nails and feet

i once saw some crazy warlock film when i was about 8. the only bit i can remember is when the witchy hunter dude finds the warlock's foot prints and starts whacking nails into them, warlock boy no likes this. is that from this film? how many warlock films could there possibly be!?


Yes, I think this is the same movie, if I remember correctly. It's been quite a while since I've seen Warlock, but I think this is the movie you are thinking of.


That IS from this film.


This is in the film, sort of.

The woman is actually following him, looking for footprints. (the witch hunter is taking care of a guy the warlock hurt) She punds nails into his feet, nope he doesn't like it. So he pulls up a floor board fromt he train car he's sitting in and presses his feet against it, which pevents the next nail from hurting, at least not enough to cry out. The girl then finds a head print. Obviously, the board doesn't help then.

The only reason I know the details is I just saw it on TV ^.^
