Advice Needed Please

I haven't seen this yet, I came across the title of this movie somewhere, since then I have researched it as much as I could (reading all the user comments, all the board posts, etc) and it sounds like a really neat movie, there is just a problem.

I don't know what the feel of the film is. Some people say its the most freakiest, not scary, but jump out of your seat kind of movie (especially what I have read about the scene in the bathtub) and others say it the most heart-warming, touching movie they have ever seen.

I don't do well with "disturbing movies" I don't think Paperhouse is one, though there may be aspects to it.

Any advice or thoughts?



Bumpity Bump Bump BUMP!!!!!!!
"He Who Laughs Last Obviously Didn't Get The Joke"


this movie is both freaky and heart warming. It's a gem.


I don't know if this will help, but I did a review of it elsewhere. (I'm not much of a reviewer, but...)

Cut and paste the following:

(Site admin has asked for no direct links.)

It's certainly not a horror film. It's a fantasy that's just a little dark in tone, has two or three good scares in it. Touching, but not in a heavy-handed fashion.

Advice? Please, do see it!
