An offer he couldn't refuse

It really was a dick move for Whinielle to tell Barnes that he wouldn't enter the tournament when he knew full well that his decision would negatively impact Barn's financial future.

I wonder if Barnes couldn't have worked out an arrangement with Whinielle to make him entering the tournament worth his while?

Maybe Barnes could have promised to invest some capital in Whinielle's new bonsai enterprise?

Or maybe helped pay for his college?



Maybe he could have done just that. Might even have worked.


Whinielle was too stupid to realize he was never in any real danger from Barnes.

Whinielle could have snuck into Barne's house and urinated into his mouth and STILL Barnes wouldn't seriously hurt him.

Whinielle was Barn's golden goose.... kill the goose and you don't get 50% of cobra kai dojos.


Snuck in to Barnes house?
You mean Silvers house? He would have been torn apart by the dogs.


Can you imagine Whinielle sneaking into Silver's house and getting into his hot tub?

What would Silver DO to him as punishment?


I think he would hhave opened a canister of toxic sludge and said 'Here Mr LaRusso, try this hot tub'.
Then put the lid on with him still in it.



That would have been an interesting heel turn on Daniel's part. Agree to let Barnes kick the crap out of him in the tournament, get back the money he gave the old man, and go be Mr. College Man somewhere.


Well Whinielle said it himself... the only thing he was ever good at was the ability to take a beating.

He might as well get paid for it.
