Book versus Movie

Sadly, I have not read the book. I wanted to know where does the movie deviate from the book? I have read pieces of the book and I have not come across Christy saving his mother, or an alchoholic father, so can someone please clarify if these were actual events or simply Hollywood additions.

If life is so fair why do roses have thorns.


The movie is fairly close to the book in its view of his mother and father.

Where it differs most is in condensing several characters who were quite significant in his development onto one. Also, the book was published when Christy was 22 years old and the movie goes considerable beyond that age.

Just read pieces of the book?

I found it fascinating. Also, I highly recommend "Christy Brown: the Life that Inspired 'My Left Foot'" by Georgina Hambleton. Also, Anthony Jordan's "Christy Brown's Women" is helpful but it was written long before people knew about Mary Carr's character.
