MovieChat Forums > Millennium (1989) Discussion > The best thing about this movie....

The best thing about this movie.... Scott Thompson describing it as his character, Buddy Cole, in an early Kids in the Hall episode:

"I'm in this new American picture 'Millennium'. It's a big budget science fiction thriller starring Cheryl Ladd. You see, one day some American thought: 'Hey, I want to make a terrible movie in Canada. Everybody else has!' I play the best friend of the time gate operator. He as one line, but he says it directly to me! The movie is full of Canadian actors with one line. It's great! It won't make a dime!"

I always think about that bit whenever this movie comes on, and I can't take anything that happens in it seriously after that.

Though I do like the "Freak Council" people. The concept of a future run by brains in jars and severely mutilated plastic surgery victims is delightful.


Thank you for sharing


is Cheryl Ladd!


Cheryl Ladd was excellent here. I also liked the woman with the stretchy skin face, sort of like Katherine Helmond in "Brazil."

Or the poster for "Brain Dead":


I can't believe that was really Scott Thompson. When I saw the movie, I did a double take, and thought, "Was that a kid in the hall, in millenium?"


Yeah, I sort of recognized him, but obviously he was much younger here than in Kids in the Hall. It's always cool to see people in roles before they became better known.



The best thing about this movie? Cheryl Ladd in a Vanheusen shirt, no panties and on her knees on the bed! Yummy with a spoon!!


The best thing about this movie? Cheryl Ladd in a Vanheusen shirt, no panties and on her knees on the bed!

lucky sob



Yes -- just what you said


obviously he was much younger here than in Kids in the Hall.

Uh, Kids in the Hall began in 1988.... this movie is from 1989...... are you suggesting that he traveled in time to be younger in 1989 than he was in 1988?? ;)

Buddy Cole might've been a little bit later of course, but only a few years probably:


I meant the television series, which is where most audiences first recognized him. I should have said "Kids in the Hall," not Kids in the Hall, which began in 1984 (not 1988).


I meant the television series, which is where most audiences first recognized him. I should have said "Kids in the Hall," not Kids in the Hall, which began in 1984 (not 1988).

Yeah, but Kids in the Hall" didn't air until 1988/89, even though the group formed a few years before that, right?

Anyway, it doesn't matter... it was just a funny anecdote ;)


In what year did you first see "Kids in the Hall"?


In what year did you first see "Kids in the Hall"?

I presume it was somewhere around 1994 or something (when I was 13 years old). But it was a re-run naturally, as I wasn't old enough to understand it earlier. And I'm also not from America, so we always got almost everything at least 1 year or 2 later...


I also didn't watch "Kids in the Hall" or even know about Kids in the Hall until the mid-'90s, which is why Scott Thompson looks younger to me here. I suspect this is the case with most people who watched this film and that show, regardless of what Wikipedia says about when the comedy troupe formed or the TV show premiered.


Oh Kids in the Hall, how I miss it. What a great show and a classic snapshot of Canadian culture in the late 80s and early 90s. I still remember the episode where he had his homage to Kurt Cobain in the background (the photo of him as a child). They were good friends in real life.


I agree. That is the best thing about this movie.

I`m sorry for my lack of manners, but I`m not used to escorting men.




say whaaaat??


I think he enjoyed himself


by kgb383 » Fri Apr 20 2007 10:23:29 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since May 2002 Scott Thompson describing it as his character, Buddy Cole, in an early Kids in the Hall episode:

"I'm in this new American picture 'Millennium'. It's a big budget science fiction thriller starring Cheryl Ladd. You see, one day some American thought: 'Hey, I want to make a terrible movie in Canada. Everybody else has!' I play the best friend of the time gate operator. He as one line, but he says it directly to me! The movie is full of Canadian actors with one line. It's great! It won't make a dime!"

I always think about that bit whenever this movie comes on, and I can't take anything that happens in it seriously after that.

Though I do like the "Freak Council" people. The concept of a future run by brains in jars and severely mutilated plastic surgery victims is delightful.


Buddy Cole is hysterically funny! 



Though I do like the "Freak Council" people. The concept of a future run by brains in jars and severely mutilated plastic surgery victims is delightful.

Agreed, it was a very unique and creative depiction of future humans.
