Cynthia and Ann

There is a rivalry between them since young, that's what I feel but why? Cynthia probably feels jealous that Ann has a "stable" life like a nice house and a husband and that the future is paved for her which is why I think she slept with Ann's husband. Also Cynthia is a sexually active person which would help in that cause.

But I don't get how Ann easily forgives her, is their disgust with John a common thing that they finally share (besides plants) that they have finally felt a bond?


I think there is a clue when Cynthia refers to her sister as "the beautiful, the popular Ann Bishop Millaney". She has been made to feel less beautiful. What fun for the casting director! "We're looking for someone who, in addition to looking slutty, has to look plainer than the other actress we find".

Yes, I think the fact Ann realises John is a scumbag makes it easier for her to forgive Cynthia, or at least to work on forgiving her.

Nicebat and I had to party.


Ann figured that John was a jerk, if it was not Cynthia, would have been somebody else. Ann would forgive Cynthia, but probably would not trust her again.
