Wooden acting ruined it for me
This movie has some of the worst acting I'we seen in my entire life. The actress playing the mother has all the acting skills of a chair, and the girl is not far behind.
shareThis movie has some of the worst acting I'we seen in my entire life. The actress playing the mother has all the acting skills of a chair, and the girl is not far behind.
If you thought that was bad, you might have a stroke or a heartattack if you watch Carpenter's Prince of Darkness or 1979's Phantasm (stay away from most flicks with Mathew McConaughey while you're at it). I can think of lots and lots of movies with bad acting. Paperhouse did not have wooden acting. See the Watchmen film for wooden acting.
This film was decent.
I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way
I agree about the girl!!! She is awful...
shareGlenne Headly was a good actress but undeniably miscast here as a British mother. Charlotte Burke was fine, I thought, and Elliot Spiers wonderful as Mark.
shareThe mother was fine. The boy was fine. The girl was bad- bratty and her tenper tantrum nearly ruined the film for me.
The real world was not interesting. The fantasy world was more captivating.
But all in all, not a great film. Watch Jan Svankmajer’s Alice for a far better child actress in a fantasy dream world.
Oh I really like Svankmajer’s Alice too. I nay give the slight edge to Paperhouse for nostalgic reasons but both are very memorable nightmare fantasies imo.
shareIt felt like they had ADR'ed/re-recorded the sound and, at least in the version I watched, the kid's voice was in sync with her lips and her mother's wasn't.
But yeah, you can't really expect amazing acting from a kid in a low-budget movie like this.