Why did Buck despise Bug?
Bug is a horny teenage guy and in his private moments with Tia was too pushy, but how did Buck know this?
Buck seemed to instantly ‘know’ Bug was predatory, but how?
He wants to get into Tia’s pants, like most teenage guys, and she seems to want him in her pants... just maybe not going all the way. She’s 15 and it’s normal to get up to stuff without having sex.
Wouldn’t a word with Tia telling her stand firm if she doesn’t want to have sex with Bug have been more appropriate, than threatening and intimidating Bug as if he was some kind of serial rapist..? Buck’s reaction seemed really disproportionate.
Adding to the weirdness is that we never actually find out what he ‘did’ to Tia, she says ‘everything you said would happen happened’. What did Buck say would happen? Deleted scene??