MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Discussion > Indiana Jones Would Never Have Survived ...

Indiana Jones Would Never Have Survived The Last Crusade's Catacombs

Indiana Jones narrowly escapes with his life in The Last Crusade’s Venetian catacombs, but this was one getaway that wouldn’t have actually succeeded.


Well, that is totally incorrect. The fact that there was petroleum products floating on the water doesn't mean the air in the catacombs would have been unbreathable.

If they want to pick on something, how about the fact that Kazim was able to ignite an unrefined petroleum product with just a match?


Or how about this.....How many ignited particles fell into the petroleum while Indy was holding the torch??? Which didn't ignite the petroleum but one match did ... 😂

Also pretty sure that was supposed to be pure petroleum. Sure it makes it even more unrealistic but the dialog and than match confirm it. It was a sloppy scene for sure ...


LOL, the "old suspension of disbelief!!"

By far the most egregious I can recall was in Die Hard when Bruce lit the "jet fuel" on the runway which not only ignited, but caused a flame front fast enough to catch a jet plane at rotation speed (we'll forget that the flame front also caught the plane in mid air). Jet fuel of course is pretty much kerosene, which is not only difficult to ignite but also burns slowly.
