The Original Film + New Nightmare only Freddy flicks worth watching
Part 1 is one of my favorite films however parts 2, 4, 5, 6, and the 2010 remake are among the worst movies within any franchise in any genre in the history of motion pictures. Part 3 isn't good but not nearly as bad as the previously mentioned sequels and 2010 horrible remake.
The only other film in the Freddy Krueger franchise worth watching is of course the other film that is written and directed by Wes Craven.
This is probably the worst of the entire series. It's gut wrenching how bad this movie is. Freddy's Dead, the next installment, and the 2010 remake are probably tied with part 5 as the worst 3 films of the series. Freddy's Dead and 2010 remake are only slightly more watchable than part 5.