Another thought

Remember when Joe Clark asks Samms when he would get his report card? Excuse me, but wouldn't a principal know when the students get their report cards? Yeah, maybe he knew and was just trying to find out Samms' grades but it just sounded funny to me as I thought about it.


Firstly I think its hard for a principal to know when EXACTLY, EACH of the 1000 reports cards are dished out.

Secondly, report cards vary from grade to grade, day to day, within, say, a 8 day period.


No, they are all given out on the same day, from what I remember from my high school years.


I agree with the OP

I did sixty in five minutes once...


I don't know what type of school you went to, but where I went to school, each grade got their report cards at the same time.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather



I don't see it that way. All the time adults ask kids questions that they already know the answer to, in order to see what the kids are going to say.
