One of the most flawless films ever
I loved this film and truely do think it is the most perfect movie ever. But wait one second, I am not saying it is the greatest film or even close to being the greates. Not even close, but I do feel it is almost perfect, meaning with what they had it couldn't have been any better.
What I mean is this, all the charecters were introduced wonderfully and all played very well by all the actors. I find it hard for anyone to truely dislike any performance in this film as much as you might have hated it, the performances were all good, and soo much was learned from the charecters without saying much, simply by reactions we knew that One charecter was a wise guy and the other a conservative yuppie, but through simple conversations we know that essentially they are the same kind of guy looking for what they don't have in a world they can't win in.
I think that through development of likeable charecters quickly, a story line that hardly goes askew and is paced very well, plus the overall cleverness of the whole thing really is something that should studied by film students. Not for the films plot, I know it's a one joke film, but the fact they keep one joke going for about 100 minuets and do it well, not great but well, something has to have been done correctly, and all should stusy this wonderful picture.