Unrated version only on VHS

Even though the only way to watch the Unrated Version is the various VHS around the world, at least it is available in North America. It has become pretty rare nowadays but the NTSC unrated VHS has a yellow circle on the cover and says something like "full-length uncensored...". Beware because there is a similar VHS version without the "yellow circle" that is the Rated-R version.

I hope that the rights to this series, one day, will go to a company that will do this series justice and restore the missing footage from Parts I and V for DVD. It's a travesty that every DVD ever made is the Rated-R version.

We in North America have never had the unrated version of Part I but at very least the unrated version of Part V is available on VHS.


The unrated version of Nightmare 5 was also released on laserdisc. So, you got VHS and LD.

We should be more pissed off that New Line won't release the American theatrical version of "Freddy's Dead" that ran some 100 minutes before it was cut down for international distribution.


I pretend that "Freddy's Dead - The Final Nightmare" doesn't exist. Certainly the worst in the series. I don't think the extra footage would have saved that film. It is quite pathetic.


Every time I hear someone say "I hate Freddy's Dead", I hear "I hate having fun."


Not really, for me anyways. I tried many times to get into that film, but it's just plain awful.
Of coarse, this is only my opinion, but there are many others who agree.


There's no match in awfulness of "Dream Warriors". Just because Craven wrote the story it doesn't make it good or even decent. Its just horribly bad and makes any toy commercial "adventure movie" look like cinematical masterpiece. And Dream Child isn't even near to be as little less bad than that, not to mention even as bad or even worse. And there's countless thing that at least subjectively large group are like even when its complete *beep* Dream Warriors is Shawshank Redemption of ANOES.


You have good points, but Freddy's Dead is still the worst.


Craven never wrote dream warriors he wrote a draft that was totally different


I am with you friend. Freddy's dead is one giant shark jump and I can't believe how many people pretend it's not the worst of the series. The only dignified moment of the movie is "every town has an elm street". Other than that it is a parody of elm street in every scene. The power glove, freddy on a broomstick, as bugs bunny, the hearing aid scene is pretty much an SNL skit, and way too many people survive. They also tried to hard to give us Freddy's backstory and it is just convoluted and nonsensical. Oh, and IN 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean it's okay to like it, hell I still watch it every time I do a marathon (mainly to make fun of it). But people need to learn the difference between the worst and their least favorite. Freddy's dead is objectively and empirically the worst and if I ever meet Rachel Talalay I am going to ask her to sign my vhs with "I'm sorry".

BTW just watched the unrated part 5 on vhs last night and came to warn people about the yellow label too! LOL. Glad somebody beat me to it.


You realize the us version is 96 minutes right??? Pretty sure Dan and Greta's uncut deaths are more important than 4 lost minutes of the worst Elm Street movie ever made.

I have plenty of fun mocking it while I watch it...


You can see all the extra freddys dead scenes in the workprint i used to have it but it can be bought online it dosent add much





Wow thank you for that link.



That was very nice of you i all ready have this version on burnt disk but i may upgrade if the quality is better here


I don't know why they do that. Same thing with Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. Granted, it's a horrible movie, but the Deleted Scenes are only available on VHS. You can find them on YouTube, but it doesn't make sense. Whu put something that's usually DVD specific on a VHS only? And the TCM2 deleted scenes are some of the most hilarious you'll see.


The edits of the R rated version only make a drastic difference (story wise) in the death scene of Greta. That scene definitely has continuity problems b/c of the R rated cuts.

Overall, you wouldn't think that a few seconds of violence would make a major difference, but here it does. Since the film has a darker tone, darker subject matter, the gorier violence makes it far more impactful.
