In the late 1980s, when Warlock was filmed, that kind of hair would not have been considered "awful and comical," but stylish and very hip for women in their late teens or in their twenties. I remember some older girls/young adults wearing that kind of hairstyles in the late 1980s/early 1990s as a part of their normal, every-day look. It makes Kassandra look as a woman who cares about style and her good looks very much, and makes it even more believable that growing old is one of her worst fears. There were some very weird and outlandish hairstyles in the 1980s (that were considered awful and comical by regular people even back then, and would have been featured only in films & TV, or on catwalks), but Kassandra's hair is nowhere near those styles.
So, simply put, the wig was used because when Warlock was filmed (and when the "modern" part of the film takes place), that kind of hair was considered as cool and stylish, and was a very likely hairstyle for a character like Kassandra. Actually, I think the hairstyle looks very good on Kassandra (and Lori Singer).
"These go to eleven."