Scary Movie
This film frightened the life out of me. A classic in my opinion.
shareJust saw it for the first time a month ago. just an amazing movie.
shareI'm glad somebody else agrees with me. I first watched it about 10 years ago when i was about 8. It frightened me then, and then I watched it about 3 - 4 years ago and it still scared me. Probably the only film that does...
shareI agree. This movie has a lot of subtle horror and that's what I found really frightening. The scene when her father tries to get in the house scared me the most, but I was also scared by the house itself, which held an atmosphere of repressed horror. I never thought an empty room could be so scary. Much more frightening than any slasher flick I've seen.
shareYep, it was a good one without a doubt. The image of her father with the axe, was most frightening for me.
shareAn axe? he never had one, it was a hammer... and yes, i just saw the movie yesterday and it blew my mind, it's an excellent film 10/10.
Though (...) you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours (...)... I simply am not there.
Yeh, I haven't seen it for years. I'll take your word for it, that it's a hammer and not an axe.
shareGreat film, not seen it in ages though.
sharei love this show.. i saw it when i was REALLY young.. ok not that lil but i tried to find it in the local rental shops but they didn't have it... it's like it didn't exist! :sigh:
ahaha.. well it was REALLY a long time ago.. and it was so cool back then.. haven't seen it since.. i should think that technology have grown and made it look
shareSaw the movie for the first time today, thought it was great. More suspenseful than overally scary, but good none the less.
shareI remember seeing it years ago, when I was about 9 or 10. I remember it was on Channel 4 in the early hours of the morning and I had sneaked downstairs to watch it. I remember afterwards I was too scared to go to sleep :D. I found it on ebay after looking everywhere for it and I'm glad I have it in my collection. A great little film.
shareI've just seen it again recently, and the scariest bit this time was when the girl is having a bath and thinking about the time she took a photo of her dad. Her dad smiles and freaks out and comes really close to the camera. Weird.
shareYeah, the sequence in the bath is what scared me most. It's one of my pet hates in horrors - people walking towards the camera (even though he isn't walking at that bit) as I just know they're suddenly going to be right in close-up just on the other side of the TV screen... of course there's a fairly recent foreign film and it's remake where it doesn't end there!
When I first saw the house it terrified me though, and I knew I was in for a scare.
I get some elements mixed up with the book I think. I was certain that when Anna first saw Mark in the window and asked him to come and open the door, he said "I can't, I haven't got any legs".
I also thought the film "showed" that the radio was broadcasting the thoughts of the standing stones.
I need to read the book and watch the film again, to refresh my memory.
I saw this film in the 80's and really liked it. I remember this silhouette of the father on top of a hill coming towards the abandonned house...very creepy.
But then it got rather feel-good towards the end, an abrupt change, and I did not like that part as much. It seemed to progress from a horror movie to a kid's movie. Was it originally a kids' film?
When you look at the film it looks it should be a kid's movie - the main characters are children, it's all from the child's point of view, it's only the tone and theme that makes it adult.
In fact, though, the film is based on a children's novel called Marianne Dreams, by Catherine Storr. So, I don't know what they were trying to do when they made the film, but the source material is definitely aimed at children.
Definitely. I loved this movie! I was lucky enough to catch it on tv one night and ordered it the very next day. A rare gem.
shareI saw this movie at a very young age...for sure under 10 years old. It scared me for a while and I never heard anyone talk about it. I haven't seen it since that one time, but, it's always been at the back of my mind as one of the scariest movies I've seen. I'm 22 now, and I still believe it's one of the scariest ones. I need to get my hand at it somehow.
I too originally saw it when i was about 9 and Yeah the Bath scene definately was one of the scariest, and the bit when the dad is on the hill and goes "Anna, im blind" - for some reason that bit used to scare me sh*tless! Even remembering it gives me chills, and im in my twenties now!
i just finished watching this movie a few minutes ago :p
scared the begeezzyiesss out of me!
I really think the stones in the book were way more terrifying than the father in the film. One of my favorite parts in the film is that quick shot of the stones piling up against the doorway as Marc is looking out from the hallway just after Anna gets taken away by her father. It was a cool way to get the stones involved, and made me yearn for more. The stones in the book creeped me out more than a pile of stones in a children's book SHOULD. :P The kids were being chased by these things and they talked and had eyes and the kids had to get from the house to the lighthouse all while the stones were outside being ridiculously threatening and creepy. I have the book, maybe sometime I'll post a little of the part with the stones.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
OMG, that scene with the dad saying "i'm blind" still haunts me after like 18 was so creepy and made my hair stand on and my boyfriend had rented the movie because he had read the book as a child...we were taking care of my great nephew at the time, he was about 7 and we were all watching it together. I should have realized it was too scary for my little great nephew, but I was so into it, I wasn't thinking straight. Suddenly, he just started screaming, really screaming, and we had to turn the movie off, I still feel guilty to this day abou that, what a bad mother....but we had no idea the movie was going to be that bad, it was based on a childrens book! I have to try and get this movie, I have never seen it on the TV here in the US ( I am English, rented it when I lived in England).....I dont even know why I thought about this movie, but that's what happens when you see this movie, it haunts you for the rest of your life.
shareAgreed. That scene ("I'm blind") is one of the scariest things I've seen on film. I can count on two hands the number of movies that have truly creeped me out---and this is one of them. I just wish more people knew about this film!
shareApparently this movie was JUST on IFC, in September, I missed it, I can't believe it.....not sure if you are in US, but I watch IFC a lot, but missed it! It was on several times as well. I also tell my friends about this movie, but it's hard to explain how and why it is so disturbing, isn't it.