Another Sequal

Im sorry most might disagree but I would love to see another Warlock!!


I would rather see a prequel about the warlock in his own time showing what happened to Refrens wife and how Refren captured the warlock


I would rather see a decent dvd release with the deleted scenes and a transfer done in widescreen.


I second that. Was just now looking u Warlock online to see how much it was when I noticed it was only available in fullscreen. Needless to say I was sorely disapointed.

"The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard."


I like your idea!!


Back in the day when this movie first came out, I always thought the same thing about a prequel. I would love to have seen the whole backstory played out about Redferne's wife.

It's been so long I don't quite remember now, but I sort of recall I used to think it would be cool if Lori Singer played his wife as well. As if she had looked a lot like Kassandra.

"You can't tell me nothin' if you ain't had an 8-track." -Sinbad
