I’m ugly

Therefore I can have male friends.


Not that I have any friends at the moment. Because I don’t. Not one.

I lost my last friend in the world.


Dainty....I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch. Please know you're not alone, and that there are people out there who care deeply about you. God loves you as well. Know that if things feel bad right now, it will pass. Life will always have peaks and valleys...and sometimes those valleys can be very difficult to get through. But keep your faith, and keep a light in your heart.....and I promise, things can get so much better.

Do you have some resources you can lean on? Have you considered talking to someone at your place of worship? Also, when in doubt about how your life is going right now....you can't go wrong re-investing in YOU. For example, start hitting the gym. Start going for walks. Exercise is natures' best anti-depressant. And definitely....consider finding a therapist. What you're feeling right now could be a chemical imbalance in which therapy sessions (and perhaps a simple prescription) could help turn around. At the very least...having someone you can talk all this through with will help immensely.

Don't go it alone. There is always hope. God bless you.


Thank you for the kind and beautiful words.

The last year I have thought more about God and religion.

In my country, religion is not popular and God is used as a punchline. It’s seen as something purely psychotic. Which I actually have some symptoms of.

I feel that God forgives me and that he’s the only one that truly accepts me. However, I keep it to myself.

I wish someone worldly would accept and love me, but I am trying to prepare myself for that it probably never will be.


Definitely consider reaching out to a therapist, Dainty. It will help immensely.
And keep the faith. I wish you well.


God is way too hands off for me ... he might as well not exist for all the help he is in battling evil.

Chemical imbalances are BS. Eat a diet of real food. Put the power you imagine you would have from love towards taking the best care of yourself you can.


Well said, Ripkens. We need more like you.


You’re a good person, Ripkens. We need more like you.

I forgot I’d already posted this message; but, you know what? It can’t be said too often!


Thanks much, R.Kane!
Back at you.


I dont know where your from but Im always surrounded by guys that hit anything. Even a door hole.


Not here. Even overweight men reject me, even on tinder and other sites. I used to be butterface; now I am just butter.


Man this sounds like a spam account. Fat guys are so desperate they probably go gay. Tinder is a dog pound. All dogs go there to hit any bitch. Most guys I know would love to hit a bbw as long as she got something going and most of the time it aint even got to be about her body.


How can you say that when I’m trying hard to explain. Especially to the person above. I had a psychotic episode xmas 2020. And it’s still bad.

It’s been years since I genuinely tried dating men on tinder.

One man unmatched me after answering what film I was watching.

I’m far from bbw and it wouldn’t surprise me if I would be more popular that way.

Many fat men on tinder have mocked my looks and one saw a photo of my bedroom and said I was childish for having stuffed animals.


Hello, Dainty. Do you mind if I ask where you live? I’m in the US, Massachusetts. What’s your rough age? Teens? 20s? 30? etc? I’m enclosing a link to a song that I always find a great comfort. I hope you will, too.

With hope and faith, ALL things are possible. Without them, nothing is possible. I assure you: The Lord is real and He loves you. I hope you reply!


I live in Northern Norway and I’ll be 24 years old this year.

Thank you for the nice song.

I will try to keep the faith even though I find it hard to believe I want to so much. I hope Lord forgives me too. I wish someone else would as well.

Thank you!


Maybe the only thing I can add is -- things do and will change.
I've had long bouts with depression and I'm not as young as you.
When I feel shitty, I'd like to end the pain.
Then after a long period I come to realize I don't feel so bad as I did not that long ago.
Not that suddenly I'm surrounded with friends and life is full of opportunity, just that I don't feel quite so shitty as I did last month and the month before that. Something changed, maybe I got used to it, I adapted, maybe I didn't reach out because I felt worthless.
But at some point I felt like the person that I like to be, a person with a sense of humor and caring about others, is there and I can work with it, work with being ME.
It happens. There aren't guarantees we'll be happy, but don't cash in all your chips because you are on a losing streak.
Just that you have feelings makes you a better person than a lot of the jokers here. Keep that in your back pocket, if it helps.


You are most welcome, Dainty. The Lord’s Mercy and Love are infinite. He forgives me every day! All I have to is ask for it, and MEAN it. But I also have to FORGIVE MYSELF. He will love me, but I also have to LOVE MYSELF. If we don’t forgive and love ourselves, NO ONE else will! Let me tell you a deep secret; most males are TERRIFIED of women. A woman can SHATTER a man by laughing at his penis, or telling him he is a bad lover. This is why men as such assholes to women. They think they can control women by putting them down. Also, makes confuse liking SEX with liking WOMEN, 1 reason why most males are such bad communicators. Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Get off the internet. Go out in the world and have fun and hang out with people who like you for who you are. The more you like yourself, the more people will crave your company.
Here’s a joyous song I want to share with you. It’s sung by my favorite singer, Eva Cassidy. Feel all the love and joy she has to offer:


Now I’m going to send you a Private Message through this site!


I have met some smoking hot door holes in my day. Oh! the times we've had.
