Incredibly cheeeeeesy

I like it don't get me wrong...but come on, it is pretty cheesy...that whole locker room scene with the "I like boys" song? Silly...

"In Vino Veritas"


LoL I don't think any sane person would deny the cheesyness of teen witch, I mean - Top that, Shana, Louise's outfit at the dance, the 1950s geek stereotype, the popular girls' terrible acting, Rhett the 'rapper' and his sex education rap, most popular girl montage, sexy 80s sax rooftop dream, random spontaneous choreographed dance really have to embrace the cheese with this movie


Yes. Not only that...but some scenes I felt like they were cut too moment they are in a boat and a few seconds later...that scene is just gone...I don't know, it just seems strange to me. The little brother was extremely annoying too lol.

"In Vino Veritas"


Haha I love Ritchie, he's such a weirdo - About the cut scenes, I heard the theatrical version of 'teen witch' was 25 minutes longer than the VHS/DVD/TV version, so they probably cut a bunch of stuff out, unfortunately it hasn't been seen since 1989, when teen witch was in theatres.


Wow that sucks...I also heard they are remaking this movie and Ashley Tisdale is starring in it.

"In Vino Veritas"


Oh dear Lord
When i was younger i didn't mind Ashley but she really annoys me now I don't know why
Some stuff u watch when ur young lol
I hope they decide not to make a good movie into a really *beep* one
I love the 80's cheesiness of this movie
I love the I like boys song it is Funny lol


You walk forward right so stop remembering yesterday
