The dubbed accent

I really enjoyed this film. However at the very beginning of the film I was a bit alarmed at how bad the acting of the Mother was. During the film I looked up the IMDb page and read about the actress having to dub all her lines in a British accent because they decided to change the character. So everything made sense and I cut her some slack. Still, does anyone think it would have been better if they had just left it, so that the Mother had a Canadian accent? It didn't affect the overall film that much, it's just in some places it's kind of odd because the mothers actions and expressions don't always match her voice...

But asides from that, I enjoyed this film much more than I was expecting to from the beginning. The relationship between Anna and Marc is very touching and the imagery is so bizarre yet beautiful.

Nobody ever suspects the butterfly


I didn't even notice.


Yeah I too noticed this. The acting from both mother and daughter is poor at times, but it is still a haunting film. Just found out Elliot, who played Mark, died in 1994. How sad, he was only 20 :(
