The sexiest, most romantic Disney couple is Eric and Ariel--agreed?
Am I the only one that literally finds them a turn on? They are so sweet and dare I say, sexy! And that Eric---he's THE BEST!
I'm not typically a big fan of animation in general... I mean, I like it sometimes, but as a genre, it's not really my thing, as I prefer watching live-action and real people. However, I do love THE LITTLE MERMAID---and I just adore Eric and Ariel as a couple, because they do seem real---especially Eric! And he is just such a turn on! Okay, so I guess this means I'm attracted to a cartoon character, haha! But, surely I'm not the only one who finds this film not only sweet---but sexy as heck---am I?
Anyone else feel this way?
Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!