Lori Singer

I remember watching "Fame" in the early 80s when I was a sad kid. Thought Lori was quite nice looking. By the time this great film was made she really was rather fit......


Did you really mean "Footloose"?


No, I really did mean 'Fame'. Don't you remember her being in the TV series which spawned those awful 'Kids From Fame' records?


Yeah, she was in both.


Ahhhh yes...sorry. I never rated the Fame TV show highly.
It insulted the movie.


She's super fit in "Warlock," thanks to "Fame," "Footloose" and probably a great regimen of diet and exercise. She's also has some hilarious one-liners in this film. It's too bad she didn't become a bigger star. Maybe she confused a lot of people because she looked too much like Daryl Hannah and Gena Davis.
