Gay roommate raped?

We were watching this again, and I noticed that the investigator, when informing Kassandra of her roommates death, asked who her roommate's lovers were, as he had bites on the BACK OF HIS NECK. Did anyone catch this? The whole exchange sounds like the roommates had been found with evidence of sexual interaction before the murder (which we know didn't happen) or possibly during or after.

Anyone else?


In the novelization of the film by Ray Garton, the Warlock rapes his victims. In the film, the detective begins to say " Evidence of...." In the novelization, he finishes with " massive anal penetration."


Awesome, I was right. Thanks!


so he was raped. awesome! >.>


Are you serious right now?


The girl also insists that he was gay, not queer "Big difference!" Huh?

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."
