Christie was a bit unlikeable

So first off, great performance, some great scenes in this movie. Overall, I found it inspiring, but surprised that nobody has pointed out some of the protagonists lesser traits. He came off a bit pretentious, clingy, entitled to say whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. I imagine I will get slammed for this thread, but that's my 2 cents.


Well I think in his case a lot of those traits made sense. He spent most of his childhood fighting not to be seen as mentally challenged, and was finally able to get through to people that he had a functioning brain. When people finally began to take him seriously as an artist, he reveled in it, and that came with a lot of pretentiousness. Also, the more he learned to speak the more it became necessary for him to prove he had something to say that wasn't just childish, but witty and intelligent. His sense of alienation probably resulted in his clinginess, too.

When it came to women, he was desperate for intimate attention. I'm sure the frustrations with that only fueled his bitterness.


I believe you were to feel uncomfortable with Christy at times. I liked that they didn't try to make him angelic. He's a man who has struggled beyond our comprehension and that alone leaves a man with emotional issues.



Yes he was a little unlikable at times but like many here said he was just letting out all the feelings he had of frustration when he finally learned to speak.


He was a bit of a lad more like his father I feel than he might wish to imagine. And like his father he liked a drink which got him into trouble at times.


Exactly. I think it's a bit prejudiced to think that just because someone is disabled, they can't be a bit of a knob as well. He obviously cared a lot about people and had a good heart but when we see him as a teenager, he's going through a bit of a depressive stage (as lots of teenagers do) so we see him throwing teenage tantrums and locking himself away in his bedroom. I think he's just a normal person with all the positives and negatives that this brings.. He obviously had a drinking problem as well though like his dad and probably had a temper like him as well


I think the realistic characterization kept this film from going into "inspiration porn" territory. Media often portrays handicapped people as complete saints who never lose their inherent goodness despite what they go through, and that's problematic and untrue. Christy was portrayed as a real person. He'd get sad, angry, stubborn, moody, insecure, etc. because he was a human being. To me, his flaws made him easier to identify with. I don't have cerebral palsy, but I can certainly be pretentious, clingy, and self-entitled.

Hello? Cobra Bubbles? Aliens are attacking my house.


He seemed a bit immature, although the script does make points of his inclusion - first kiss, the winning goal, etc. but, The guy was a reclusive artist, not exactly a profession that's known for their social skills.
