Was scarier when I was younger...
Paperhouse popped into my head the other day and I got a bit excited to find it was on DVD (and cheap!) I have vague memories of seeing it a good ten years ago, in my pre-teen days. Not many films I saw back then stuck with me. This and, perhaps, Eraserhead, which I was far too young for anyhow.
Watching it this evening though, all the scary things I thought I'd remembered from the film, it turned out I hadn't. There were a few things I sat through the whole film waiting to happen, which never did. The most 'memorable' one was how I was sure that when Anna scribbled over her dad's face in the picture, there was some kind of special effect that made the actual actor's face look the same, like a scratchy, scribbly effect masking his face. Like something out of the music video to Take On Me by A-Ha.
That's actually what made me so eager to see Paperhouse again, I expected it to bring up all these horrible childhood scares, but it turned out to be more like a CITV kid's drama.
Sorry! Don't mean to rubbish the film, or sound all "pfft, call that scary?!" but I had my spare trousers on standby and they didn't see any action :0(