Wow, blast from the past

i watched this years ago (i'm only 18 now but I was only about 6 or 7 at the time) and I never remembered the name of it, but certain scenes and lines I never forgot for some reason - theres a bit where she's in assembly or something and she doesn't get picked, and she says 'I never really bothered with school after that,' and then she tries a cigarette or something. And the bit where she's (maybe?) standing in front of a mirror, and she says to herself 'you're forty-two, not twenty-two.' And then the bit where she asks for her table to be outside the restaurant at the end, and says 'why do we have these things? Hopes, and dreams?'
it'a just one of these two films that I remember from a decade ago that i could never remember the names of, the other being 'the deep end of the ocean' which I just found out.
But its a mark of how impressionable and powerful the film is that I remembered these little things from when I was little.

Let's go inconspicuously...through the window.
