She did fall for his looks. What did she say she liked about him besides his looks? Nothing!
I never said his looks weren't a factor. But, seriously?! What did you think she was doing when Prince Eric acted polite regarding the birthday gift he didn't like, his kind interactions with Max and Grimsby, his bravery during the storm, saved his men and especially Max when undergoing the evacuation, the latter even nearly costing him his life?! Asleep on the switch?! No, she actually observed those details (heck, she was actually watching everything from a position where she actually could see him but he can't see her), so it's pretty obvious without even needing to be stated that she observed those qualities as well (especially when Ariel definitely isn't the type to simply ignore observations, having an intently curious nature). Pardon me for having to ask, but are you truly that dense to think that it only means anything when they actually state it? Geez, it's people like you that basically utterly ruined Beauty and the Beast by having that Gaston reprise among others.
And as Stratego pointed out above, most other Disney Princesses before her also fell for the prince largely for their looks, and UNLIKE Ariel, most of them never even got an opportunity to witness their character beforehand and without being seen. If anything, the fact that Ariel at least managed to get some insights on Eric by observing him beforehand is an improvement over the prior Disney Princesses.
And besides, how exactly is Belle any better? True, she doesn't fall for Beast due to his looks (then again, how can she do so when he's a chimera and not human?), but on the other hand, she basically falls for him very easily simply because he gives her a library (I want to say she fell for him because he saved her from the wolves, which would have been a far better reason for her falling for Beast, but unfortunately, stuff like [url=""]this[/url] would suggest otherwise [and keep in mind, that took place right between Beast's "But first, I want you to close your eyes." and "It's a surprise.", which occurred AFTER the wolf attack, but right before he gives her the library.].), and this is despite his being a jerk beforehand several times. That, if you ask me, is just as bad, if not even worse. Need I really remind you that Jean-Paul Sartre, one of the biggest and more popular philosophers in France at the time and most certainly someone who at least was considered intelligent, fell easily for that Argentine Marxist psychopathic mass-murderer Che Guevara and even went as far as to call him the most complete human being of the century (a title such a monster doesn't even deserve to get) simply because when he visited Cuba, he and Che philosophized with each other (it's even indicated that at the very least, he started openly becoming Communist as a result of that trip)? Or how about all the students of Sartre or those other girls who basically slept with such a scumbag like Sartre, and got betrayed and thrown away cruelly, and for a final kicker wrote in graphic detail the sexual experiences with Simone de Beauvoir (the closest he has to a wife, and he betrays her frequently as well), and it's pretty obvious that looks weren't even a factor at all in their falling for him and stupidly getting themselves abused by him (He was extremely ugly on the outside, something even he himself admitted)?
EDIT: Okay, I see what you were getting at, but what I meant by that statement is that she didn't fall for him just for his looks. I should have made that a bit clearer.