song is about him, 'can't find a bannerman'



Bannerman gave better woo than most of the guys on the show and he picked right with Val. Then you bring Kelly into the mix and....there goes the character.


i'd trust bannerman financial with my money.



Episode Three

Joan's daughter arrives at the Airport to be greeted by the Wise Wizard of 90210 land and Steve. Not her mother or immediate family for some reason...Anyways she's in town for her mom's wedding to Nat! Can't wait...

Dave the Rave is apparently too big a star now to shoot Nat and Joan's wedding so leaves it in the capable hands of the Oompa Loompa who's looking extra orange today. Well when I say leave in her capable hands I mean, "Look Donna I don't do weddings anymore". Eh one question, When did you start Dave????

Joan's sitting down waiting for the arrival of baby Nat in two weeks, or would that be conveniently before the end of the episode? Nah no chance! Way too obvious!!

Pornstar Bannerman finally has Val where he wants her, with his brilliant manipulation claiming she has a "franchise" in the After Dark, and convincing her to be completely discreet about their new "partnership". My god this guy gets better and better!!

Why exactly is Brando in a hotel room with a girl who he's only met five minutes ago? With said girl suddenly stripping down to her underwear and dancing seductively for him? Is the wise Wizard completely irresistible to girls the same way the moron is to guys??

Val brilliantly making Pornstar Bannerman sweat wedding ring and all, when she runs into him and his family and realises he's playing her like a harp from hell.

The "hilarious" scene where Nat the old pervert is in a strip bar with Steve, gawking over some stripper like a piece of meat and is busted by the Wizard and Joan Jr who's really a stripper pulling in five grand a month and is there to see some friends. None of that money is earned through a little "extra" attention at all mind you, though she does take Brando back to her hotel room for some horizontal refreshment...

Nat shows up to work on his Wedding day all so we can watch yet another "hilarious" scene where Brando the Grey kidnaps and trails him out of the Peach Pit as Nat screams and begs that he has three more orders to do.

The abomination of a scene where Joan's mom and Clare's mom are looking down from Heaven puking their guts up at their two daughters embracing over an absolutely nauseating barrage of cheesy direlogue and terrible "acting".

No way!! Joan's going into Labour during the wedding, never ever ever ever saw that coming at all!! Anyways they tie the knot down the corridor of the hospital ward just as she goes into the ward to deliver Frankie. We're then treated to a torrid speech from Nat in the waiting room thanking the cult, or "Angels" for bringing Joan back into his life and gifting him with a family. Yes the cult are that powerful...

Pornstar Bannerman now claims hes "falling in love" with Val! This slimeball is an absolute legend and my new hero!!

Nat can't give good speeches, finish orders, or act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


really enjoy when bannerman grips his pen at his desk around her. hard. such symbolism.

nat at the strip club is epic stuff. i'd roll with him.



Episode Four

Brando the Grey's new venture of running CUTV, I have one question though, WHO IN THE FCKUKUCK watches this channel????

Pornstar Bannerman trying to out Baja Baja in the Peach Pit when Nat is testing people's will to live shoving boring baby pictures into their face. Anyways Bannerman uses this as a way to pretend he "misses" his son and to unload all the pretend marriage "problems" he has with his wife so Val will be all comforting and ensure him that he can hide the salami with no strings attached.

Oh God, it's needy!!! I mean Tracey... An absolute abomination of a character who is so pathetic I'm actually looking forward to revisiting some of her worst moments. And there are plenty...

The hilarious scene where Kelly gets some of Jimmy's ketchup all over her hands and immediately freaks out and think she has AIDS. Fantastic stuff!!

Needy saving the day when she ad libs over some misplaced footage that was inserted into the news feed and instantly convinces Mark's hair and Brando the wise that she's exactly what they're looking for.

Bannerman the legend convincing Val once again that he's really getting a divorce.

Kelly's ridiculously cheesy dream about getting HIV from Jimmy's ketchup followed by a brilliantly funny scene where Kelly goes to get HIV tested over the ketchup incident only to initially assured by by the doctor that you can't get the virus from getting Ketchup on your hands but you can through unprotected sex, hilariously spiking Kelly's paranoid emotions into overdrive resulting in her feeling even more terrified. At least there was a hint of silver over this dark cloud of absurdity and revulsion.

Tracey the needy is now getting hammered at a bar with Brando and Mark's hair at a local bar because of her sudden nerves over her new position as the anchor of a TV station with absolutely no viewers. The "hilarious" scene continues when Drunk Tracey who's even more annoying than Needy Tracey throws makeup all over herself and "acts" the cliched comedy act before the other cliched part of her running to vomit her guts out comes up only to return and give a completely convincing and successful performance.

Kelly's HIV negative. Because she needed yet another tragedy to add to her ever growing CV of personal tragedies.

Dave the rave backing down and going back to school after Dentist Mel pulled the plug on his allowance after he continued to chase the ludicrous idea that he's actually a talented video director.

Jimmy's swan song magic show that actually wasn't too bad if it wasn't followed by Kelly refusing to accept that Jimmy is happy to be passing away knowing she can't bore him to death with her trivial problems ever again.

Nat please put the photos away and get to acting classes immediately!

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


i wonder what other programs they have on cuty? is it just news? why not a show with nat cooking?



Episode Five

Pornstar Bannerman the legend unveiling his latest snare to entrap Val a little longer in some cheap motel room he's pretending he's holding in her name for her.

Steve and his Keg Chimpanzee army interrupting Arnold Squared's campus address moments after Needy Tracy asks Brando the grey how they're supposed to get "ratings" for the news channel. How this girl manages to cross the street everyday without getting mowed down is absolutely baffling to me.

Donna doing her best St Kelly of Conceited act when she takes under her wing some Helen Hunt lookalike who happens to be an athlete looking for a new moron Sorority to join.

Dave the rave's cheesy gold medal line that he just happens to mention just as Kerri Strug shows up to absolutely slaughter a few lines of dialogue. This girl makes Nat look like an acting god!

Pornstar Bannerman brilliantly squirming in his seat when Val calls his car phone while he's with his family. His absolutely side splitting attempts at trying to convince everyone he's talking with his mother is some of the funniest siiht in ages, so yeah he's apologising profusely for not phoning his mommy when he said he would, and then delivers the classic line of how Michael scored two times, all while Val is giving him hell on the other end while he looks on sweating and trying not to have a heart attack.
He then shows up at Casa Cult and gives some really really awful excuse of forgetting to get a signature from Val, all while Brando the grey eyeballs him stroking his long beard and making it pretty damn obvious that nothing at all gets past the wise wizard of 90210 land.

Mark's hair screaming at Brando that it will not put the CU station on the line for the Keg chimpanzee army whom Brando's protecting from the chancellor's requests to see the footage that was shot of the incident.

Val ambushes Pornstar Bannerman in his office and demands he pound the punanni pavement right their in the office all while Bannerman looks on like a deer caught in headlights.

Farewell Jimmy! Sorry for your last hours having Kelly spit and drool all your face while you desperately tried to think of ways to end your suffering quicker.

Donna's sickening speech encouraging Danielle to follow her dreams while Danny panders to her and thanks her for saving her life.

Needy's desperate pathetic plan to snare Brando the wise into a relationship when it's revealed she wiped the tape showing Steve and his army of monkeys streaking through Campus with shaving foam covering their bald headed yogurt slingers. The two then exchange cheesy kisses with Brando clearly expressing but not saying that he's completely uncomfortable with what is going on, all while Needy looks on gazing at him like a teenager at 1D concert.

Kelly making Jimmy's death all about her when she reveals she's mad at Jimmy for leaving her. Kel, he couldn't wait to get away! He probably would have lived longer if you hadn't showed up in his life! It's your fault hes dead!
Anyways she becomes Jewish for two minutes reciting some prayer and adding yet another notch on her list of amazing accomplishments.

Nat can't act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


kerri strug sounds like she has a severe helium addiction.

why didn't bannerman sing for val?




It's a damn shame they didn't find a way to keep Joan's daughter around for a few more episodes. She was the best female character on the show.

(she also had a small part in Swingers hanging out with Mikey and Trent in Vegas at the trailer park. little minx.)


Dave the Rave is apparently too big a star now to shoot Nat and Joan's wedding so leaves it in the capable hands of the Oompa Loompa who's looking extra orange today.

Classic, LOL comment, well done!


"You met me at a very strange time in my life"


don't call him ken. that's kenny 'i'm your man' bannerman! ξ€”



Episode Six

Val telling Pornstar Bannerman that he has to end things for good with his wife or their "business meetings" are over. Bannerman looks on like a kid who's just been told off by a parent. I wonder what "genius" thing he'll come up with next to get out of this predicament...

Brando the wise judging Val and telling her he's experience in her situation and that the Pornstar will absolutely not leave his wife. Val then yells in his face and storms off while Brando stokes his long beard and smokes some pipe weed.

Donna and Clare stopping en route to Mark's hair and Dave the rave's house shindig so they can admire a baby deer on the sidewalk like they're Alan Grant seeing the Brachiosaurus for the first time.

Brando's god awful 'lemonade, that cold refreshing drink' line that he delivers for no reason when Needy Tracy asks him to get a drink. I'm convinced Brando is immortal and has lived multiple life times, no twenty one year old acts like that!!

Steve and Dave greeting in a pool the size of a bathtub as if they've just spotted each other in a crowd of thousands. How the hell either of them didnt see the other is beyond me....or where the actors just waiting for their cue to act?

Dick(head) is here!! Hitting on Clare and exchanging pleasantries about Some Like It Hot like two pensioners. Clare then blows him off to go find Steve who's outside trying to not awaken Russell the Love Muscle while he massages Dave's hot neighbour's booty.

Pornstar phoning Val and telling her to meet him at the love dungeon so he can unload yet another load of lies onto her and continue to hide the sausage.

Mark's hair hitting on Kelly who amazingly can keep a straight face and actually find the style attractive!

SuperBran grilling Muntz about the "fire" in the canyon like Superman in Superman III quizzing the fire officers at the chemical plant that's about to blow up. He calls over Mark's hair who remarks that the hills haven't burnt in over forty years and that it's really bad. How did anyone not notice the "fire" before this? Was it just so SuperBran could be all dramatic? Is everyone else around him that stupid they never seen the "fire" at all?? Anyways Brando looks on at the "fire" like Baja zoolanding in the pale moon night.

The Father of Lies Kenny Pornstar unloading his latest oxygen thin lies on a gullible Val about how he and his wife sat up "talking" and they're both unhappy blah blah. Basically everything he says is a lie, so that should cover most of his dialogue for the duration of his stay in 90210 land.

Mark's hair addressing his party guests like a principal in a school. They were the most pensive and tranquil people ever. Like not one of them tried to heckle their supposed "friend" nor did they even attempt to question any of this, they just shuffled off into the day like the good little sheep so the cult and humanity's last hope can lead the fight against a raging "fire" that in reality is someone's barbecue smoke from the next house over.

Kelly using the barbecue fire to her advantage so she can be a bitch to Brando about him sawing Emily in two the night she was burnt by the matchstick. She screams in his face and threatens to leave but hangs around so someone can ask her what's wrong and she can rape them of compliments and pandering and kissing her ass. The gullible soul just happens to be Mark's hair who's had a constant dong for her since he's seen her. He waffles some atrocities about how he'll drive her home and she's more important than his house. What a ufckcng loser. Anyways she decides to stay and help the cult fight the barbecue smoke.

Donna the absolute idiot follows the baby deer from earlier down the hillside only to predictably lose her footing placing her in immediate danger.

Pornstar Liar ringing Val and filling her with more lies about his delayed availability. She hangs up putting into action a brilliant plan...

Donna's cheesy TV interview where she's heralded as a national hero for saving the baby deer who just run off making her whole efforts pointless. This scene was so cheesy I'm shocked the baby deer wasn't in the shot being fed by Donna for god's sake.

Nat giving Needy a free mega burger after she's grilled Kelly on why her and Brando broke up. As all perfectly sane normal girls do...

Steve and Clare break up after she sees him "mistakenly" kissing another girl.

Nat trying to give Brando advice on not letting Kelly go after he notices Brando cuddling up to Needy and Kelly cuddling up to Mark's hair knowing that deep down they really want to be with each other so they can rule and judge everyone.

Val's pregnant!! And Bannerman looks like he's about to have a stroke!! Classic stuff!!

Nat can't act or give advice.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


mark's hair is flame retardant.



Episode Seven

Donna collecting an award for saving the deer and everyone's kissing her ass and going on like she's brought someone back from the dead. Then Cliff the fireman shows up to put us to sleep permanently with his wooden personality.

Val wants Pornstar Bannerman to meet her at the pregnancy shop so she can do her scan or whatever it is they do in shops like that, anyways the liar says he'll meet her there which means he absolutely will not be there. Like at all.

Mark's hair making the moves on Kelly when it finally grows a set of balls and kisses her. Although why anyone would want to enter into a relationship with the most conceited woman on the planet is beyond me.

Clare's going on a date with Dick(head) to the After Dark and Steve is fuming so much he's going to pay someone to go on a date with him. He gets this info from Nat the man with a million contacts who gives him the number of a regular who just happens to own a top class escort agency. Nat really should have his own A-Team style voice over telling people just how good he really is!

Mark's hair trying to play cupid when it tries to convince Brando the wise to take Needy Tracy to the party. Although I wouldn't be surprised if she actually asked Mark's hair to go and say exactly what it did to Brando the grey.

Dave the rave blowing off Mel's offer to go and see his Granda in Palm Springs for his birthday. Suddenly this Granda who we've never heard of before and who Dave the rave is supposedly so close to and sees all the time is so prominent that's it's blatantly obvious that absolutely nothing at all whatsoever is going to happen and Dave will absolutely meet up with him again next time he happens to pass through Palm Springs.

Bannerman showing up late at the pregnancy shop and just about managing to hold it together as Val comes on crazy strong declaring her undying love and making him wish he'd never ever got involved with this lunatic.

Needy thinking she has the power when she rejects Brando's offer of a date to the party. She's probably already got the names of their kids picked...

Kelly and Donna's monstrous ear raping attempts at being witches in the scary house for kids. Anyways they see a perfect opportunity to be martyrs when they let some moron child who they scared come behind the scenes and do the "scaring" on the suggestion from the plank of wood Fireman Cliff.

Val's genius plan coming to light when she tries to fleece him for one hundred grand. I take it all back Val, you are a legend. Bleed that pornstar dry!

Steve's date showing up and predictably being the wrong girl who isn't hot to begin with then does a three sixty and turns into someone sort of hot.

Kelly murdering my ears and molesting my mind with someone god awful spiel about loving two guys Brando and Baja and that Mark's hair is a nice blend of both of them.

Needy losing the power again when she instantly makes a beeline for the wizard as soon as she gets to the party. And basically says that she wants Brando to love her.

Donna's torrid story she tells to the plank of wood of her dad saving her in the night through a window or some sithit. And the plank eating it up like he's just struck oil. It was disgustingly bad.

Needy leaving the party early and coaxing Brando into driving her home by insisting he stay and enjoy himself, in reality hoping he will and that he'll make a move on her. Anyways he walks her to her dorm and kisses her after some excruciatingly awkward moments and then swaggers on down the hallway swinging his cane as she looks on like she's just been kissed by her favorite teen idol.

Val delivering diapers to Bannerman's house as his wife absolutely slaughters the lines of dialogue she's supposed to deliver with hilarious results.

Clare's nipples on display in a really revealing low cut see through top during her conversation with Steve about Dick(head) and the escort.

Val getting the exact sum of money she hoped for from the liar and legend Bannerman after her brilliant diaper stunt. This girl is a legend!!

Dave the rave's Granda is dead!!! An absolute shocker that easily betters any GOT death. I was so stunned I had to rewatch the scene. Mel gives an absolutely emotionless, blank, robotic, interminable delivery of the news that Granda Silver had a heart attack and is no more. Dave the rave then fake cries all over his pillow as he realises it was his fault and had he went to visit him in the first place we'd be saved from the torture of this monstrosity of a scene.

Nat is the man of a million contacts and can't find one decent acting coach.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


val's diaper delivery was an epic moment! 

nat is the la phone book.



nat's acting doesn't need coaching. he's a natural.



Episode Eight

Brando practicing his inevitable campaign for president speech on Needy Tracy and Mark's hair that is interrupted by Dave the rave who needs a impromptu counselling session from the wise wizard over the loss of his important Granda that we've never ever heard him mention before.

Clare suddenly being a coach of Dick(head's) rowing team which prompts Steve to suddenly have a keen interest in rowing which he uses as a guise to win her back.

Needy using Brando's boring droll impassioned speech he gives while the two of them are judging students who have given views on whether they're liberal or conservative to ask him if he likes women who know they're own mind, followed by a gooey cringey stare that made her look like she was going to jump his body/slit his throat. This is girl is super creepy...

Mark's hair asking Kelly completely inappropriate questions about her sex life like some kid asking it's parents where babies come from. Steve then interrupts the two of them to tell Kelly that Val is pregnant twenty mins after promising Val he wouldn't tell a soul.

Dave the rave brilliantly holding it together after he hits the green big time in the sum of a quarter of a mill inherited from his deceased Granda. I take it all back Granda Silver is a legend!

Kelly being the Martyr yet again when she tells Val she'll be there to support her through her pregnancy and promises not to rub her face in it. How noble of you Kel...

Steve challenging Dick(head) to a race when his Keg team can't even mange to sit in the boat long enough to even begin a race. This should be interesting...

Kelly and Val being phone buddies and promising to call each other and blah blah blah.

Cliff and Donna hiking in the woods ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Needy throwing herself at Brando and him completely rejecting her. Ah well dust yourself off there Trace, we all know you aren't gonna give up so easily...

Kelly tricking Val into more lies when she reveals she run into the Pornstar at lunch when he was supposed to be with her at the abortion clinic aborting the fake child she claims she's carrying all so she can blackmail the Pornstar into a hundred grand as revenge for him plowing her fields but still going home to his gullible wife.

Dave the rave having a loud domestic in the middle of a crowded bar with Mel while absolutely none of the customers at all even attempting to look on or at least have a look to see what's going on. Good little sheep. Anyways Dave wants to keep the money, Mel wants him to invest it because he thinks he'll be irresponsible with it, which he absolutely will not be. He'll be completely sensible with that money!....

Brando hosting the news in his boxers in an attempt to convince Needy to reconsider her completely childish and trivial notion that she should quit the news station because Brando would't shaboink her, which absolutely works because this crazy bitch doesn't give up and always gets her Bran...

Cliff leaves thank god!

Dave and Mel make up after Mel concedes he can't tell Daver the raver how to life his life and agrees to let him keep the full amount of inheritance igniting a chain of events that will ultimately prove that Mel was absolutely right in the first place...

Nat can't act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


is that the eppy where cliff talks about how 'sometimes when there's a fire, you just gotta let it burn out.'

now that's a great 'tude for a firefighter to take!



Episode Nine

Nat being so bad at being a parent he doesn't realise Frankie has a wet nappy and newly voted mom of the year Val offers to change him as Kelly walks in and tells Brando Val's latest scam.

Mel instantly going back on his word from last episode when he rounds Kelly and Donna up to fill them in on how David will soon go cookoo and blow all of his inheritance. This jolly meeting is interrupted by Mark's hair who's playing phone tag and being really creepy by hanging up and then ringing back like all normal hairstyles do...

Clare being impressed with Steve's rowing team unlike Dick(head) who isn't in the slightest. I don't know what was more scary, the horrendous stipulations they place on the race or the ice cream that Dick(head) has all over his nose that he still hasn't noticed...

Detective Superbran visiting the Pornstar to get his side of the story in regards to Val making a complete fool of him and fleecing him of a hundred grand.

Dave the rave not letting the money go to his head at all when he goes on a crazy shopping spree that included a toilet warming seat thing, a NASA designed pen among other things as well as threats of going to Egypt all while Donna overacts that he's embarrassing her which he does when he accuses some guy of scraping Donna's crap car. I was literally hoping he would get hit by a car, he was THAT annoying.

Brando's 'EXTORTION! FRAUD! BLACKMAIL! GIVE THE MONEY BACK OR LEAVE' speech he gives Val that was vintage Judge Brando at his patronizing best.

Mark's hair grilling Kelly at dinner to open up about her life, a bit of advice, once this tidal wave is unleashed, there is no undoing it....

Needy Tracy trying to join the cult by calling at Casa Cult, sticking her nose in on Val's business and advising her to listen to Brando the wise.

Dave the rave not letting the money go to his head at all when he goes night swimming and lands at Donna's doorstep to dry off as all normal people do...

Val handing the money back and Brando telling her that her soul will benefit from this selfless act which she retorts with a brilliant comeback of him always preaching to her. Oh and she was never pregnant. Shock. Horror.

Steve's rowing team pushing Dick(head's) rowing team to the brink after just one week of training. Totally believable as always in 90210 land.

Mark's hair phone stalking Kelly and telling her it's falling in love with her. Kill me now.

Steve and Clare reuniting over a little reading at CasaCult that will soon go out the window when he recreates the Basic Instinct rape scene in the living room with her.

Dave the rave not letting the money go to his head at all when he asks to buy into the worst club in LA the After Dark. He seals the deal with Val who continually lands in the money roses by slamming her like a car door all over her desk.

Frankie Jr is a better actor than his father Nat.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


keg house winning that rowing thing was fixed. sanders will do anything to win.



Episode Ten

Brando the wise refusing to do normal fun things that young people do when he refuses to go on a road trip to Las Vegas with Val, Clare, Steve and the buffoon who is paying for the entire trip Dave the rave, who's not letting the money go to his head at all.

Brando's smug reply "what do you think?" to Steve who asks what he got in a paper Brando is letting Steve look at for "formatting". Steve like any sane person then changes the name and decides to hand it in as his own work. And all this is down to Brando who's totally at fault for the upcoming saga that's about to unfold...

Dave not letting the money go to his head at all when he speeds down the highway doing 120 mph while his friends scream at him to slow down, all while he acts likes he's Cool Hand Luke chewing on a toothpick and laughing throughout.

Mark's hair calling Kelly to tell her it's in love with her three weeks after meeting her...

Brando the wise doing his best St Kelly of Conceited impression when he helps out a stranger at the Peach Pit who has been robbed of all her belongings. Not to worry though Nat's on hand with the "best coffee on the west side" followed by a free breakfast. Same old Nat, Brand new free food...

The St Kelly act continues when he lets the stranger girl stay at his house and gives her a guided tour of the crap TV station before walking in on Kelly making out with Mark's hair and storming back out like a little bitch.

Psycho Ray's back! Minus Wendy, anyways he immediately susses out that Dave the rave hasn't let the money go to his head at all when he offers Ray to come back to the Peach Pit double his old fee. He then runs off to waste even more money in the casino. Clare then comments exactly what I've been saying all along in that he hasn't let the damn money go to his stupid head whatsoever.

Muntz calling up Brando to see if it's ok if he drops by tomorrow "some time" to collect Steve's paper. Eh, a time would suffice you idiot.

Dave the rave going on a rampage through the casino losing his money and then heading on to another one with two hookers who realise he's easy money and intend to rob him of every cent. Good for you girls!

Brando the wise sipping wine and stroking his beard as he advises stranger girl on the ways of the world and his feelings for St Kelly of Moron.

Clare's stupid hunch regarding the number three that comes to fruition when she gambles 3 dollars at the roulette tables for three bets, she won't gamble one hundred because it would ruin this silly three thing she's got going on, why not gamble three hundred dollars then you idiot? Or better, THREE THOUSAND dollars! You live in 90210 land I'm sure that's pocket change to you! You're rich! God! Why do they have to make all the characters holier than thou and extremely straight laced?!

Brando lending stranger girl money to fly back home after she stupidly agreed to come in the first place under the pretence she was actually going to get married to a guy who's been plowing the fields of some other woman since he arrived there. Yet ANOTHER fortunate soul who's life has been turned around by the all powerful wizard Brando the Grey.

Donna wasting perfectly good money flying to Vegas to pander to Dave the rave who hasn't the let the money go to his head at all, and who's locked himself in his hotel room after he was brilliantly and deservedly robbed by two kind hookers who did what we all wish we could have. Daver then pours his heart out about how he's embarrassed himself blah blah. Donna you should have saved your money and told Daver to catch a fckuking grip and stop being a bitch.

Nat's coffee being a better actor than Nat.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


c'mon. dave was driving about 55. 



nat's coffee is tasty.



Episode Eleven

Dave not letting the money go to his head at all when he freaks out at Donna for her suggestion he see a shrink. then starts screaming and shouting at a concerned extra and only then noticing he's cut himself pretty deep after he's KO'd a nearby coffee cup.

Nat being a complete killjoy when he nags at Val and Brando the wise to help Willy the mute chef build his house in time for Thanksgiving. Thankfully for Nat the two couldn't jump at the opportunity quick enough, I honestly thought they were gonna suggest they start building immediately...

Professor Randall is back! And he's got revenge on his mind, but first to get the ball rolling he catches Steve out on the paper he handed in, as he knows such fine writing is so far beyond Simple Steve's feeble brain and that it's really the work of his protege Brando the wise who was also doing a little bit of "home" work in Randy's bed with Randy's wife all those years ago. 'Operation Destroy Brando The Grey' has begun...

Dave the rave being observed by Dr Candyman who I honestly thought was going to murder him at some point. The creepy dialogue he shares with Mel about getting back the 'balance' in Dave's head was super uncomfortable and I hope Mel doesn't rue the day he ever entrusted this lunatic to care for his son. I have one question though, Is the 'balance' an axe?

Brando's brilliant hissy fit when Steve confesses to stealing his paper and that Randall is gunning for revenge.

Donna and Dr Candyman's boring hunt for the root of Dave the rave not letting the money go to his head.

Kelly and Mark's hair trying to find a place to stay for the weekend where the hair will do it's best to finally saw Kelly in two. Anyways they finally get somewhere after Kelly introduces the hair to the baby voice when she rapes my ears with her story of the "pretty" dress she was going to wear that evening.

Brando's brilliant standoff with Randy who denies the charges he's bringing against Brando aren't personal, as it's a completely different avenue of "cheating". Love the pun there Randy...

Dave the rave's Baja like dreams where he's going down the alleys looking for his mommy only to find it's himself looking back. He then awakens and looks like he's stepped out of the shower. I think you exaggerated the sweat on his head just a tad there guys...

Brando's superb chastising of Steve in regards to him stealing his paper and the charges that he now faces. Through hysterical laughter I listened as Brando give a masterclass in douchery when he launched into Steve with something that went like this:
"I don't wanna hear it Steve!! You stole from me man!! Yous stole something that I crafted and I created and whah whah whah. He then stormed off like a kid who's just been told he's going to bed early.

Mark's hair's plans of slamming Kelly like a car door being foiled by his own stupidity when they both suffer food poisoning from some dodgy Caviar he stupidly ordered in the hopes it would impress the moron. Anyways Kelly is in super annoying baby voice mode the next morning when they both compliment each other on how "amazing" they both are.

Dave the rave being rescued from Dr Candyman by his mommy Sheila just in time for Thanksgiving Dinner under the newly built structure that is Willy the mute chef's new home. The gang's there waiting to eat with Nat, Willy and some mute members of Willy's family, but not before a bit of pandering to one of it's returning Cult members.

Nat can't cook a turkey, or act...

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."



finally! where you been?!! 

dr. candyman scares the willies outta be! 



Yo Nuts! Glad to be back, I promise I'll try not to leave it as long next time lol plenty more coming soon buddy, hope you're well

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."





Episode Twelve

Brando the wise facing the trial of the century for the absolutely ridiculous crime of supposedly supplying Steve with his paper deliberately. Again another pointlessly unrealistic storyline designed to show Brando as the martyr that's forced upon us yet again.

Dave giving Donna a four leaf clover for being his "guardian angel". Pass me the sick bucket.

Mark's hair getting jealous when Kelly runs after Brando and asks him if he's going to the hair's surprise birthday party she's arranged, just moments after the hair says he wants to do nothing at all for his birthday. Then she kisses Brando goodbye sending the hair into a rage and scolding her for this evil act.

Needy Tracy raping Brando's mind for the reasons why Randy is gunning for the wise wizard of 90210, furthering her plan to ultimately end up in a relationship with said wizard and trap him ASAP with marriage and babies and voodoo dolls and shrines.

Felice trying to interfere in Donna's life again by hurling brilliant insults regarding Dave the raves looney mom and his current well being.

The trial of the century begins with Brando representing himself and effortlessly convincing as a lawyer when he instantly objects to Randy's claims that he was part of the chain that handed the paper in and therefore that makes him guilty. Add lawyer to that ever growing list of special powers people...

Val showing up and trying to manipulate Dave the rave into letting the money go to his head again and buy into a club that no one goes to.

Kelly tricking Mark's hair into thinking they're gonna lay low on his birthday and not have sex, preferring to watch some stupid Judo videos he's got a hard on for, only this is a ruse as we all know she's gonna surprise the hair with a party that he's gonna hate.

The trial of the century continues when Brando and Randy eclipse anything Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson did with a brilliant exchange involving taunts about wives, and Brando's supposed cheating and helping Steve pass exam papers years earlier that has suddenly come to light. The only thing missing in this instant classic scene was a "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!". The exchange is rudely interrupted by Arnold squared who scolds Brando for crossing the line with his accusations of forgery on Randy's part, but is immediately put back in his box when Brando instantly dismisses him with the classic "Chancellor, Justice is supposed to be blind, not deaf and dumb" all while pointing his finger in classic condescending mode. I salute you wise Wizard...

Mark's hair instantly hating it's surprise party but trying to keep up the pretense so that Kelly will finally ride the flagpole. She gathers everyone round so Mark's hair can open it's presents like some ten year old and then sprints to the door the second Brando walks in to tell his tales of him taking on an entire institution on his own. The hair then retreats to it's room and sulks before Kelly finds it and unleashes about how it hates Birthdays because every year it's parents basically tried to outdo the previous year in terms of spoiling it, yeah that sounded like a horrible upbringing there Hairdo...

Brando the wise strolling with Needy in the moonlight as he recalls the tales of many years ago of how he administered the hot beef injection to Randy's wife, all while Needy looks on like some teen fan who's been given a date with Justin *beep* bollocks.

The trial of the century concludes when Brando again aces a lawyer impersonation with this closing argument of "I didn't do it". Steve then arrives to save the day with the exam papers Randy claims he cheated on, showing he failed every single one of them because as we all know, he is a moron. Anyways victory is Brando's and they celebrate with the group at the pit with a (free) Mega burger and a side of ass kissing washed down with a bit of pandering. The "Steve Sanders has no shame!" chant the boys did when they were kissing each other's ass was especially torrid.

Dave the rave and Donna getting back together again for the two hundred and eighty second time.

Nat can't give advice, or act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


if i'm the judge i'm with prof. cory all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




have you evolved enough for an eppy 13 recap?

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


Episode Thirteen

It's Christmas! and The gang are playing secret Santa with the inevitable pairing of Val and Kelly buying gifts for the other. Also check out the look on Needy Tracy's face when Brando the wise pulls her name from the hat...

Off to the shops Needy goes with Val in tow, telling her that she wants Brando the wise to get the wrong idea of the present she's going to buy because she's "crazy" about him...crazy as in wants to get him into a relationship ASAP and immediately trap him by deliberately trying to get knocked up so he won't inevitably dump her for the moron...

Val getting talked round by a wise old lady who tries to bestow on her the value of Christmas and letting go of any ill feeling towards certain people...I wouldn't be shocked if this wise old lady was indeed God and he's landed in 90210 land Bruce Almighty style to help Val become a better person...

Off topic, Kelly looks pretty hot in this episode, like the best I've seen her in ages... anyways, Bill Taylor is back! And he wants to meet up with Kelly to explain why in Season Six after ten minutes of listening to Kelly whine on and on and on, he got the hell out of town so fast he nearly had a psychotic breakdown as he had traumatizing flashbacks for weeks.
Anyways on Kelly goes to the restaurant to give him a piece of her mind only to find a girl in his place. Bill it seems still isn't of strong mind to deal with yet another assault on the eardrums by Kelly, so he wisely sits this one out and lets the girl introduce herself as Kelly's half sister much to the shock and horror of Kelly's really red lips. What an excellent hands on father this chivalrous man really is.

Brando the wise pensively Bajaing into distance as he sips on coffee after he's remarked to Clare whom has just spilled the beans to a departed Val that Kelly hasn't exactly been putting much thought into her present, that Kelly and Val's feud isn't as simple as the middle east.....yes a twenty one year old really talks like that.

Arnold Squared acting like a love struck teenager when Steve's actress mom arrives at his Christmas party. I think Arnie's hoping he's gonna be stuffing more than a turkey this Christmas...

Kelly getting to know her sister better as they act like long lost pals and Kelly even referring to her as "Sis", yes literally twenty seconds after meeting they're instantly best friends.

Felice being her bitchy best when she attends Jackie's party and dishes out plenty of jokes with jags which included the time Mel gave the kids champagne to drink, Jackie's decoration of a condo and they're religious views. Classic stuff from a grade A kunntt.

Brando making Needy's knees buckle with pleasure when he kisses her goodnight after the awkward exchange in regards to their efforts of buying each other presents.

The gang's nauseating exchange of the presents, first off we've Steve and Nat rattling the other's present as they giggle in wonder like two eight year olds who have woken up on Christmas morning. The gifts in question? A Thesaurus for Steve and a cook book for Nat, and I thought it was gonna be acting lessons...
Dave gets two tickets to the Monkeys reunion show and Nat's great great grandmother Joan gets handkerchiefs, and I thought it was gonna be adult diapers...
Brando the wise gets a pen and Needy gets a pair of earrings, and I thought it was gonna be a restraining order...
Clare gets tickets to some french thing and Donna gets some fashion book, and I thought it was gonna be a Rampant Rabbit...
Val gets a journal that Kelly remarks she would have loved to got herself had there been anymore only to open hers and see the exact same journal as the cult look on with cheesy smiles and soppy 'Ahhhh' faces as they exchange hugs, and I thought they were both going to be bombs...

Felice pretending to apologise to Dave the rave over her bitchy escapades recently all so she can manipulate him into getting Donna to join them at some torrid jazz Christmas band that's playing at the pit.

Jackie doing a Felice when she worms her way back into Kelly's affections after she refused to tell her she had a sister all these years.

The closing shot of the Cult all kissing and hugging and smiling as the torrid band sing us out with an ear torturing rendition of 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'.

Nat can't open presents, or act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


Episode Fourteen

Tom Miller is town!! Another soul trying to channel the spirit of Baja with his pensive brooding and moody demeanor, sadly only one man has the right to do that, and where ever he is I hope he's spreading the Baja spirit to all he encounters...

Brando the wise is going to receive a Dryer award of some kind. Let's be honest here, he has it in the bag. Sadly it's up to Kelly who's secretly fuming that Stalker Tracey knew he was applying for it before she did, to let Mark's hair know that Brando is going to win the award that he also is applying for...

Donna giggling like a little five year old after she's just accepted an offer to work for Doc Martin for the day, I'm shocked she didn't start clapping her hands as well, anyways can't wait to see this turn into a disaster sooner rather than later...

Mark's hair laughably wishing Brando the wise the best of luck and may the best hair win in regards to their interviews for the Dryer. Does this monstrosity of a barnet know exactly who it's up against???! The sheer fact it thinks its has a chance catapults the hair to new levels of stupidity!

Steve's interview at the job fair with Dana Sawyer and a kind of OK looking cougar who offers him a job after College if he'll park his pink bus in her fur garage.

Doc Martin being a bitch and chastising Donna for doing everything wrong including annoying the patients on the phone and talking to Dave the rave, which will ultimately climax with a cock up and a scramble to save the day...

Brando and Kelly reminiscing at the Dryer party about their time together in Washington before Mark's hair interrupts them to show off all his connections on the Dryer committee in the desperate hope it'll deter Brando the wise from trying to take the award away from him.

Donna and the Doc laughing and joking as they reunite over their disastrous day before the smile is completely wiped off his face when he realises one of his patients has taken up smoking again which would be disastrous if mixed with the medication she's on, anyways Donna saves the day getting the old bag on the phone while Doc Martin thanks her for being so perfect as Donna grins manically and basks in the applause.

Needy walking with Kelly explaining how she feels awkward around her because of her history with Brando who's also walking with the hair who is still trying to be sympathetic to Brando by giving him advice on the interview questions, as he's utterly convinced he has Brando's award in the bag. They all meet at the end where Stalker Tracy instantly latches on to Brando as if he's her sole property and Kelly isn't allowed anywhere near him...Good luck with that one Tracy you absolute headcase.

Clare chastising Steve for screwing up his interview after she refuses to believes his claims that Dana promised him a job if he'd drive the beef bus to tuna town.

Mark's hair brilliantly delusional as always when on the doorstep of Kelly's apartment, instead of maybe trying to get into Kelly's pants it prefers to gloat about how the Dryer is in the bag as it's expected of it, and it's been groomed for it it's whole life. Classic stuff.

Tom and Val watching some old home videos where Val completely freaks out at seeing her father in them...wonder what he could have done to provoke such a reaction...

Steve and Clare's honey trap for Dana at the College cafe that made the Langley heist in Mission Impossible look like tiddly winks. They reunite yet again and she promises to believe in him more. Until he screws up again, most likely in twenty minutes...

Mark's hair storming out of the interview after the inevitable reveal that Brando has won the Dryer. You could literally see the steam bursting out of it's hairy ears! Anyways it meets up with Kelly at Brando's party in the pit and blames her for all it's problems. Anyways the fight goes back and forth where it attempts to drunkenly force a sausage and donut situation much to Kelly's disgust. It then drones on and on about how she could be a Reese and how he's super rich and blah blah. She breaks up with it and leaves it with a tip on how to become a millionaire, bet someone that his next phonecall is not Kelly, he'll be right everytime...

I absolutely will not miss the hair at all! Thank God that is over!!! I really wanna shave that monstrosity of a hair off that head!! How did someone not pull that guy aside and tell him to do something with it?? It's absolutely horrid looking!!!

Nat can't tell the difference between 'Congratulations' and 'Happy Birthday', or act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


Episode Fifteen

Mark has seemingly left CU because it wasn't big enough for both of he and Kelly. Another poor soul the cult has completely eaten up and spat back out again. So not only now has Brando taken his Dryer, but now he's also taken his crappy news station.

He immediately wields his new found power by employing Donna to do 'Wardrobe Weather' on the CU news show, why? I have absolutely no idea, but as expected this was a complete hatchet job by Donna who fumbled her away through the report like a blind man at an orgy.

Steve's community service for stealing Brando's sacred paper begins with his first assignment being thrust smack dab in the middle of a hunt for a vigilante who's terrorising CU at night who's only known alias is 'The Phantom of CU', not to worry though, Commissioner Sanders is on the case having been promised a reduced sentence if he can catch the bastard...

Evan Potter, Ladies and Gentleman! A chivalrous young man who's befriended Donna in the hope she gets him a date with the Goddess Kelly. Or to slit her throat...

Tom conveniently being childhood friends with Donna Lewis who just happened to have a one hit wonder out around the time of this season. He gets of the phone to be greeted by a clearly annoyed and agitated Wizard who doesn't like the fact he's staying at Casa Cult. The wise one stares menacingly at him while he tries to reason that he is a good guy and he doesn't want to get in his way. Tom walks off as Brando gives a classic impression of Joey's 'Smell the fart' acting.

Kelly's blind date with Neil Philips, an English exchange student who's a complete nerd and acts like he's 105 years old. Can't wait to see the "comedy" in this awkward date...

The Phantom of CU swooping in like a silent assassin on a sleeping Steve who's doing nightwatch and whom had earlier chastised the boss for letting his staff sleep on the job, pot, kettle, black. Anyways he leaves a comic book with a note, before hitting Steve with a stone waking him, and then quickly vanishing into the night without a trace like Batman.

Donna receiving a threatening call from Evan, I mean I was shocked Donna didn't reply that she knew it was him, but with the mental capacity of a goldfish I suppose we'll let her off. Anyways this starts the Donna Stalker(AGAIN) "mystery" or the completely boring "why drag it out when we know who it is" snoozefest. Whichever you prefer mind...

Donna telling Evan that Kelly won't go out with him to which he gleefully responds that Donna is the girl for him anyways before bumping into Rusty who feeds the inner psycho by remarking how Donna is all over him and clearly likes him. Thus fueling the inner psycho to up his pathetic attempts to actually believe a plan like this would actually work.

Commissioner Sanders laying a trap for The Phantom of CU and unmasking him as a student who used to be in his Sociology class called Larry Lincoln. He'a senior who's gonna be the first one is his family to graduate. They immediately bond as Steve refuses to give him up as he reminds him of himself and they giggle like two schoolgirls who haven't seen each other in a week.

Off topic Kelly looks smoking in that black dress Donna is tying her into.

Sanders being a martyr and showing off his wealth by giving Larry money that will get him through the rest of the year. But not before he throws in a "you'll pay me back" as the greed part of his brain consumes him. They again laugh and high five like schoolgirls as Steve revels in his own superiority.

The insanely funny scene where Donna is at the station with Evan and some female extra listening to the tape of her weather report. After a few moments Evan's voice materializes screaming Donna's name and promising that they'll be together even if he has to kill her. Evan fakes "concern" in real time when he mumbles an "Oh my God!" while desperately trying to hold his laughter in. Donna gets up wailing and panting like a five year old who's been scolded for being bad as Evan tries to calm her down and reassure her they'll catch whoever it is.

While the Donna stalker storyline is so far over the top with absolutely zero beleivability whatsoever I do love this guy Evan, a definite contender for the so unbelievably bad they're brilliant award. And finally someone who is going to make me stop pining for the other hero of Season 7, Pornstar Bannerman.

Nat can't dance, or act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


bill taylor is one smart guy avoiding that dinner! 

is that the eppy where nat takes cindo to 'mass'? 

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


the phantom of cu---that should have been a 4 or 5 eppy arc. classic stuff.

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


Episode Sixteen

Donna receiving sterling silver flowers from Evan the mystery stalker. Or Stalker as far as Donna's concerned. Is she really that oblivious as to who it blantantly is??!!

Oh no!! Its the episode where Brando goes to stay at Tracy's ranch so she can show him off as her future husband and rub it in the face of her ex who is still besotted with her, as he pathetically offers to take her to see his parents as they "miss her", which should have ended "like they miss a shotgun blast to the face". This is also the episode where Brando the wise adds horse whisperer to his many many many powers. Expect a lot of SKIP! here...

It's Superbowl time and Dick(head's) back and as Steve's new best friend for a while as they embark on a sports merchandise venture whey import cheap American football tshirts from France and then up the price three hundred per cent before then selling them on campus and at the club no one goes too, the After Dark, therefore making a cushty little profit. I reckon Dick(head) will definitely make a killing....

The hilarious moment Donna sees Garrett Slan watching her from a distance like Michael Myers and then vanishing into thin air when she completely freaks out and throws a toddler tantrum. This fine man is the Raper from season five who nearly succeeded until Dave the rave saved the day. He of course shows up as a red herring and to try and convince us that it isn't painfully obvious its Evan the nutcase.

Brando pushing Tracy on a swing...SKIP!!

Steve and Dick(head's) ungodly World of Football tshirts that they of course screw up as football is football anywhere else in the world except America and the two buffoons never had the sense to maybe check this before ordering such a large amount. They then plan to sew in some makeshift American footballs over the REAL FOOTBALLS ;P which results in something that looked like the chimpanzee army that painted Kelly's mural for Colin in season six, each took a piss all over it and then wiped their asses with it. Words cannot describe how horrible these tshirts are. I don't what's scarier, the fact someone actually thought they were stylish or the fact we've got lots and lots of brainwashed cult wannabe members queuing up in droves to buy them.

off topic: Steve's glasses during the sewing scene. Kill. Me. Now.

Tracy and Sam SKIP!

Kelly deciding she needs a bit of the pork sword in her life and settles on the Baja esque Brooder of Buffalo, Tom Miller after meeting at After Dark's silent party. Plus the added bonus of rubbing Val's face in it is always a good thing.

Tracy and her horse SKIP!

Evan's body double sadly chickening out of running over Donna in his car after she leaves the After Dark's silent party.

Tracy finally gets her wish as Brando hops into the horse's collar with her all night. They wake up the next day as she begs him not to make her regret it. Trace I think HE regrets it already dear...

Donna predictably walking into the bitchfest of Kelly and Clare saying what we're all thinking which is to grow the fock up, lure Evan to your apartment on the pretence you're gonna ride the balony pony and then kick the fock out of him for being such a pathetic loser. But no, she huffs saying she's staying at her parent's castle for the forseeable and then storms away like the spoilt little brat she is.

Brando Sam Tracy SKIP!!!

Nat buying one of Steve's god awful tshirts as well as throwing in a lovely looking breakfast for free. Isn't breakfast always free Nat?! And secondly, are you blind??!! Have you seen the state of that thing that is supposed to be a tshirt?! You should have burnt the ten dollars and the tshirt wih it.

Donna going through two weeks of mail in the Peach pit (WHERE ELSE?!)to discover that the Raper from season five is out of jail and that she definitely did see him do a Michael Myers in the cafe earlier in the episode. Anyways he was released two weeks ago conveniently around the time this whole stalker laugh riot began. YET AGAIN to try and throw us off the fact that a goldfish knows it's Evan Almighty.

Nat I have to say your breakfast does look disgustingly tasty, but you still can't act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


donna's pal knows that 'sometimes sacrifice is the name of the game':

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


are you done horsing around? when's the next update?

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


Episode Seventeen

Chloe Davis everyone! A groupie whore who thinks she can sing but is clearly batshyt nuts as she thinks Dave the rave is some hotshot music producer who can get her to the big time. Best way for that to happen is throw yourself at him in the hopes he'll eventually participate in a little how's your father to get things under way. Ariel Mark two anyone??

Donna's running round the house in the middle of the night freaking out thinking the doors are unlocked even though she's checked them a hundred times. She then dramatically stares out the window and says that Slan is out there waiting for her. Donna for the love of God, it's focking EVAN ALMIGHTY!!! How can you not see this??!!

Brando and Tom's dick measuring contest during the ice skating game that suddenly came up without any previous mention. Brando skins Tom and then scores, proceeding to then taunt him about his slow style. Tom laughs it off and skates away giving his best Bajalander impression as I piss my pants laughing.

Needy confessing to Val that she's in love with Brando. No way?!! Really??!! Anyways she doesn't want to jinx it but she's got a good feeling about the relationship. She's a real psycho this one, and is clearly living on another planet so she's gonna be called Spacey Tracy from here on because of her delusional and very out there behaviour. I could practically see the wedding bells spinning in her eyeballs. Run for your life Brando!

Val deliberately annoying Kelly when she parks her car in front of her's leaving her very little room to get into the car seat, and then taunting her about how Brando spent the previous night doing a bit of vaginal bungee jumping with Spacey Tracy. She then smugly walks away leaving Kelly fuming. Val at her brilliant best people.

Slan getting off his restraining order meaning he can go and see Donna anytime he wants. (Why, when there is loads of other hotter girls around I do not know!)Anyways Donna goes into toddler tantrum mode and storms out as Dave the rave gives his best menacing threat akin to Brando's infamous "You got what you deserve" when he threatens Slan with "You come near her and I swear I'll kill you!" this mind, was still in the office where the judge and the two lawyers conveniently missed said threat from like a metre away. Slan then smirks at Donna to further enforce the fact the guy is a complete slimeball Raper that he's absolutely not Stalker Almighty.

Kelly showing up at Mark's old house (that Dave the rave now owns because Brando give it to him when he took it from Mark along with his Dryer Award) to see Tom who moved in with him a few episodes back. This was after only knowing him four days and nearly fighting with him the first time they met. Anyways she's got revenge on her mind after Val metaphorically pied her in the face with her brilliant taunts earlier, and what better way than to jump into the shaggin wagon with Val's ex?!

Dave the rave walking Donna to class, then leaving her as she says she feels safe now, only to walk into a hilarious ambush by Slan who's been following her. Instead of just getting to the point trying to put her at ease he mumbles on and on about taking it easy before Donna toddler temper tantrums out of the class.

Spacey Tracy "accidentally" telling Brando she loves him. Brando completely freaks out as someone would, but still doesn't do the right thing and tell her she's a focking nutjub, forcing us to put up with this absolutely torrid storyline.

Dave the rave follwing through with his feeble threats of "killing slan" when he drives over to his house with Tom as backup to confront Slan. Instead of "killing" him we're treated to the same old spiel and the same old rhetoric he's been spewing to Slan every chance he's got. Slan then suddenly becomes an expert on Donna's stalking case claiming she's in "real danger". How would he know??!! He knows nothing about what's go on so why play Brando the wise dishing out advice?! Dave the rave then attempts to "punch" Slan but instead grabs his two forearms and then dances up and down with him until undercover police storm in.

Stevie and Clare house sitting for a professor where they act like an old married couple and talk about their future life together. I'll give it 14 episodes...

Donna freaking out when the electricity goes out in her apartment. She runs to get Kelly but not before grabbing a huge kitchen knife that Michael Myers would be jealous of. She Triple T's(Toddler Temper Tantrums) out of the apartment only to run into the maintenance guy who's there to fix the electric. Another completely over the top performance from Donna...

Brando calling to say goodnight to Spacey Tracy who replies with "is that all?" ie "please tell me you love me, pllleeeaaaassseeeeee!!" He keeps her hanging by telling her to give it time, well since this nutjob already has the graves picked out for when you's are going to be buried together, I don't think that's gonna be a problem Brando...

Donna triple teeing again when she finds a toy mouse in her bed. Evan Almighty is just trying to woo you Donna let him do his thing!!

Val telling the audience and Spacey Tracy who don't have a clue about Ice Hockey who the two real life players are that are playing in the Brando V Tom Hockey match of death. Anyways after Brando gives Tom a lecture about treating Kelly right, they immediately get into it as Brando (who's just been enraged by seeing Kelly lock lips with Tom) goes nuts by taking it far too seriously and deliberately tripping him up and then standing there tip toeing with his shoulders puffed out. He gets put in the penalty box but gets out just in time to score the equalizing point for his team of mute extras and Cam Nealy.

Slan showing up at LA's emptiest nightclub to taunt Donna who immediately calls for Dave the rave. He comes rushing down the stairs and shakes a chair at Slan in his attempts to scare him off, rather than I don't know, focking hitting him??!! Slan beats him to it though when he nails Dave with a straight punch. Dave the rave laughs off said punch by declaring "you're ass is mine" before letting him walk out and doing absolutely nothing at all about it. This was mind boggling stuff...I don't even know where to start...

Spacey Tracy's infinite quest to get Brando to say I love you finally pays me off when he indulges her for the time being. Again why he would string this lunatic along is beyond me.

Evan Almighty doing his best Scream impression at the end when he screams down the phone his usual balony and about needing Donna and wanting to have her and blah blah blah (showing any viewer who STILL hasn't sussed who it is) that it's definitely not Slan in the frame anymore as he's leaving town. Please let this yawnfest end soon, for my own sanity.

I want a Nat breakfast!!!! They look disgustingly tasty and delicious!! But he still can't act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


She's a real psycho this one, and is clearly living on another planet so she's gonna be called Spacey Tracy from here on because of her delusional and very out there behaviour.

I have been giggling my way through your recaps and am now on Sixteen (obviously) and this one just had me actually laughing out loud so had to give you kudos! Excellently hilarious thread as usual.


"You met me at a very strange time in my life"


'Slan showing up at LA's emptiest nightclub'


after bankruptcy would be a better name for the place!

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


Thanks guys  I'm glad some people are reading them! I'll have another two episodes posted shortly, I hope you enjoy them, Peace!

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


cam nealy should have won an emmy.

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


Episode Eighteen

Brando calling a meeting at the TV station he took from Mark to inform everyone of Donna's impending return to her weather report after her latest Evan Almighty is the stalker incidents. Evan kindly inputs to said meeting about underplaying the whole thing and acting like nothing is wrong. Again how he didn't laugh during that terrible good guy act is baffling.
Anyways Rusty storms in, calling Brando a bastard as he thinks he told the cops it was him who was stalking Donna. A 'I hope you and Donna rot in hell' later and he's storming out of there. Good for you Rust!!

Donna's back home again, like a stupid hyperactive five year old dancing around that her ordeal is over. I don't know what's worse, this horrible storyline, or the fact they've made Donna look like a complete retard who still can't see that Evan Almighty is ready to go Terminator on her in just a short while.

Dave and Ariel Mark II's(Chloe) torrid exchange after her nauseating ballad that sounded like two cats fighting down an alley.

Double date time with Clare and Steve and Arnold Squared and Mama Sanders who are on a short break to some retreat. The Seniors are giving the Juniors a run for the money in the touchy feely department as they giggle like two teenagers who've just met their first love. Shocking stuff.

Evan Almighty sitting in his dorm room calling Donna a bitch as he watches her weather report and loads up a gun as all normal college kids do.

Kelly lying her ass off to Baja Mk II by saying she isn't going out with him just to get back at Val. Which she clearly is...

Clare and Steve plan to break up their parents, only to walk toward them sucking face under some garden decor by the lake. God they were really going for it! Horrid stuff!

Show time! Evan Almighty FINALLY reveals himself as the loser stalker who's been wasting his time chasing after some bimbo who's not exactly a supermodel! Like what is he thinking?! How could he possibly expect someone to be with him after he's taken the TV station hostage with his toy gun?! Either way his delusional thinking is hilarious TV so I can't wait to see this go down...

We're on the Air with Evan and Donna! Tracy is the cameraman and Brando is in the control room. Evan conveniently left out the other extras as their only job is to look like they're afraid until this laugh riot concludes...

Evan continues his path to best guest character when he gets her to read extracts of his journal concerning her and then violently screaming at her to tell him she loves him. She does and then he calls her a 'DAMN LIAR!!' making my sides ache even more with laughter.

Clare and Steve giving their respective parents their blessing for Arnold squared, to do Mama Sanders, Grandpa Style. Mama Sanders even "promises" to be around more for Steve, which is as believable as Kelly being irresistible to every man she encounters.

Back to CSI 90210 where Evan Almighty is alredy making demands to the negotiator for a car and then hilariously claiming that Donna is his girlfriend now and she isn't a hostage. He's about to give himself up until he spots two swat guys that snuck in earlier when Brando was collecting refreshments and then goes *beep* nuts that negotiations are over and that Donna's dead in an hour unless a car arrives.

Donna then finally grows a set and finally tells the loser what everyone is thinking, in that he's a pathetic loser who didn't have the testicles to do the normal thing and just ask her out instead preferring to stalk her, take people hostage, ruin his college degree that he's like two months from completing, face a lengthy prison sentence and then being someone's prison bitch for said amount of time. Ultimately, ruining his entire life for some average looking bimbo who's barely able to string a sentence together. Why??!!

Anyways Evan Almighty breaks down crying like a big girl, allowing Donna to channel her inner slut and put the moves on him like a proper pro long enough so she can get the gun off him. He laughably believes her ridiculous fantasies of the two of them living happily together in the rain forest, Brando even indulges him with the fantastic tale of Donna's crush for the Almighty one that she's been harboring for some time. They get it on, but not before he places the gun right by her feet so that she can kick it away and then grab it while Brando the wise leaps from the control room to stop Balrog Almighty from getting it. Donna gets the gun, Brando saves the day and Evan Almighty is going to prison.

Thank Christ that dreadful storyline has concluded though I wish we could see more of Evan as he is a complete laugh riot. I would love to see a movie where him and Antichrist Tara team up for a Natural Born Killers style thrill ride through 90210 land. That would be awesome television.

Was Nat in this episode? He was't missed as he can't act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


rusty needed some more screen time. i liked his style.

and also that detective that did the hostage negotiation. he's also the one who busted danny 5 at the hotel. the la police must have a manpower problem. ξ€·

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


Episode Nineteen

Kelly's at Mark's old house, (that the cult took from him) dancing at the front door trying to motivate Buffalo Baja Tom into coming running. Kelly finds this not awkward at all, by that I mean going to her old boyfriend's house to see her new boyfriend who is currently living in it....Only in 90210 land folks.

It's Valentines day! And Spacey Tracy is like a kid at Xmas waiting for Santa arriving, or in this case what Brando has bought for her. She excitedly asks him at breakfast what he got her, while Brando pretends he's not listening akin to a father trying to read the newspaper while his kid whines on and on in his ear.

Donna's lying in bed still depressed at the fact everyone on the planet knew Evan Almighty was the stalker apart from her. Anyways Fireman Cliff is back in town to rescue her from her slumber, or bore her to death with his droll mannerisms.

Dick(head's) brilliant theory that smoking green before golf actually improves your play on the real green! Thanks for that Dick!(head) Anyways off him and Steve go to do a little Cheech and Chong before tee off.

Brando having to pick Val's mother up from the airport instead of Val herself. Guess we're supposed to buy that their relationship really is a damaged one, yawn!

Luthor Vandross conveniently being friends with Mel Silver who helped repair his broken tooth many moons ago and has now called in his favour of Luthor playing at his son's empty club on Valentine's day. Can't wait...

Dave the rave stumbling upon Cliff and Donna reminiscing about their time on the burning mountain saving deer and bitching that he did his best to cheer her up but as soon as Fireman Cliff shows up she's acting like Spacey Tracy does anytime Brando is in the area.

Val's mom revealing she's there to get her to sign papers so she can keep the house. Val hates the house, and she hates her mom for standing by her father while he was attacking her. You know, the usual happy stuff you'd expect to hear in a misery fest like this.

Clare making a big scene because Steve suggested they smoke some of the pot Dick(head) supplied. She then whines on about how she doesn't date potheads and blah blah. Anyways Steve does the right thing and goes outside for a well deserved smoke after the ear bashing from Clare, to a waiting Dick(head) who's ready with a doob already blazed.

Luthor Vandross comes on next to serenade the crowd as we're treated to nauseating and vile scenes of the various 90210 couples cooing and doting into each other's eyes. Fortunately the one highlight was the brilliantly funny scene where Stevie stumbles upon Clare trying to fondle her as she realises he's high as a kite and is loving the buzz. Good for you Steve!!

Val's brilliant Oscar worthy performance where she convinces Kelly in the bathroom to break up with Buffalo Baja as she desperately needs him during these next painful few episodes. Of course the moron eats up and believes every word, as Val no doubts laughs her ass off as soon as she leaves.

After making up and having a nauseating Valentine's together Dave the rave smells a rat when Donna wants to leave and meet up with Cliff who's dropping by. Anyways sensing the drama, Ariel wannabe (who by the way opened the show for Luthor Vandross sending many people running holding their ears) decides this is the best time to invite Dave the rave to dinner with Luthor and his posse which Dave gladly accepts.

Val reunites with Buffalo Baja and immediately takes him home for some stankie on the hang down but not before a quick torrid cliched reunited dance on the floor to some cheesy music.

Brando tells Spacey Tracy he got her something for Valenitne's day. He hops out of bed and comments on how cold it is. He suggests Spacey get a tshirt from his drawer which she does so immediately like the good little girlfriend.
She opens the drawer and instead of lifting the first tshirt she sees, she hokes through until she stumbles upon THE RING. The one ring of 90210 that will reunite a couple who rule all before them with an iron judgmental fist.

Spacey laughably thinks the ring is for her and instantly jumps at the chance to become Brando's wife, even asking the question for him when he returns like some deranged lunatic babbling about finding Champagne (her real present lol) in the fridge. Brando's face is priceless as he flashbacks to his proposal to Kelly all while nearly dropping the cheap Champagne he probably got free from Nat a few hours before.

Anyways it quickly dawns on Spacey that the ring isn't for her, all while Brando does his best to look guilty in front of someone he's only known for six months, instead of just laughing it off and saying it was his mom's old ring that she left at Xmas. Though I did love the moment her bubble burst and the realization set in that Brando couldn't give two ducks about her and is clearly stringing her along until he and the moron reunite in Mordor with their one ring of power.

Nat can't sing or act.

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."


mel was luthor vandross's dentist, right? 

buffalo baja is epic. his brood has so much east coast swagger.

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


that ring was cursed! ξ€˜

where are the updates? the board is getting low without them...

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²





I'll be back soon with the remainder of the season review! I haven't forgotten lol

"A Legend, Mr Wayne."



the sooner the better chance of being upgraded to torchbearer status.



I've almost finished evolving. Saint Finley says I should be able to fight the rough beasts really soon with my torchbearer powers. Can't wait! Hope you're well my friend!

"All those things I can do, all those powers. And I couldn't even save him."


evolve! 

looks like the great man himself has some new fans:



do you want torchbearer status or not? 

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


Haha I'm nearing the end of my path ready and willing to tackle the rough beast that is the remainder review of the series from next week onwards!

"All those things I can do, all those powers. And I couldn't even save him."


Haha I'm nearing the end of my path ready and willing to tackle the rough beast that is the remainder review of the series from next week onwards!

Me doing my happy dance: 

"You met me at a very strange time in my life"


sounds like you're evolving. 

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


sounds like you're evolving

So when do I get my commemorative shirt?   Oh wait, let me assume my new expressions so as to further my path. ξ€€ 

"You met me at a very strange time in my life"


sounds like you have pathfinder status on your horizon. ξ€…

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


Saint Patrick of Finley is always looking for new Pathfinders and you two certainly measure up!

"All those things I can do, all those powers. And I couldn't even save him."


Episode Twenty

So it's been a while! And I'd actually forgotten where I left off, but I'm up to speed now, Spacy Tracy just found the one ring that will unite the most powerful couple in 90210 land, Buffalo Baja has hooked up with Val, Steve and Clare are back together, Dave the rave is doing god knows what, Donna is still deciding between him and Cliff the wooden chair, and Nat still isn't doing any acting and I can't remember anything else so hopefully this episode refreshes my memory.

Anyways here goes, (Deep breath)...........

So Val is having one of her Daddy Kruger nightmares, though she needn't worry Buffalo Baja is right on hand to comfort her and tell her she has to "face it all", does that mean she's gonna go into dreamland Nancy Thompson style and extract her father, bringing him into the real world and beating seven shades of sht out of him for all the abuse she suffered? Anyways she sits there crying while Buffalo Baja gives us his best blue steel impression.

St Kelly of Moron is on the beach alone being all dramatic writing in the diary Val got her at Xmas, moaning on and on about being alone, and that Baja's in London with Brenda and Brando is in love with Tracy. Could she not have confided in her friends instead of murdering our eardrums with her interminable dross? Who gives a fck!

Brando's called a production meeting for the 100th news show (that nobody will watch) with the staff including Spacey who's extra pissed that Brando metaphorically pied her in the face when she found THE RING and turned down her request of marriage on his behalf. Who the fck goes into a drawer pulls out a ring and then goes "hmmm this must be for me! let's get married!!" Has there ever been a more pathetic character on the show? I think not.

Abbie Malone arrives at Casacult looking as miserable as ever. If this woman walked past a bouquet of flowers they would shrivel up and die. Why does this woman NEVER smile? She should be happy she's allowed to stay at such sacred quarters! Anyways she wants Val to sign something that I really don't give two fcks about and I'm calling her Happy Malone from here on.

Arnold Squared the genius fails to see the cue card telling him what to say during the 100th news show (that no one will watch) forcing Brando and Tracy to awkwardly direct him to said cards. Anyways he absolutely massacres the short lines he has to say while everyone laughs at him standing there like the village idiot.

Kelly's also in attendance, lurking Michael Myers style in the background eyeing up Brando. Brando spots her and makes his way over, telling her she looks great and asking how about her life at present, stumbling through some pointless chit chat and trivial banter acting like they've only known each other for twenty minutes.

This catastrophe of cheese is interrupted by nutjob Spacy who is clearly raging at the sight but acts cordial accepting Kelly's ridiculous offer of a BBQ through gritted teeth. Anyways she storms off after giving Brando an earful, not being able to hold back any longer. They get back to her dorm and she accuses him of cheating on her and blah blah blah blah blah I'm asleep. I really hate Tracy. Where is Saint Finley when we need him? He'd know exactly what to do with this rough beast!

Donna's at the funfair with Cliff the wooden chair whining about how she's feeling bad and she doesn't want to hurt Dave the rave. Not for too long though as three seconds later they're feasting on each other's faces like two lions chowing down on a zebra carcass.

Night time and Val's reliving the time Daddy Kruger came to her room and read her bedtime stories. She wakes up and drives over to Happy Malone's hotel room to have it out with her, accusing her of knowing what Daddy was up too all those years ago. Happy will not hear any bad against her hubby and slaps Val across the face before Val runs off into the night. I hate this storyline!!

Oh for fck's sake it's Kelly and her diary, ear raping us about fate and her and Brando being meant to rule 90210 land with an iron judgmental fist. I need to fast forward here.

Back to the laugh riot of a scene where Happy Malone shows up at the AD to hear every gory detail from Bufalo Baja and Val on the escapades of her dead hubby. The whole casual approach that deep dark secrets where exchanged between three people like they were talking about the weather was superb.

Spacy has shown up at Kelly's apartment to tell her that Brando still has THE RING. Failing to mention she made an absolute moron of herself by presuming the ring was for her and proposing to herself on Brando's behalf. She tells her to let him go because he's he's mine and you turned him down and blah blah blah. They both agree they need to sort this mess out for good. Or til the next time Spacy gets jealous and goes boogaloo, best estimates being a few hours.

Meanwhile Brando's at the jewellers returning the ring to Jason Priestly dressed up in some stupid looking mask butchering his attempt at a German accent. This vanity fest is mercifully ended when Brando inevitably can't return it until he knows things are really over with Kelly, who just happens to be waiting outside having used her detective skills to hunt him down.

Again they fumble through some boring rhetoric agreeing that a relationship would be too much and as before acting like they've only known each other for twenty minutes. When did these two ever lose the ability to communicate?! We all know they're gonna end up together so why the fck drag it out and have us suffer Spacy for the remainder of the season?! Just get on with it!

Farewell Happy Malone you won't be missed and adios Buffalo Baja who's being expelled by Val because he reminds her of Daddy Kruger. I will miss the essence of Baja! Who else is left to embody such brooding?

Brando's at nutjub's dorm after returing THE RING, effortlessly winning her affection back with some really awful bracelet she's never gonna wear. She goes into stupid mode again believing he really does love her and dives into his arms grinning manically.

Kelly's walking on the beach doing her best Baja impression, clutching THE RING and raping ears again with her latest diary entry which reveals she went back to the jewelers to buy THE RING because she didn't want anyone else to have it. This moron, instead of blowing the money on something fun like any normal 21yr old she buys a fcking ring that's gonna lie in a box for the rest of time.

Anyways I've had enough and I'm out of here, as usual Nat still can't act!

Til Next Time...

"All those things I can do, all those powers. And I couldn't even save him."


Your recap is hilarious, especially with the nicknames.

I just saw this episode two days ago. I rewatch this show way too much...


patherfinder status is achieved once one evolves beyond the path.

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


  

until you admit nat can act...your pathfinder status is in doubt!

bran the man going german is one of the weirdest moments in the show. did he come up with that idea? why?

kelly's bbq offer was tasty, tho.

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


hope you are keeping up your evolving! 

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


It's a daily process! Next episode review should be ready in the next few days! Here's to forever evolving 

"All those things I can do, all those powers. And I couldn't even save him."


St Kelly of Moron πŸ˜‚

The thought of Brando and Kell-Kell ruling 90210 land though 😨


this guy gets my vote for usa prez! 

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


this guy gets my vote for usa prez!

Ha ha. That would definitely be his hashtag.




"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


pathfinder status isn't permanent you know? if you don't keep evolving...let's get some updates going! ξ€…

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley



"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


how's the evolving going? ξ€…

🌴"I'm not making art, I'm making sushi." Masaharu Morimoto🌴


In the middle of going through the next few episodes, so I should have a few posted up soon!

"All those things I can do, all those powers. And I couldn't even save him."


pathfinder status for 2016 is still up for grabs. 

🌴"I'm not making art, I'm making sushi." Masaharu Morimoto🌴


how's the evolving going? ξ€…

🌴"I'm not making art, I'm making sushi." Masaharu Morimoto🌴


I'm currently in the middle of moving house so I haven't had time to finish Season 7, rest assured I will most definitely complete it all and have the rest of the reviews up ASAP. I plan to do this around the oak tree in my new back garden and evolve while my neighbours look on in jealousy.

"All those things I can do, all those powers. And I couldn't even save him."


as long as you are evolving...all is good.

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


torchbearer status is up for renewal soon...

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ



a new year is a great time to start evolving. ξ€…

πŸŽ„Season's Greetings!πŸŽ„


You're so right! I'll have a new episode up in the next day or so!

"All those things I can do, all those powers. And I couldn't even save him."


are you having troubles with externs? 😎

πŸŽ„Season's Greetings!πŸŽ„


a new episode recap is needed soon to help us evolve! 

"You have to live life to its full chorizo!"-Mario BataliπŸ„


Please sign this petition to keep the imdb message boards!


this post has evolved!!!
