smoking on planes

big blooper in this movie......he smokes on an airplane


you could smoke on planes back then - it was made in 1989. I remember taking flights back then and they had smoking sections.


Hell yeah you could. As far as smoking in public was concerned, have a look at The Exorcist (although more than a bit older). The doctor trying to figure out what was wrong with Regan actually lights up in the hospital. Try doing that now, as a doctor no less!!!
Or, have a look at The Entity (1981), where the doctors are all smoking in their meeting room. Smoking cigarettes, pipes, and cigars was a lot more socially acceptable way back when...


Ya, if you take a look at alot of older movies you can catch people smoking where now it is taboo. Anyway, this is a real cool flick and I rated it high.


This comment makes me feel really old.

He asked us, "Be you angels?"
and we said, "NAY, we are but men," ROCK!



Yeah. Me too. God, in ten years what will it be like?


I remember my Aunt smoking in the hospital back in the late 80s, I also remember smoking at the mall up to the mid 90s. I just can't imagine that people could smoke on the airplane, it is such a confined space. Where I live, people can't even smoke in bars. I think most people have quit smoking, and it doesn't look like that many teenagers smoke anymore either. I wonder what the statistics are on that.


What comes around goes around. One day, the OP will be shocked at someone saying that getting arrested for pot is a blooper.


It shouldn't. Smoking was allowed until about 10 years ago. Someone who doesn't remember that far back is clearly a little kid.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


You are too young to remember. They didn't ban smoking on flights until about two years after the movie was released.


This post makes me feel really old, too! I can remember smoking in the grocery stores back in the 1980's. LOL.


Hey smoking is just fine and dandy pretty much everywhere in Japan, so for those of you on here feeling old reminiscing about the "old days", don't worry, "the old days" are still alive and well in the land of the rising sun.

"Do you really think it's cool to hit the sauce with a bun in the oven?"


What's even more interesting is the fact that long ago, the Flintstone's would have Fred and Barney smoking Winston cigarettes promoting the sales of cigarettes... You can YouTube the vid... Camel Joe was another thing of the past that was banned cause they felt it promoted underaged smoking as well... I feel old cause I grew up seeing a lot of these promotions, but I was never tempted to smoke myself till I got old enough to drink in bars, then it just seemed to come hand in hand as I lowered my will with alcoholism...


I got a huge chuckle when I read this post. I'm only 25 but this post makes me feel old too, lol. I remember flying from CA to NY with my Dad when I was about 5 and him eagerly awaiting for them to call up the smoking allowed sign.

I don't know how we dealt with that. Bars, public places are one thing, but such a confined space with no ventilation, must have been like a smoke box, especially on an international flight.

"I regret that I have but one life to give to rock and roll!"
- Rock and Roll High School


I couldn't get over how much bigger and roomier the seats looked lol. Granted it's a movie and it may not have been a real plane but when they were walking around the aisles were sooo much bigger and I do remember back in the 80s when we flew to Florida the seats were a lot bigger than they are now, and we were in coach.


Actually, the air quality in aeroplanes was a lot better when smoking was still allowed, because in those days, due to smoking, more fresh air was taken in, and more "used" air was vented out.

On the subject of long-haul flights and jet lag, an ex-Qantas steward friend of mine explained why we seem to suffer so much more these days. In days gone by, when smokers were allowed on flights, the air in the cabin was a lot cleaner and had a greater percentage of oxygen.

Why? Because the visible smoke pollution forced the airlines to change the air on a regular basis. These days, with no visible pollution from smoking, airlines fly on what is called "half pack".

They don't change the air as regularly, as it costs money to bring fresh subzero air in from outside and heat it to cabin temperature. By the time you reach your destination the percentage of carbon dioxide in the cabin from breathing is much higher than it should be.

Ironic, isn't it? The air was cleaner when smokers were on board.

"These go to eleven."
