The only time I liked Andie M.

... that I didn't hate her acting or didn't thought she ruined her character completely.

I actually became a sucker for her and Graham at the end of it.

I don't have it! Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.


Yes, I find her very irritating most of the time, but I have to admit she did well here.

"I'm on holiday, not my wrinkles." What does it mean????????????????

Nicebat and I had to party.


... but it's probably true to say that she doesn't have much 'range'... I don't particularly think that she transforms herself all that much here, either, though.

I'm gonna take this itty-bitty site by storm... I'm just gettin' warm.


At least here she sounds convincing when she hasn't noticed it has started to rain, unlike 4 Weddings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She named her daughter Rainey!

Nicebat and I had to party.


Lol I agree.

It was downhill from here for old Andie.


Despite the hell that was her acting job in 4 Weddings, she was harmless in Groundhog Day and actually better than expected in Unstrung Heroes. I know, I cant believe I'm suggesting movies with Andie M. Otherwise SL & V remains the one where she really did WELL.

Williams: I'll be too busy looking gooood.


I agree with you . . . I didn't mind her TOO much in this movie or GreenCard. Most of the time I find her very bland & boring.


what about st elmo's fire ?


Good call. When I saw this for the first time last year, I was actually shocked that I enjoyed her performance at all. She's usually so wooden.



I think she plays a prettier than average but ordinary woman type of role very, very well. Liked her in Groundhog Day, loved her chemistry with Michael J. Fox in The Frighteners (an excellent but highly underrated movie) but I adore her as Ann in SL&V.

You've had an effect on my life.


loved her chemistry with Michael J. Fox in The Frighteners (an excellent but highly underrated movie)

This is a late reply, so I probably shouldn't bother making it, but it was Trini Alvarado who co-starred with Michael J. Fox in The Frighteners, not Andie McDowell.

If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?


You're right, I messed up. I do remember now that it was Trini Alvarado. :)


Agree with Radiant_Rose, I usually find her so irritating but I enjoyed her quite a bit in this film. Granted I probably would have enjoyed another actress more in the part but I think she did a great job at capturing the innocence of the character.

Voting History:



I LOVED "Groundhog Day", and she was OK there, but I think another actress would have been better suited for that role.


Voting History:


agreed - SL&V was the first movie I saw her in and have disliked her in every movie since. Turns out that no acting of her was required in SL&V - she just played herself

