That scene where Clark has Sams on the roof was probably a testament to how Clark would test people who wanted to get into his school and see if they really meant it. I wonder what would've happened if Sams decided to just jump. Would Clark be in deep *beep* for that?
I don't think he was going to watch Sams jump for real. He just wanted to scare him. That part remind me of In Living Color when they did a parody of that scene and they jumped out the window.
Mr. Clark wanted to illustrate to Sams the process of killing oneself by using drugs. If you're going to do so (kill yourself), why do it slowly, he exclaimed. Both methods result in a kill, but one is more blatant and painful. He wanted Sams to realize how wrong he was for doing drugs. The whole process was just a scare tactic more than anything else.
Now, had Sams REALLY jumped, I'm sure Mr. Clark would've went, 'Ohhhhh, sh!!!!t! He really effing did it! Damn!' Then he might've crept down the building, left and pretended he knew nothing about it.
Or he would've gone, 'Sams, boy. You got guts. Now dust yourself off and get in class. What, you want me to feel sorry for you because you broke your legs, back, neck, and shoulder? Your arm still works don't it! Good! You can still do your homework!'
I think if he had, he would've died or become a quadriplegic. I have the feeling though that he knew Samms wasn't going to do it and he wanted to make absolutely sure that Samms wanted to get back into school and do better. He didn't want to just hear Samms say that, he wanted to be convinced. I'd love to ask the real Joe Clark about this.
When I heard the siren going at the end of that scene, I just imagined the cops pulling up- having received reports of them at the edge of the roof- and him shouting down at them "no, no, it's fine, I'm just trying to get this little n****r to jump off the school's roof!"
"You're what!?"
And he starts with his crazy yelling-- "I told you, I'm trying to get this little n****r to jump his ass of the goddamned roof! Now don't you tell me how to do my job! Sams! Jump, goddamn you, fly you little bastard! The po-lice are already here to scrape your black ass off the parking lot!"
I'm an island- peopled by bards, scientists, judges, soldiers, artists, scholars & warrior-poets.