Similar to Source Code?
Is Source Code similar to this film?
shareI think it's virtually impossible to answer that question without spoiling Source Code for you.
I don't patronize bunny rabbits!share
by cfreyja23 » Tue Aug 2 2011 19:28:06
IMDb member since January 2005
I think it's virtually impossible to answer that question without spoiling Source Code for you.
Its been many decades since I seen this one. Source code is great because you have no idea what is going on. It has a lot of twists and keeps you guessing many times over. I enjoyed both movies but I think source code is better. The ending is kinda out there but that also puts a wrinkle in the works. You already know what this movie is like, but you will never guess that with source code. 12 monkeys was also like that.
sharei would agree with alientech, Source code is different
shareI won't talk about the plotline since that would be spoiling Source Code. But I will say I understand the question - there are similarities. But Source Code is a much better film - better production values, better writing, better acting. Kristopherson and Travante are fine and Ladd has her moments where she's good (she's actually better at the little bits of comedy in this than the drama). I don't know, maybe I'm blaming bad acting when I should be blaming bad writing. There were so many things that just didn't make sense - none of the sci-fi bits make one lick of sense. And many of the characters do things that seem to lack any rational motivation.
The sci-fi in Source Code isn't well grounded, but it's thought provoking. And the characters all seem to behave true to their own motivations.