What does Cynthia do when she is not working, having sex, taking care of plants or annoying her sister? In the scene where she is wearing rather unflattering glasses, she seems to be pasting something. Is it a collage? Some kind of artwork?
I assume that part of the reason she puts up with a rather undemanding job is because it gives her the money to concentrate on something about which she feels more passionate.
She was painting I think. But it's been a long time since I saw the film. Even if she wasn't painting, it was artwork. So I believe that she was an artist too.
"We all go a little mad sometimes." , Norman Bates
I think the part where cynthia is hanging up posters on her wall while talking to John has a connection to Graham. If you look closely at Graham's apartment, you'll see that he also has similar photographs on his wall. This is either in reference to their similar characteristics or it's showing Cynthia's interest in Graham, by showing she's creating the same environment as him.
I'm actually curious about the 'ice tea' sequence. Have you noticed that the 1st time Anne visits Graham's apartment, he offers her ice tea and lemon. Then when Cynthia visits him, he has ice tea but no lemon. Then when Anne visits him again, he only has water. Is this supposed to mean something??
I liked the ice tea sequence, too. I thought it was just showing what a minimalist Graham was. He probably went out at some point and bought tea bags and lemons but when things ran out, he just did without. He didn't concern himself much with his physical environment, including food and drink, I think ...well, except for the tapes, of course :-)
I liked the iced tea bit too. He is clearly not organised at shopping. Presumably, he isn't into iced tea himself and is not expecting many visitors.
Any more info on the photographs Graham has on the walls would be interesting. Btw, the map Graham has, with America in the centre instead of the Greenwich Mean Time running through the centre and America being to the left, is that a common type of map in the USA?
no. if you go out and buy a world map at a store in the states america is to the left and the atlantic ocean sits in the center of the map. though americans are ethnocentric and i wouldn't be surprised if there are world maps centered around the U.S. that are being distrubuted as well.
Is there more than one cut of the film doing the rounds? Saw it on Channel 4 in October and it was clear she was painting. There was also another bit which seemed to have been put together slightly differently.