For what was My Left Foot rated R for?

I was just wondering, because I really want to see it, but I'm not yet 17. If it is filled with 50 f words and sex and nudity, i will probably wait. I asked this because Daniel- Day Lewis's other film by Jim sheridan "In the Name of the Father" was filled with the same thing.



Why is the depiction of cerebral palsy not suitable for children? What's wrong with kids see people with c.p? We're not monsters, 'ooooo the kids might be scared of the nasty disabled people.' that is a disguisting attitude. Why do we have to 'protect' our offspring from the fact that not all people can talk clearly and walk without help. I'm ofended. That kind of attitude turn children into ignorent adults


Ohhh, I see. Children can't see disease.

Yeah, that makes sense. . .


In order to get a PG-13, a movie can only contain one use of the F-word. If there's more than one, it's an R. That's why.


Not allways 007JD in oceans' 11 te remake the say the f-word twice and it was PG-13


My Left Foot is rated R because the MPAA is a thoughtless and inconsistent organization. My Left Foot should not be rated R, where as In The Name of the Father has justifiable reasons to be. Don't wait to see it, it is an amazing movie.


if the f-word is used more than ONE time, or it is used as a verb, that just about guarantees an R rating. unless they fight for a lesser rating, like all the president's men, which initially got an R but was challenged and dropped to PG


I think that an earlier posters comments about this movie recieving an R rating because of Christy's cerebal palsy were simply ridiculous. No one saw it that way. Most likely, the mpaa gave it an R rating for language. And Sheridan, who probably didn't care if 13 year old kids saw the movie, didn't challenge it.

Generally, the mpaa gives tough ratings, the directors lobby for a change or edit the movie, and it is moved down to a PG-13 rating.

i doubt Sheridan really gave a crap about the rating.


Thats one big pile of sh**.

-Ian Malcolm


During when this film was released, I think it was rule to give anything an 'R' which just isn't meant for children. Not like it'd be bad for them to watch, but just that the material isn't directed toward children. It was supposed to be "adult material" exploring "adult themes." That's just in general.



"I was just wondering, because I really want to see it, but I'm not yet 17. If it is filled with 50 f words and sex and nudity, i will probably wait. I asked this because Daniel- Day Lewis's other film by Jim sheridan "In the Name of the Father" was filled with the same thing."

one question...if you are gonna end up watching it anyway why wait until you are 17? its not like you will be able the watch language sex and nudity any better when you are 17...

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke


While I have no real inside knowledge on the subject, and it looks like the topic has been somewhat dead for a while, I will point out that beyond the brief nudity and adult language, there is a suicide scene. Say what you will about the other two, but I'm fairly certain the MPAA is sensitive about children seeing a scene where a man attempts to kill himself.


Suicide, yes yes... That WAS pretty disturbing to watch, even as an adult. I'm sure that was the reason for an R rating... that and the f-word. But mostly the suicid.

Also, someone above me just called cerebral palsy C.B. And I thought they meant Christy Brown, so it made me realize then that; Christy Brown's initials are the same as Cerebral Palsy. That's quite a coincidence!


Vince I have CP and I want to know why you felt the need to make that remark.

"Why am I stick and naked? Did I miss something fun?"
Fry from Futurama


It appears Vince said it 2 1/2 years ago, so I don't think he'll respond, ianrmac18.

Crazy how many great screenplays are out there, yet "Stealth" got 1800 screens


"Also, someone above me just called cerebral palsy C.B. And I thought they meant Christy Brown, so it made me realize then that; Christy Brown's initials are the same as Cerebral Palsy. That's quite a coincidence"

Think about that for a second.


I dont think the film should have gotten an R rating but having said that , I don't think it's a film for children, more a film adults will enjoy more


Christy tries to slit his wrists with a razor blade.. that could be it


Type it into Ask Jeeves and you get this: My left Foot, rated R for language, violence, and a nude photo.


More than one use of the F word in the movie gets it an R-rating, from what I understand, which is why PG-13 movies usually don't use it. What you start to see recently is movies actually using that allowance and tossing in an F word for good measure - Chronicles of Riddick did it, Be Cool did it very humorously. But that alone would do it, is my understanding.



ImpulseCaper that's just sad and sick what you said. Your not being fair imagine if you were born like Christy Brown having problems to talk and walk.


All the other countries gave it +/- teen-rating, so it's just the US being uphold about things. I bet the church had a saying in this as usual.


Rated R? Wow, I didn't even know that. I saw it in school. . . junior high, I think, and at a Catholic school.


I am glad I read this. I was going to show it to my high school lit. class, but with the nudity and the f-word is not allowed in videos within our school system. They figure we can't control what students do away from school but they strictly control what is shown at school.


I'm on this site trying to decide whether to show this film to my Senior Eng class. We're reading a story about a boy with CP and I thought it would be a good comparison. I'm sure they have all heard the Fword a few times but worry about the administration frowning upon showing it.


This movie was made in 1989 and it seems like it didn't use to take much then for a movie to get an R rating. There are lots of PG-13 movies today that probably would've gotten an R back then.


I haven't seen this film in many years, but I actually was 17 when I watched it, I believe. I'm pretty sure it's only for a few f-words.

Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?
