...for what it is, without having an obsessive hatred for Daniel?
This board keeps popping in trending because the same few ppl keep arguing that Daniel and Miyagi are like, horrible people?
Are these trolls? Is this some elaborate joke? Some strange leftover from the original IMDB forums? Just one person replying to themselves on alt accounts? Seriously, what is this nonsense? What is all this creepiness all about?
It’s the best of the franchise since it calls Daniel’s bluff, exposing him for the scum he truly is. If you need further confirmation about his despicable nature, I challenge you to rewatch the first minute of this scene without punching the screen in contempt.
Spare a thought for the receptionist, working the graveyard shift at some shithole Reseda hospital flooded with gunshot victims and overdosed junkies when Daniel calls in, frantic and voice raised, berating her over some nosebleed case while she’s trying to do serious hospital work. He had no right to take that tone with her.
Notice his coked out demeanor while pitching the ill fated Bonzai tree store. He’s clearly lost touch with reality. How is an audience supposed to root for such a deranged character?
This movie makes Daniel a bigger wimp than when he started in the first movie. It goes backwards rather than forwards. I think the writer threw his toys out of the pram when the studio passed on the original idea he had for the third movie.
Overall it is a poor rehash of the first movie.
Yeah, it was definitely unnecessary. Step backwards is the right way to say especially since we saw how Part II pushed forward the narrative, the character, etc. I still think it's entertaining enough though.
You’re missing the deeper meaning. A subversive piece of storytelling, KKIII deliberately exposes both Daniel and Miyagi as having been frauds all along. Daniel’s backward steps highlight the ultimate uselessness of Miyagi’s lessons from Parts I and II.
It also demonstrates the corruption at the All Valley tournament, where the clearly superior athlete is cheated out of a deserved victory.
No, it demonstrates the ineptitude of Silver and his plan.
It’s no exaggeration to say that Barnes was 10 times as accomplished a karateka as Whinielle. He completely outclassed h8m throughout the match.
True. It's also no exaggeration to say that the plan was flawed from the start as was shown by Barnes loss despite outclassing his opponent.
Well you must have been watching a different fight then. Because deliberately kicking someone between the legs and punching them in the face after the fight has been stopped does not make someone a deserving champion.
Your boys attitude was a farce and his shenanigans cost him the title.
Your such a hypocrite. Barnes supposed infractions happened within the context of the fight and were directed toward his opponent. In combat sports, a few dust ups here and there are inevitable. Daniel’s attack on a crowd member was multiple times worse than anything Barnes did. He should have received a penalty, which would have changed the eventual outcome of the match.
No, you are the hypocrite here.
You want to impose real life punishment on Daniel yet not Barnes. That is the very definition of hypocrisy.
In real life Daniel would possibly have been disqualified for that action. It would depend on whether the official felt he was provoked or not. Barnes would definitely have been disqualified in real life for the deliberate kick to the groin, which occurred prior to this incident.
What part of that do you fail to comprehend?
As for the movie, it is obvious that what Daniel did was not seen as reason to deduct a point, much the same as Barnes only incurred a point deduction for something a person would usually be disqualified for. If it had been so, then that would have occurred. Silver and Kreese certainly would have objected otherwise.
Now either use the real life scenario for both, or the in movie scenario for both or fuck off.
Disqualified for an accidental kick to the groin? Do you actually believe what you’re saying or are you just being a contrarian to look cool? One of the greatest crimes in sports is attacking a crowd member. He should have been disqualified right then and there. That you’re willing to excuse that just shows your warped sense of ethics.
Disqualified for an accidental kick to the groin?
It wasn't accidental
Do you actually believe what you’re saying or are you just being a contrarian to look cool?
Right back at you chump.
One of the greatest crimes in sports is attacking a crowd member. He should have been disqualified right then and there.
If you want to apply real life to it then we should never have gotten to that point as Barnes would have been disqualified before it occurred.
That you’re willing to excuse that just shows your warped sense of ethics.
That you knowingly and willingly lie to try and prove your point shows your warped sense of ethics more than anything.
Like referee Johnson, you’re blinded by your attraction to Daniel, bending the rules to excuse his misbehavior while needlessly penalizing Barnes. Not sure how they run things over there in Boris Johnson’s UK, but in America we live by honesty, compassion and fair play.
You accepted a bet about The England-Italy Euro final and then backed out when you got cold feet.
What would I know? That I couldn't trust you. Turns out I was right not to trust you.
Still here though aren't you despite saying you were leaving anyway?
What SHOULD you know? Well you should know that the bet was about the Denmark game and not the Italy one!
Why are you being so obtuse WA. Barnes was actually penalized for alleged violations. However Daniel was NEVER penalized for his violations. You also know that, whatever rough stuff might happen between two opponents in the ring, there is NO excuse for attacking an audience member out of frustration. Daniel constantly ran out of the ring, attacked Barnes arm and then attacked a bystander due to his frustration over getting his ass kicked by a superior opponent. Unforgivable yet you won’t admit that Daniel should have faced consequences for his disgraceful acts.
Why are you being so ignorant? This has been discussed and explained to you. I have already said that in real life he could have been disqualified for this. But then Barnes WOULD have been disqualified in real life before this even occurred.
Daniel ran out of the ring twice and was warned if he did it a third time he would lose a point. Obviously that was the rule here. What don't you understand ?
Daniel responded to an intrusion on the mat and the intrusion was seen as the offence. What part of that are you failing to comprehend? How many times do you need it explaining to you?
You are wanting a real life punishment for Daniel but are against the same for Barnes, why? Because your boy lost and you are a hypocrite.
Are you deliberately being obtuse? Barnes DID pay a penalty for his actions… his points were taken away from him. So many of his points were taken that the match was called in Daniels favor due to the magnitude of the point dedications Barnes had to suffer. Daniel on the other hand gave ZERO consequences for constantly running out of the ring, the attack on Barnes arm and the unprovoked violent attack against an innocent bystander.
Again with the ignorance. I'm not sure why you can't understand between real life and the movies application of the rules.
Barnes was told he would lose points for what he did yet he did it anyway. Hence he lost points.
Daniel was told after exiting the mat twice (not really constantly is it?) he would lose a point if he exited the mat one more time. He didn't, hence no point loss.
There is nothing in the movie that says there will be any punishment regarding what happens with Snake. It is safe to assume, seeing that even Silver and Kreese offer no objection, that the offence is seen by the officials as being Snakes intrusion. But again we don't know for sure.
All we have to go on is what we see and what would happen in real life. Unfortunately for you, if we apply real life to this scenario we have to apply it to the whole fight. As has already been stated, you can't have it both ways. we either do it for the whole fight and Barnes would have been disqualified before said event, or we accept that in the movie world it wasn't a situation where Daniel would lose a point.
Lastly, you forget that everything Barnes did was according to Silvers plan. The plan which called for Daniel to lose his title in sudden death. According to Silver everything went perfectly up until that point, so even he didn't expect a point deduction for that. Snakes action was after all, greeted with approval by Kreese and Silver. If it meant Daniel losing a point it would have gone against the plan.
Your boy got beat, stop crying and trying to forge a win where one doesn't exist.
You suck WA you suck man. Now quit your lollygagging and get back to work or else I’ll have you fired! You’ll be on the street begging Terry Silver for a job at Dynatox.
Im gonna audit all your posts WA and correlate the timestamps against the local time in England. We will then have a comprehensive accounting of all the times you have trolled the board during business hours while you should have been working. Then I will present my findings the Queen who will lock you in the tower for lolligagging at work.
Would she?
You know that how? Oh that's right...you don't. Don't you ever read back what you post and think that's absolute horse shit? I'm guessing you must.
It's been ages since I last watched it,I remember feeling disappointed with it,mayagi should of done the world a favour and cut of silver's awful ponytail.
I don't see it as frequently as the others, but I still find it amusing. I don't think it's as good of a film at all, nor as an additional installment to the series.