Don't remember the character's name but the woman causing all that trouble for Mr. Clark. She seemed smart, headstrong and resourceful, with those positive characteristics why was her son such a hooligan. Had she been investing her time and energy into her son she wouldn't be in such a predicament.
Leona Barrett, you mean. Yeah, she should've tried to care about her son, but maybe she knew at some level she couldn't handle him, so she blamed Clark for the problems.
Ms. Barrett was some kind of "mother". Instead of using all that energy trying to get Mr. Clark fired she should have been talking to her son. To make matters worse, he was a drug dealer. She was MESSY!
Right? I can't believe she was up on the dais with the board of education. In private meetings with the mayor. Shes so invested in the school but yet her son is running the streets? Made no sense whatsoever.
I had a really hard time understanding this as well. she was mad at him getting kicked out but she was not mad at him being a troublemaker and a bully and doing bad things... it made no sense.
I wish the movie explained more, maybe she didnt really know he was so bad,
The way I see it, at some point she forgot all about trying to be fair, protect the kids, or worrying about the level of education being provided to the children. It seems she also didn't care in the very least about the (real, might I say) possibility of a tragedy in case there was a fire in the school. All she cared about was her personal vendetta against Mr. Clark, because he refused to be nice, or to at least pretend that her arguments made any sense. We all know that only a small minority of people that "speak their minds" are revered by the masses. Most of them end up being ran out of town by people that are either jealous, for living their whole lives saying nice things or pretending they like everybody, or that are just plain psycopaths.
While I'm writing this, I can't help but thinking about Trump, whose supporters claim that one of his best attributes is speaking his own mind, not acting like a career politician. For a while in the first half of the movie, I've got the feeling that Mr. Clark was being just as stupid as Trump is, speaking his mind while acting like an idiot. But the difference is that Mr. Clark was able to recognize that he was wrong, when he was unfair to the vice-principal. Trump will never do that. So that's the difference of speaking your own mind as something we should see as a quality in a person, and just being a plain idiot who speaks whatever nonsense they want.
I have known many mothers throughout my life that acted just like the one in the movie. People that see no problem with making shady deals behind everyone's backs just to get what they want. They don't care about their children's education at all - they just want to get things done the way they believe to be the best way. They don't care if it is actually the best way or not either, it is the best way because it is the way they want. Sadly, many parents, and people in general, seem to adhere to this philosophy.
I would ponder that people that use their children's education or their responsibility of nurturing their kids on the best possible way as a tool to their personal agendas are despicable, but today it seems many parents act just like that. It's not hard to find these people either - just look at the boards of education of many Southern states. When you're pushing your government to teach fallacies like creationism, intelligent design or any other religious non-scientific nonsense, you can't possibly be thinking about what's best for your child. You'll be causing damage not only for your own child, but to all the other children who never asked to be on a dumb flock of non-thinking idiots.
So I guess it makes total sense that the son of such a terrible mother ends up being one of the worse sociopaths on East High. Throughout the history of mankind, often those claiming to have the "best" morals, top-notch education and infallible judgment of character, eventually turn out to be the ones acting in the most despicable way in the shadows.
Just think about it... Pontius Pilate, Hitler, Stalin or Osama bin Laden never said to anybody that they really loved being evil, that they took pleasure on causing harm to others. They all said they were doing what they were doing because they wanted to make the world a better place, and that meant getting rid of "lesser people" - either Jesus, Jews or Westerners.
The point is, when you're using violence or lies, even if your goal is to exterminate violence and lies, then you're just as bad as the one you're accusing to be bad. It's not hard to understand that, but if we did, there would be no death penalty in any country in the world. After all, if killing somebody is bad and a crime, how killing somebody that killed somebody else make things any better? It doesn't, but we still have death penalty in many places.
One more thing... it doesn't matter if you're a liberal or a conservative. What I've just said is plain logic. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people in the world today who are hypocrites just like the terrible mother in the movie. __________________ Let's all agree to keep signatures apart from text body?
I couldn't stand her character. If she was really a good mom and did everything right, her kid wouldn't have been troubled enough to the point where he/she got kicked out of school.
Instead of defending her son and criticizing Clark, she should've taken his advice and tried to control help her kid stay out of trouble.
Typical helicopter mom who blames others for their own child's short comings. If she was really a good mom, her son wouldn't be getting into trouble or suspended in the first place.