Film was fine; Kris Kristofferson WAS HORRIBLE!!
I don't understand how this scumbag keeps getting jobs. He's pure and simple a very bad actor. Every film he's starred in has bombed. Remember "Heaven's Gate"? Yes, he was in that and it was considered one of the most expensive bombs that Hollywood ever made. Why is anyone paying this guy to act? He's a horrible jackass who when given an award by a Vietnam Veterans group, it ended up found in the garbage!! The guy has no respect for soldiers who gave their lives in Vietnam. Also, after Sinead O'Connor tore up a picture of the Pope on Saturday Night Live, for quite some time after that, she was routinely booed off stage and one night when Kristofferson was appearing with her, he came to her aid and screamed back at the audience for having the nerve to express their displeasure with that bald whore. Kristofferson had been rumored to get his jobs by engaging in oral sex on male producers in order to get jobs but I hope that's not true. Either way, I still can't understand how this moron gets jobs.
Aside from this clown, the film was terrible. Plot holes galore. Acting sucked.