I actually like Yvonne and here's why...

Yes, I get she appeared as a bitch and not supportive to some, but the truth is she was the most realistic character. How many of you would actually believe someone saying the things Alice said in the way she said it? No matter how close the person was to you, you wouldn't (unless you are very religious or superstitious).

So to those who think she was a bitch, I say shame on you. Because you are calling every sane rational person a bitch since we wouldn't believe this *beep* either. I'm tired of seeing characters that believe the *beep* right away because it benefits the story. Like Alice's brother in part 4 saying that the high school kids are "dropping like flies" so what's he supposed to think? I know if there were mass suicides going on, in reality, people wouldn't be believing some chick that attributed them to some psychopath that killed children in their dreams to avenge his death. Same goes for just about every other friend character in the series and especially Lisa from the second part who treats Jesse like a victim even though he's got blood on his hands and admits to killing his friend. I wouldn't try to make him feel better or rationalize the situation. I'd call the cops!

Yes, we are expected to suspend our belief in reality while watching these movies, but I think that notion is mostly true for the dream sequences. If some dream killer were actually a menace, that wouldn't change most people's perceptions or beliefs in science which happens a lot in these films. The only thing that would change a person's perception would be proof which is exactly what Yvonne got when Freddy shoved her head into the hot tub and used her as bait for Alice. Then she finally believed, unlike all these other people who would be considered crazies for taking the word of someone like Alice after all the mysterious deaths.


I like Yvonne as well. A lot of people complain about her character surviving and think she should've died, but I don't think so. I am glad she lived because it was obvious she cared about her friends and had their best interests in mind even if she didn't necessarily agree with their beliefs. I agree that not everyone is going to believe what is going on in these types of movies. There are just some people whose beliefs are so indestructible that there could be a poltergeist in their house throwing random objects across the room right before their eyes, slamming doors, making water faucets turn on by themselves, etc. and they would still find a "logical," scientific explanation somehow. There are just people who refuse to accept the existence of anything supernatural whether there is valid evidence or not. I can't blame Yvonne for not believing Alice at first because I don't know if I would've either. The idea of Freddy Krueger does seem very farfetched in reality.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


"A lot of people complain about her character surviving and think she should've died, but I don't think so."

I really wished Greta and Mark had lived, I think they would have made a cute couple, AND I think Greta would have believed Alice eventually, and Mark already did. I woud have been ok with Dan and Yvonne dying.

"I can't blame Yvonne for not believing Alice at first because I don't know if I would've either. The idea of Freddy Krueger does seem very farfetched in reality."

But it's as I said, I think when you see a bunch of teens just dying in all these strange ways, that's pretty good evidence that something out of the ordinary is going on.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


Well if I saw ppl dropping off like flies I would think maybe there IS something to what she was saying.

I mean Dan and Greta had just died, it's ODD for a teen to just DIE, much less 2 of them, at roughly the SAME TIME, and in the strnge way they both died. Also I'm sure Yvonne would have had to have had some knowledge of the events from the previous movie, all of Alice's friends were killed in that movie too, so as close as Yvonne was to Alice surely she had to KNOW about that.

I think all of that is pretty good evidence that SOMETHING out of the ordinary is going on, I mean about 8 teens all just DIE at around the same time.

And it was the bitchy way Yvonne was dismissing Alice is what made her come across as a BITCH, not just the fact she didn't really believe her, yelling at her to "ditch this BS and get back to reality", "rolling her eyes at her" I HATE when someone rolls their eyes at me, it is so rude.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


Honestly, nothing that happened in that movie counted as "evidence" to the notion that a child killer who had been burned alive was supernaturally killing children in their sleep as revenge. I would be questioning why people were dying, but I find it hard to believe any sane and rational person would contemplate that premise as the answer.

I'd rationalize it as an epidemic drug use or some environmental factor (chemical poisoning) before thinking what Alice was saying was true. That's like saying a bunch of people in a town get cancer (which has happened in real life) and some even die and then one raving person blames the devil. Would you actually believe that or search for a more appropriate answer?

But I do understand that she came off as harsh. Yvonne could have been more understanding of Alice, even if only for the fact that their friends recently passed away. Still, calling her a bitch for trying to get Alice to get it together and to not get her fired (the scene in the hospital if I remember correctly Yvonne either did get her fired or almost did) is a bit of a stretch.


I noticed all the NOES movies have similar characters to replace the one before.

Yvonne was the Debbie of part 5, just as Debbie became the Tyran of part 4, and Tracie is the Yvonne of part 6, the "tough girls".

Though out of all of them Debbie was the sweetest I think.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.





Haha, good points. She did change from an annoying throwaway character (one I am sure many wanted to die) to a survivor that actually becomes useful/sympathetic by the end of the movie. And she was attractive to boot.

That late 80s/early 90s style of hair African American women used at the time wasn't too flattering (I prefer either a natural, more curly look or a straight up Beyonce wig, but not really much in the middle). Even so, she's definitely underrated as an sexy nightmare girl, because there are so many with less abrasive personalities. Again, I liked her which is why I posted this thread in defense of her, but the writers did go a little overboard with the angry black woman stereotype.



I don't like her either but she does grow on you after awhile . She just looked alot older than someone graduating from high school too. Plus she has a mustache... (watch the graduation scene!)


It is weird that she survived, but in the end I wasn't mad about it. It helped give the movie a more empowered ending than usual seeing Alice with her father, best friend and new baby boy. It felt like this time Krueger had actually been more humiliated in his defeat that a character like Yvonne managed to slip through his cracks.


I didn't like this movie but it did have good elements to it. I wish they where used properly I feel the same about part 4. That said Yvonne was a good character to have and was played by a much stronger actress than most of the people in the movie I'd argue also that for the Dream Master cast minus most of the Dream Warriors of part 3.

Anyway she was the only thing other than some actually really good visuals... though the makeup for Englund and other visuals look abysmal. Yvonne got me through the movie.

The only thing that got me through Freddy's Dead was actually some pretty decent acting and humor that sometimes worked. Still the moments where few and far between though the TV death was interesting.. no not the one from 3 the one where that kid trips out. I wish I was talking about Prime Time! lol


Yvonne is this film's Tina from Halloween 5 both characters I love dearly and most people don't.

Yvonne to me is very natural and fits in very well with the other characters in the series with her skepticism and general caring for others well being I think her character adds a great deal of depth to the film.

Yvonne just like Tina from Halloween 5 can be annoying at times but they both show more lovable moments than the annoying moments they have.

Yvonne tells Alice you should be more worried about your Baby and expresses some genuinely good traits.


I admit I didn't care for her at first, but she does grow on you after a while (can't really fault her for not believing Alice at first, cause honestly the idea of a dream stalking boogeyman is a bit of a hard pill to swallow). I liked her development over the course of the film, and was honestly glad she lived (made for a more unexpected turn of events).

That aside, I still wish Mark didn't have to die, but I guess they needed a sufficient body count for the film (and two probably was a bit on the low side).
