Where can I see this?

I haven't seen it in about 8 or 9 years. It's not on YouTube either.

why so serious? 7.18.08


yesss PLEEEASE where!?!



really!?!?! can i please know the link!!?!



It used to be on youtube so it must have been taken off there, which sucks. I don't have any idea where else you could watch it online unless you google "watch teen witch free online" and then maybe some site would have it, but I doubt it. You could always buy it online but that's annoying to do.

SYTYCD: Courtney & Gev <3; Mark & Chelsie


Netflix used to have it available as an "instant view", but now has it available only as a DVD rental, with very little wait time....


I bought if off Amazon for 8 bucks. It got to my house in a week, good deal. I suggest you all do it!

why so serious? 7.18.08


I just bought it at Hastings for $10



OMG I'm watching it now...what a nostalgia trip

R.I.P. Arrested Development 2003-2006



Not sure where you are but I rented Teen Witch from Audio/Video Plus in Houston, Texas. They have almost 7,000 VHS titles for rent (5 for $5 for a week) with an amazing selection of out of print and hard to find titles, especially cult and underground horror, fantasy and sci-fi but they also have art house and other types.

No, I don't work there and this is not a paid plug. As a lover of movies, good and bad, I rent 5 or more a week from them. I highly recommend it to anyone in Houston. This place is what a video store used to be and ought to still be!


ha ha ha ha ha you've just been spamming this ALL over the forums, lame! Just be honest, nobody minds a good plug, but to pretend you are not plugging the sheet out of this store is just craptacular. Good luck with the shop though need more stores like yours.

I have enough faith in my judgment to recognize a stinker.


I got it on DVD on Amazon, it's really cheap only 8 bucks brand new..


W have it at our videostore but I'm betting its a bit too far for you

we are based in Holland

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


You can get it on Netflix

Online Mews, Reviews, Poetry, Music, and Ideas



....I'm Chuck Bass....>_*


It's on youtube now!



I just came across a YouTube video that had people singing "My Finest Hour", and it says it was from "The Musical"?

And I noticed that your video has their song playing. I actually like that version better--the song is longer.

Sweeney, did they really turn this movie into a musical?

Did anybody go and see it?


It was just an album that was recorded, I don't believe it was ever truly performed. I got it on Itunes. It great all the songs are lengthened a bit and all sound a little more modern, especially top that.
LOL I forgot that my sig was teen witch related
Yeah whoever else is reading this, I'm making a sims 2 series based on this movie. It'll have 7 episodes, whoever is interested :)



I don't care how good their version of "Top That" is, in my mind there can be only one perfect version, and they will never "top that!"

Thanks for the info!


Of course it's not better and they can't top that lol. I meant sounds more modern, not like it came out of the 80s



I would check it out just to see what it's like, but I'm "not in the mood!"


my friend bought it as a double feature set along with "heavenly kid", for 5 dollars at wal mart.


