line at end of movie

you know the one that goes something like

"it's going to rain"

"it's not raining"

is this somehow referenced in four weddings and a funeral as andy mcdowall is in both movies, i saw that line on four weddings and a funeral and thought to myself, geez that line is similar...

does anyone kno for sure

peace and love


I think it goes:

I think it's going to rain.

It is raining.

Oh, yeah.

I don't know if the 4 Weddings line is a coincidence. Did you know MacDowell has a daughter named Rainey?

Nicebat and I had to party.


I know I've read somewhere that those lines were not scripted, they were just ad libbed and Soderbergh liked them and used them.


I read in the script book that Soderbergh is also grateful to them for coming up with "some ideas" during the seduction scene. My current favourite part, where Graham suddenly opens his eyes, is not in the original script.


Nicebat and I had to party.


I've got a book of interviews with Soderbergh and re SL&V he says:-

"And for me the end is ambiguous. I don't have a clear sense of what's going to happen to Graham and Anne. Nor to the other two charactors."


Yeah, in the audio commentary Soderbergh says that those lines were completely spontaneous, I don't even know if they were actually in character or not.
