This is what happened to the missing Malaysian 777
Brought into to the future?
I was born in the house my father built
Brought into to the future?
I was born in the house my father built
Please STOP repeating this misconception that so many on this message board are believing. This movie has ALMOST NOTHING in it that relates to facts of MH370.
The plane in this movie...
The tail was brought through a portal into the future, where the living passengers were exchanged for the "dead" ones. It was noted that a man with a gun, shot a hole through the cockpit window which caused A CRASH. A small bomb with a timer was placed on the cockpit window. The tail was sent back to the past. The bomb blew up. The Plane Crashed. The Debris was found.
The plane was flying along when it stopped communicating with ATC. Radar tracked it for a while. The plane attempted handshakes with satellites during this period. Eventually it went off radar, and stopped transmitting to satellites. It has not been seen from since. No one knows what happened to it.
About two months ago, a FLAPERON was found near Reunion ?(Spelling) Island. It could be from crash wreckage or faked crash wreckage debris dumped into the ocean to make it look like it crashed in the ocean.
The MH370 FLAPERON appears to have been suspended underwater for quite awhile, which is confusing scientists. It should have been floating, or sitting on the bottom of the ocean. This phenomenon is the only ODD thing, which can remotely be remotely connected to the film. When the tail from the plane in the movie was sent into the future. The Cockpit was still in the past...Perhaps floating in the air? Maybe, and it is a stretch, MAYBE the FLAPERON was left in OUR TIME...
But this was all recent news. BEFORE everyone here thought this movie related to MH370. And the "FLAPERON" being involved in the same thing as in this movies is SO unlikely.
MH370, could have entered a Time Warp, like in the Twilight Zone Series, and is flying in ancient times, or over the 1939 worlds fair. Or perhaps went into the future.
MH370, could have crashed on a mysterious island like one that was the plot of LOST.
Possible Time & Space Warps are known to happen on Earth.
In the early 1970s, a man was flying a small private plane from Cuba? to Florida. The trip should have taken something like 1 hour. He flew into some weird tunnel like cloud, and was over Florida in 30 minutes. Did he encounter a space warp? Was time effected somehow? or did he just encounter some 200 MPH Tailwind? The pilot believes he encountered something now called "Electronic Fog"
A man flying through the Bermuda Triangle reported that he was about to land in Florida. Was about 1 minute out. Nothing. About 10 minutes later, a call was received from the man saying he was preparing to land. He was never heard from again. Did the pilot skip 10 minutes of time? Did he travel through time some more after?
A Bermuda Triangle Documentary, claimed that another plane was flying over some land... and during a radio transmission, claimed that he could not see any signs of life on the land. A radio listener, walked outside of a building, looked up, and saw the plane overhead. But the building could not be seen. Was the plane flying in the past?
Flight 19. The planes were flying a training mission of the East Coast of Florida. Within an impossible short amount of time, they thought they were over the Florida Keys. Not possible in the time allotted. Thinking they were over the Florida Keys, or Gulf of Mexico, they Flew North East... and flew out to sea, East of Florida and disappeared. How could they get SO confused as to their location. With their compasses spinning and other issues, Could there have been a space warp of some kind?
MH370 could also have encountered something like these too...
But again, this movie can't be related, Because every plane was involved in known crashes. MH370 is an unknown crash.
I don't think MH370 traveled through time. Less outlandish, yet physically plausible is this theory:
The Freescale Semiconductor patent motive:
A few years back, Obama began ramping up "renewed engagement" in the south Pacific, with additional US troops stationed in northern Australia being just one heavily publicised outcome.
Because? China.