Should've ended as a Trilogy

Perfect ending as father and son obtain eternal life from the Cup and ride off into the sunset. Instead they continued on Crystal Skull and the upcoming 2023 movie with him aging hard in his Indy look. It would make sense if it was 500-700 years into the future or something to look that old since that Knight living in the Grail location was around that age look.


But they didn't get eternal life. They left the cave. They only would have had eternal life if they stayed there.

I agree that it should have ended then though.


Yes, correct. The grail could not 'pass the seal'.


I thought it was only the grail that couldn't leave the cave, not their lifespan which they drank from the grail cup.

Indy: I've heard this one as well. Two of these brothers walked out of the desert one hundred and fifty years after having found the Grail and began the long journey back to france. But only one of them made it. And before dying of extreme old age, he supposedly imparted his tale to a-to a franciscan friar, I think.

Donovan: Not "Supposedly," Doctor Jones.

Knight: You have chosen wisely. But the Grail cannot pass beyond the great seal. That is the boundary and the price of immortality.

Drinking from the grail doesn't impart immortality per se (especially once one has left the confines of the cave) and given the infirmity of the eldest brother who can't even swing his sword, it seems pretty clear that the grail doesn't even impart youth and/or vitality beyond a certain point.


The grail only rejuvenates you, in order to have eternal life you have to keep drinking from it, since the grail can’t pass the seal or some shit you’d have to stay in the temple or keep coming back to it. I know it’s really really stupid but those are the rules.


How is it any dumber than the supernatural stuff in the other movies?


Because it’s obvious that the rules were invented to suit the plot, not by what made sense.


Isn't that the case in every movie?


No, the rules should make sense and shouldn’t be modeled around what will make the plot move forward. That would be like in Temple if it turned out if the stones left the Temple then the Temple blows up, that doesn’t make any sense at all but it would be a convenient way for Indy to defeat the Thuggees.


In Temple the stone starts burning Mola Ram's hand when Indy invokes Shiva - in spite of the fact that Raiders established the God of Abraham to be real. So that was pretty convenient. How did Indy know how to "turn on" the stone, anyway? Temple also features a sacrifice victim who is able to live without a heart, for no other reason than it would be more gruesome if the victim would have his heart ripped out and be burned alive.


Raiders never established that Shiva doesn’t exist. This in the fantasy universe, you need to let it go.

Indy was an expert on Archaeology and knew a lot about the stones, so I’ll let it slide, kind of like how he knew to close his eyes when the ark was opened.

As for the sacrifice victim it was clearly black magic that was keeping him alive.


Raiders never established that Shiva doesn’t exist. This in the fantasy universe, you need to let it go.

So why won't you do that for Crusade?

Indy was an expert on Archaeology and knew a lot about the stones, so I’ll let it slide, kind of like how he knew to close his eyes when the ark was opened.

Still doesn't explain how Judaism and Hinduism can both be true at the same time.

As for the sacrifice victim it was clearly black magic that was keeping him alive.

And how is this not dumber than the grail?


I don’t criticize Crusade for it’s fantasy elements, I criticize it for being a bad movie

Ummm why can’t they both be true, especially considering we are in a fantasy universe? Hell how are either of them true? Also Crusade establishes that Christianity is true so therefore Crusade has the same problem you claim Temple has. In fact Temple takes place before Raiders so if anything Raiders has the problem.

The grail is far dumber, a cup of water that rejuvenates you is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Having a heart ripped out is awesome.


I doubt it's the stupidest thing you've ever heard.


True, the libtards on the politics board probably outdo it.


The grail is far dumber, a cup of water that rejuvenates you is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Having a heart ripped out is awesome.

See, this is what I'm talking about. You apply completely different standards to Crusade than you do to other movies. You expect 100% realism from Crusade, or it's the stupidest thing you've ever heard of. If it's Raiders or Temple, on the other hand, there are no limits whatsoever to how much you are prepared to suspend disbelief, because it's "awesome".

And seriously, you've never heard of rejuvenating mcguffins before you saw Crusade? You're not very bookish, are you?


I don’t expect realism, I expect the movie to be somewhat logical and tell a coherent narrative, Crusade does not but the first two did. The problems of Last Crusade were non existent in the first two


No it should have ended after Temple.


Then we would of never got the 2nd best indy film which is crusade


You're wrong, we would have only gotten the 2 best Indiana Jones films (Raiders and Temples) and we would not have gotten two godawful pieces of shit (Last Crusade and Crystal Skulls)


Nope, it crusade thats the 2nd best, to settle this argument we will take critics and audience scores .......and the winner is crusade in 2nd , you lose.


So your objective data is the subjective opinion of someone else???


Rather thst than your shitty opinion


Still subjective and declaring my opinion as “shitty” is also subjective. You’re 0-3 dingleberry


Of course it's subjective. Just like your opinion is 100% subjective. However, as vast majority of people agree that your opinion is indeed shitty, there must be something to it.


Appealing to popularity is a logical fallacy, there was a time where everyone believe the world was flat but that didn’t make it true.


Appealing to popularity is a logical fallacy, there was a time where everyone believe the world was flat but that didn’t make it true.

This isn't simply a matter of a majority having an opinion different to yours. This is about you being the sole person, possibly in the entire world, to feel the way you do about the Indy franchise. Your opinions are objectively ridiculous, not least because you apply completely different standards to Crusade than you do for Raiders or Temple.


Oh it’s objectively ridiculous? Perhaps you’d care to show me the objective , quantifiable and imperial study that proves I am objectively ridiculous. Or you could admit that you’re lying and all you’re basing your premise on is your own fallacious, subjective opinion


I think at least one followup movie or dare I say a sequel trilogy set during WW2 could had been cool. I wish we got that instead of The Terminal.


A WWII movie would have been good. Plus, in addition to the Nazis (the ultimate film foe), they could have included Imperial Japan.


Yeah or him battling the Italian Fascists in Africa or during another visit to Italy.


Totally agree, KOTCS is absolute garbage and might aswell not even exist.

In fact, as far as I’m concerned it’s a trilogy.


Should've ended as one film.


I’ll still count the prequel Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom because it’s at least hella entertaining but yeah Raiders is the only one that is truly a masterpiece.


I disagree. Frankly I don't like Temple of Doom and prefer both Raiders and Last Crusade.


I completely disagree with you. Raiders is one of the greatest films ever made, Temple isn't nearly as good but still watchable, good movie to watch as you're going to sleep. Crusade is Batman and Robin level of bad.


I completely disagree with you. Raiders is one of the greatest films ever made,

In your opinion.

Temple isn't nearly as good but still watchable,

In your opinion.

Crusade is Batman and Robin level of bad.

In your opinion.


Never said it wasn’t.


"Raiders is one of the greatest films ever made" is a fact statement. And I know you, you treat your opinions as uncontroverted facts. Your compulsive hatred of Crusade is proof of this: you just can't accept that people love Crusade, and it angers you that Crusade has nearly the same rating on IMDb as Raiders. You won't be happy until you've made everybody hate the same things you hate.


Another strawman, I never said my opinion was an “uncontroverted fact”.

I can like or dislike any movie I want, I don’t need your approval. You are an overly emotional man baby who refuses to see the flaws in this trash movie. I bet you would never apply that logic to any movie that you happen to hate.


Another strawman, I never said my opinion was an “uncontroverted fact”.

I didn't say you said it. I said you treat your opinions as uncontroverted facts. And you do.

I can like or dislike any movie I want, I don’t need your approval.

Exactly! But what you don't understand is that everybody else has the very same right.

You are an overly emotional man baby who refuses to see the flaws in this trash movie.

Oh, I can list every single flaw in this movie from start to finish. They are legion. This is also the case in both Raiders and Temple, and yet I love all three films. And I also love the Goonies, which is more or less how I view Temple.

I bet you would never apply that logic to any movie that you happen to hate.

That's your schtick. You refuse to accept any flaw to Raiders, and insist there are perfectly valid explanation for any possible objection. With Crusade, however, not only do you absolutely refuse any possible explanation to objections here, but you go out of your way to find flaws where no flaws exist.


Call it what you will but I never even implied that my opinion was an “uncontroverted fact”, you came up with that on your won.

You have the right to not like what you want and I have the right to disagree with you, see how this works, numb nuts?

False equivalence, the flaws in Crusade don’t even come close to the flaws in Raiders and Temple

I can accept flaws in Raiders, for example why the Nazis would have discovered the secret entrance to the Well of Souls and then just give up on it, all they had to do was break down a wall and they had the ark. The flaws in Last Crusade are exponentially higher.


Call it what you will but I never even implied that my opinion was an “uncontroverted fact”, you came up with that on your won.

As I pointed out, it is a qualified observation based on years of you trawling for praise to attack on the forum of a movie you hate.

You have the right to not like what you want and I have the right to disagree with you, see how this works, numb nuts?

Yes, you have the right to disagree - but your behaviour is obsessive-compulsive.

False equivalence, the flaws in Crusade don’t even come close to the flaws in Raiders and Temple

Ha! You said it :D

I can accept flaws in Raiders, for example why the Nazis would have discovered the secret entrance to the Well of Souls and then just give up on it, all they had to do was break down a wall and they had the ark. The flaws in Last Crusade are exponentially higher.

On the contrary, the biggest flaws are to be found in Raiders. Notwithstanding the fact that Indy would have drowned trying to cling onto the uboat, there's also the fact that he effectively saved the nazi leadership with his interference. Had Indy not interfered, the nazis would have found the ark and stowed it onboard the plane which would then be intact - Belloq could then not pester Dietrich with opening the ark before it was sent to Berlin. The ark would have been flown to Berlin, it would have been opened in Hitler's presence and the world would be spared the bloodiest conflict in human history.

The corresponding flaw in Crusade is that even if the grail was everything Hitler had hoped for, so what? The grail only prevents you from dying of old age and disease, but it will not prevent you from losing the war and be arrested. The grail might serve some limited use in a field hospital at the front, but which field hospital, and which front? And why run the risk of the grail falling into the hands of the enemy? So Henry Sr. was quite wrong when he said that "if it is captured by the nazis, the armies of darkness will march all over the face of the earth". And the fact that it cannot pass beyond the great seal means it is pointless to guard it. Just leave it there, without the knight and the booby traps - the seal is guard enough. That said, Indy's interference doesn't accidentally save Hitler this time, and it brings the circle of the three movies to a neat close.


No, it's nothing more than your own subjective opinion.

My behavior is not obsessive compulsive, you're just having a fit because not everyone thinks the way you do and because of your narcissistic personality anyone who doesn't think like you must have obsessive compulsive disorder.

Uhhhh yeah the flaws in Last Crusade are exponentially higher, therefore not on the same level.

As for the U-Boat we don't know how far it dove down so therefore we aren't in any position to say he definitely would have drowned. If it hadn't been for Indy then the Nazis never would have found the medallion,they never would have taken the arc to the Island and they wouldn't have died so your premise is debunked. The only reason the Nazis even knew where the medallion was was because they followed him.

The whole thing with the grail and the seal was so damn stupid so if that's your defense of this trash movie then you've already lost. You are desperately clinging to a life raft so you don't drown.


No, it's nothing more than your own subjective opinion.

My behavior is not obsessive compulsive, you're just having a fit because not everyone thinks the way you do and because of your narcissistic personality anyone who doesn't think like you must have obsessive compulsive disorder.

You've been acting with irrational rage around Crusade for years. No one else around here acts that way.

Uhhhh yeah the flaws in Last Crusade are exponentially higher, therefore not on the same level.

That's your subjective opinion.

As for the U-Boat we don't know how far it dove down so therefore we aren't in any position to say he definitely would have drowned.

If it's submerged, it's submerged. The scope wouldn't be up for the entire duration - Indy would have drowned.

If it hadn't been for Indy then the Nazis never would have found the medallion

They didn't need the medallion. They were digging in the right place, it was only a matter of time before they'd have found the ark. And when the medallion revealed the true location of the ark, it really was in the most obvious spot possible: the high temple.

they never would have taken the arc to the Island and they wouldn't have died

Precisely. They wouldn't have taken it to the island, because they would have flown it directly to Berlin instead. It would then be opened in the presence of Hitler, and the entire nazi leadership would perish in one fell swoop.

The whole thing with the grail and the seal was so damn stupid so if that's your defense

You're so blinded with hatred that you failed to see that I wasn't defending it at all, I was criticising it.


It's your subjective opinion and nothing more that I have acted with "irrational rage", I have provided constructive criticism and you are just pitching a fit because you disagree. Pathetic.

Actually no, it's obvious to anyone who has eyes how flawed Last Crusade is.

You don't know if they submerged all the way, the truth is if they did submerge then they would use more fuel and there may not have been a reason to submerge. I'm not saying this happened, I'm saying you aren't justified in saying it did considering we never see it submerge. Try to keep up, kid.

They did need the medallion, without the medallion they never would have found the Well of Souls, they were digging pretty far away from it. Without the medallion the Nazis just keep looking forever and the ending never happens. Indy even said "well they aren't going to find it without this (the medallion)"

Indy had nothing to do with taking the arc to the island, that was all at Belloq's insistence, Belloq was working with the Nazis with or without Indy so therefore Indy had nothing to do with the ark being taken to the island.

I am not blinded with hatred at all, I am being honest and objective.


It's your subjective opinion and nothing more that I have acted with "irrational rage", I have provided constructive criticism and you are just pitching a fit because you disagree. Pathetic.

"Constructive criticism"??? o_O
You're the one who throws an absolute obscene tantrum because a character in a movie said "Mickey Mouse". The only piece of constructive criticism I have heard you come up with was the fact that they reduced Brody to comic relief in Crusade. That's a valid criticism, but it's "Mickey Mouse" that leaves you absolutely seething - and you are the only one. I'll bet good money you are the only one in the entire world, as a matter of fact.

You don't know if they submerged all the way, the truth is if they did submerge then they would use more fuel and there may not have been a reason to submerge.

Of course I know they submerged. The captain gave the order, and there was no one topside when Indy boarded the uboat. The only time you don't have eyes and ears topside is if you're submerged, or about to submerge.

And this illustrates perfectly your extreme hypocrisy. You actually believe it is a PLOT HOLE that Indy and Henry are left alone with no guards, in spite of the fact that they're being tied up - because "the nazis would never be that stupid". Yet you DO accept they would be EVEN DUMBER in Raiders, not to have lookouts topside while riding on the surface. Even if they were sailing with decks awash - which they often did - they would still man the tower. Uboats don't have windows, you know. And as I have pointed out in previous discussions, uboats submerged every day. Not just for training purposes - although that's an important aspect of it - but because you need daily trim dives to re-establish the neutral buoyancy point. Trim dives are typically at 20-60 metres in depth.

They did need the medallion, without the medallion they never would have found the Well of Souls

The medallion didn't tell them where to find the well of souls. The medallion was useless until they found the well of souls. I thought this was one of your favourite movies, you should know this.

Indy had nothing to do with taking the arc to the island, that was all at Belloq's insistence,

Belloq could only insist on this because the ark (not "arc") was carried by ship, because they had to resort to plan B. Why did they have to resort to plan B? Because plan A was to fly the ark on that flying wing thing. Indy blew that up, so they couldn't use it. That's why the ark was transported by sea, that's why - and how - Belloq seized on the golden opportunity to be the the first to open it.

I am not blinded with hatred at all, I am being honest and objective.

You are the most deluded person I've ever come across; you don't know the meaning of the word 'objective'. This isn't our first dance together, and I've explained all of this to you before, but it's not sinking in. You are making the most ridiculous excuses for obvious flaws in Raiders, whilst going to absurd lengths to find flaws in Crusade. I bet I can list far more actual flaws in Crusade than you can, because you keep obsessing about Mickey Mouse and other complete non-issues. To you, every flaw in Raiders has a PERFECTLY good explanation - whereas every flaw in crusade is the WORST in MOVIE HISTORY. You really are quite insane.


The Mickey Mouse joke is a HUGE problem, it was childish, immature not to mention not funny. It set the stage for the kind of kiddie nonsense for the 4 year olds that Spielberg was pandering to.

Maybe they decided not to submerge later because it would have used too much fuel? I’m not saying they didn’t but I am saying you aren’t justified in saying they did.

Ummmmm the medallion literally did reveal where the Well of Souls was, were you paying attention? That was literally the purpose. Uhhhh once they found the Well of Souls they didn’t need the medallion anymore. That’s why it pretty much disappeared from the movie after the map room scene. Damn you’re dumb.

I am sure I misspelled it, but I don’t care and I will not correct my spelling of the work “arc”. “ And they very easily could have flown the ARC to the island to test it or they could have flown it somewhere else and tested it. But none of this matters because it was Belloq’s idea to take it to the island, not Indy’s. You are not justified in your premise.

I am the most objective and unbiased person you’ve ever come across. First of all I never said that Raiders didn’t have flaws, it does, but Last Crusade’s far outnumbers Raiders and to put them on the same level is a logical absurdity not to mention false equivalence. Also I am willing to overlook many of the flaws of Raiders because you know, IT’S ACTUALLY GOOD!


The Mickey Mouse joke is a HUGE problem,

It's not a problem at all - you are literally the ONLY person to think it is. Had they kept "Jesse Owens" instead of "Mickey Mouse", NOTHING WOULD HAVE CHANGED. It would still be THE EXACT SAME JOKE.

it was childish, immature not to mention not funny.

YOUR opinion. Ironically, a very childish opinion ("it's stupid and childish and not funny at ALL!"). Spectre had the EXACT SAME joke, again using the name "Mickey Mouse" (in Italian - "Toppolino"), and you had no problem with that.

Ummmmm the medallion literally did reveal where the Well of Souls was, were you paying attention? That was literally the purpose. Uhhhh once they found the Well of Souls they didn’t need the medallion anymore. That’s why it pretty much disappeared from the movie after the map room scene.

Sorry, my bad - I confused the map room with the well of souls. Point still stands, though: they were only digging in the wrong place because they followed Indy to get the medallion. Had Indy not been in the picture, they would have found the well of souls sooner rather than later. Not only because it was in the most obvious location, but also because they were digging everywhere. And guess what: you can't say I'm wrong unless you also say that it would be better if Indy never left the US. Because then, according to you, the nazis would never have found the ark.

But of course they would have found the ark. And hell, let them find the ark. The only thing they could possibly use it for was suicide.

I am sure I misspelled it, but I don’t care and I will not correct my spelling of the work “arc”.

Fine, so long as you don't misspell the word "word" in future.

And they very easily could have flown the ARC to the island to test it or they could have flown it somewhere else and tested it.

Except they wouldn't have. By the time Belloq made the suggestion to Dietrich, the ark was meant to be airborne already.

I am the most objective and unbiased person you’ve ever come across.

This only proves you have no self-awareness. No normal person would ever make such a ridiculous claim, except in jest.

First of all I never said that Raiders didn’t have flaws, it does,

Oh yeah, like what? Because you have gone to preposterous lengths to defend even the most outrageous flaws - it is reasonable to assume you won't accept any flaws.

but Last Crusade’s far outnumbers Raiders

No, they're about the same. But the flaws of Raiders are demonstrably more serious.

and to put them on the same level is a logical absurdity not to mention false equivalence.

More words you don't understand. "Logic" should never be uttered by you, and you clearly don't know what a false equivocation is either.

Also I am willing to overlook many of the flaws of Raiders because you know, IT’S ACTUALLY GOOD!

Yes, indeed. And so is Crusade.


They shouldn’t have had a joke at all although Jesse Owens would have been less bad, but Spielberg changed it to Mickey Mouse because the toddler’s this movie was meant for wouldn’t know who that was, it proves that Spielberg made the movie for kids which is a sharp departure from the first two.

Not an opinion at all, Mickey Mouse is intended for children, also whether or not Spectre had a similar joke is irrelevant to this discussion.

Had they not followed Indy then by the laws of probability they would still be digging in the wrong place, the only way to dig in the right place would be to have the medallion.

Oh for crying out loud I’m typing from my phone, of course autocorrect is going to get me you nincompoop.

For all we know Belloq would have made the suggestion to go to the Island at some point had it been loaded on the plane, the point is you are speculating and contemplating alternate realities which don’t exist. Therefore you are pissing in the wind and not contributing to a logical flow of this discussion.

I am objective and unbiased, I’m sorry I don’t agree with you but that’s your own damn fault.

I already told you a flaw in Raiders, the Nazis not searching the secret passage to the well of souls that Indy and Marion escaped from.

Now, the flaws of Last Crusade far outnumber Raiders and I have made multiple posts providing this.

LOL Last Crusade isn’t even in the same ballpark as Raiders, Raiders is one of the greatest films ever made, Last Crusade belongs in the IMDB Bottom 100 and should have swept the Razzies that year.


They shouldn’t have had a joke at all

Why not? It's an Indy movie. They had this kind of joke in both previous movies, why should this one be so serious?

although Jesse Owens would have been less bad

Why? This is something you have never explained.

but Spielberg changed it to Mickey Mouse because the toddler’s this movie was meant for wouldn’t know who that was,

No, because the PEOPLE this movie was meant for might not know who Jesse Owens was. And you know? Not everybody does.

it proves that Spielberg made the movie for kids which is a sharp departure from the first two.

What a load of bull. The only movie that specifically panders to children is Temple of Doom. That's the movie with all the silly slapstic (virtually in every scene), with the child sidekick, with all the Goonies-style ickiness that kids love. "Oh, but it was so dark!" In about the same sense that Goonies was, sure. But you have tons of humour to make up for it.

Not an opinion at all, Mickey Mouse is intended for children,

The character of Mickey Mouse is intended for children, yes. But then Mickey Mouse isn't in this movie, genius. If the mere MENTION of Mickey Mouse makes it a children's movie, then the following movies are also for children:

Full Metal Jacket

...and who knows how many other movies, in every possible genre.

also whether or not Spectre had a similar joke is irrelevant to this discussion.

It is directly relevant, because it's the exact same mention - and yet you make excuses for one movie, but hang the other with it. You are clearly deranged.

Had they not followed Indy then by the laws of probability they would still be digging in the wrong place, the only way to dig in the right place would be to have the medallion.

You can't possibly be this stupid. The probability of finding the ark was 1 - ie. 100%. The only reason they were digging in the wrong place was precisely because Indy found the medallion for them. This is what caused them to stop digging elsewhere. But again, like I said, what YOU are saying is that it would be best if Indy hadn't left the US at all - because you're saying the nazis would NEVER have found the ark. However, the medallion is certainly NOT the only way to dig in the right place.

Oh for crying out loud I’m typing from my phone, of course autocorrect is going to get me you nincompoop.

Is that why you can't be arsed to do quotes either?

For all we know Belloq would have made the suggestion to go to the Island at some point had it been loaded on the plane,

On the contrary, we know that he didn't. How do we know? Because he didn't.

I am objective and unbiased, I’m sorry I don’t agree with you but that’s your own damn fault.

You know, when you don't bother with quotes, this makes you look even more certifiable.

I already told you a flaw in Raiders, the Nazis not searching the secret passage to the well of souls that Indy and Marion escaped from.

There was no secret passage. Indy and Marion broke their way out. The flaw is that they were able to.

Now, the flaws of Last Crusade far outnumber Raiders and I have made multiple posts providing this.

The flaws in both movies are more numerous than the number of scenes in either movie. Both movies are chock full, and no one has ever provided a list which contains all of them.

LOL Last Crusade isn’t even in the same ballpark as Raiders, Raiders is one of the greatest films ever made, Last Crusade belongs in the IMDB Bottom 100 and should have swept the Razzies that year.

That should only be the case if it is hated by most people. But then the opposite happens to be the case. You may not like it, but you have to accept it: people love Crusade. It is verifiably a good movie, because lots of people like it. That's the only meaningful way of evaluating art: how is it received by people? Not how is it received by you. You are only one (exceptionally opinionated) individual, who possesses a minority opinion. I really don't think there is another living person on earth who hate Crusade as much as you do. And you have yet to offer a single rational argument for your hatred. Be that as it may, you are free to hate anything you want with as much passion as you want for whatever reason you want. Such is your prerogative. But when you try to force your opinion on others, when you can't shut up about it, when you treat your extremely subjective opinions as objective, then it is time to call the men in white coats.


Except the jokes in the first two movies were dark and mature and were typically about someone receiving an incredibly brutal death. The "jokes" in Last Crusade were kiddie jokes and were obviously a pathetic attempt by Spielberg to dumb his movie down for toddlers.

Because Jesse Owens would have at least required the viewer to know a little thing about history, but of course there never should have been a joke in the first place so this talking point is meaningless.

I knew who Jesse Owens was back in 3rd grade. The audience should be expected to know who he was, and Blazing Saddles proves this. Spielberg changed it because toddlers would respond better to Mickey Mouse.

Temple does not pander to children, Temple dealt with very mature themes such as black magic, child slavery, etc., it was very much not a kiddie movie, Last Crusade was.

The Mickey Mouse joke was specifically put in there to appeal to children, that proves my premise and debunks yours. Spielberg felt the backlash from parents because Temple was too dark and violent so he pussed out and made a kiddie movie the third time around.

Quit bringing up Spectre, it has literally nothing to do with this discussion, can it with your non sequiturs.

So then they were digging in the right place before Indy found the medallion? Please show me where you got this from? They still would have dug in the wrong place had Indy not found the Medallion and the Ark would have remained undisturbed.

How do you know he didn't suggest that? Yes you have to prove a negative because you asserted a negative, I didn't.

So not going through the trouble of copying and pasting a long and incoherent rant makes me certifiable? Where the fuck are you coming up with this logic?

The point still stands, I did point out flaws in Raiders and you said I didn't.

I have provided multiple posts including long lists of objective flaws in Last Crusade, that proves that Last Crusade is a trash movie.

You seriously need to chill out, you are overly emotional and you are having a panic attack, not everyone cums in their pants over Last Crusade like you do and it's OK. I happen to hate it as I'm sure you hate other movies.


Except the jokes in the first two movies were dark and mature

No they most certainly were not! In fact, the exact same "Mickey Mouse" joke you hate so much in Crusade was in Raiders as well. Here it is:

The joke is this:

Indy tries to pass himself off as someone else.
He is confronted by someone who requires more hassle to convince than he had counted on.
Indy keeps trying, but then decides "screw it" and knocks the guy out.

That's the joke. The specifics of the dialogue is irrelevant.

were typically about someone receiving an incredibly brutal death.

That was not the most common kind of joke. Mostly it was about people getting knocked out. And in Temple, that was quite often done Three Stooges style.

"Ha ha, very funny! All wet!"

And who can forget:

I'll just bet you're going to try some pathetic fib about the above scene being "dark".

Besides, you had jokes about brutal deaths in Indy as well. The tank scene had several.

I knew who Jesse Owens was back in 3rd grade.

Good for you. You want a medal?

The audience should be expected to know who he was, and Blazing Saddles proves this.

Random movie name drop proves exactly nothing. Blazing Saddles is a movie from 1974 - what celebrities were still known in 1974 is not relevant to audiences in 1989.

Spielberg changed it because toddlers would respond better to Mickey Mouse.

No he didn't. He did it because he was concerned that people wouldn't know who Jesse Owens was. And even if he underestimated his audience, so what? It doesn't change the joke.

Temple does not pander to children, Temple dealt with very mature themes such as black magic, child slavery, etc., it was very much not a kiddie movie, Last Crusade was.

All three movies dealt with "dark themes" you idiot. And so, for that matter, does Harry Potter. Dark themes don't mean mature content: that depends entirely on how the themes are dealt with.

The Mickey Mouse joke was specifically put in there to appeal to children, that proves my premise and debunks yours.

It would if it were true, but you saying it doesn't make it so. And all your so-called arguments why it's there for kiddie appeal are ludicrously bad.

Spielberg felt the backlash from parents because Temple was too dark and violent so he pussed out and made a kiddie movie the third time around.

He toned down the ick-factor, and also made the movie less obviously geared towards juveniles. He played it safe, like Raiders.

Quit bringing up Spectre, it has literally nothing to do with this discussion, can it with your non sequiturs.

If Spectre has the exact same joke then it is directly relevant. You want to dismiss it only because it destroys your so-called "argument".

So then they were digging in the right place before Indy found the medallion? Please show me where you got this from?

I didn't say they were digging in the right place, I said they inevitably would. They were digging all over the place. All over the place logically includes the right place, it just takes a little time.

They still would have dug in the wrong place had Indy not found the Medallion

And what would they do once they've dug in one location and found nothing? They'd move on to the next location. See how that works?

and the Ark would have remained undisturbed.

Then what's the point of Indy? I know the answer to that question - but you don't.

How do you know he didn't suggest that? Yes you have to prove a negative because you asserted a negative, I didn't.

How do I know who didn't suggest what? How am I supposed to know what you're talking about when you're such a simpleton that you don't know how to use quotes?

So not going through the trouble of copying and pasting a long and incoherent rant makes me certifiable? Where the fuck are you coming up with this logic?

If you expect me to know what the fuck you're talking about, you can't just say "How do you know he didn't suggest that" out of the goddamn blue, without any sort of context. If you don't see why that is a problem, then you are demented beyond hope. I suppose I could go back and sift through past posts and figure out what you most likely are talking about, but that's not my job. It's YOUR job to provide the context for what YOU write. Hence the quotes, like I'm using. At this point I'm not even convinced you manage to dress yourself in the morning.


The point still stands, I did point out flaws in Raiders and you said I didn't.

Which I said before you mentioned the flaw - which wasn't even a flaw. Just how do expect the nazis to check a secret passage they don't know about? A secret passage which doesn't even exist, because Indy and Marion broke their way out.

I have provided multiple posts including long lists of objective flaws in Last Crusade, that proves that Last Crusade is a trash movie.

Your "long list" includes moronic things like "Mickey Mouse jokes". But even if we accepted your ridiculous list, that still wouldn't "prove" Last Crusade to be a "trash movie". For one thing, Raiders and Temple have at least as many flaws, even bigger ones. Raiders quite possibly has the biggest flaws of the first three movies. But movies aren't trash just because they have flaws. Movies without flaws can be counted on Captain Hook's bad hand. A movie is trash if popular opinion says it's trash - that's how that works, because the value of all art is subjective. So what does popular opinion say about Crusade? That it's just as great a movie as Raiders.

You seriously need to chill out, you are overly emotional and you are having a panic attack, not everyone cums in their pants over Last Crusade like you do and it's OK. I happen to hate it as I'm sure you hate other movies.

Oh, there are plenty of movies I hate. And you know what? I don't loiter in their forums, because they're not worth my time. Unlike you, it doesn't bother me if other people love movies I hate. You, however, won't rest until everybody hates the same movies you hate, and with the same passion. That's not normal, nor is it good for you. It means, for one thing, that you will never be able to rest so long as you live. You're going to hate yourself to an early grave.


Then you're now arguing a moot point because I have acknowledged flaws in Raiders despite the fact that the flaws in Temple and to a greater extent Crusade vastly outnumber them.

The Mickey Mouse joke is a huge deal, it symbolizes the childish nature of the movie, it reinforces that Spielberg was making a movie for Toddlers. The first two movies don't have nearly the level of flaws that Crusade has and I have proven this multiple times.

So expressing my opinion constitutes "loitering in their forums?" I'd love for you to stand by your principles and say the same thing to the Dark Knight Rises haters who think that Bruce quit because of Rachel. But you won't because you have no integrity, you are nothing more than an overly emotional manbaby.


OMFG, are you still hung up over a silly little line in Crusade?

And no, not "everyone" knew about Jesse Owens, I'm from the UK, saw this movie in 1989 and I certainly never knew about him then.


Then that means you're stupid and you are proving my point. Spielberg dumbed the movie down for children and people like you, he didn't respect the audience's intelligence.

Also why did a Jesse Owens joke work in Blazing Saddles? That came out before Last Crapade and therefore by your logic less people should have known who Jesse Owens was.


Oh? I'm "stupid" for NOT KNOWING SOMETHING? How fucking dare you, you hypocrite!?

I never saw Blazing Saddles back then, neither, I'm not into Westerns nor most Mel Brooks movies.

In fact, all you've done here is show your absolute arrogance, ridiculing people who've not seen the same movies you've had and liked them just as much. It's like you want them to be just like you, but guess what, everyone's different.


Jesse Owens existence is common knowledge, I knew who that was back in 3rd grade, Spielberg changed the line because he thought his audience was stupid (although considering you don’t know who he was Spielberg may have had a point). Having said that the joke wouldn’t have made much sense whether it was Jesse Owens or Mickey Mouse. The joke made perfect sense in Blazing Saddles because Bart was surrounded by racists who wanted to kill him because of his skin color so therefore making a reference to a very fast person who was black made sense.

I am not being arrogant and if you feel I am “ridiculing” you then well you deserved to be “ridiculed”.


"Jesse Owens existence is common knowledge"

Maybe in the USA, but I come from the UK.


He’s a historical figure, you should know who he is.


Why should I care? We were never taught about him in school, and I don't much care for athletes, or even most sports.


It doesn't matter if you are into sports or not, his existence is common knowledge. I don't give a good fuck about Basketball yet I know who Michael Jordan is.


That's because Michael Jordan has gotten a lot of publicity, in our own time. How many basketball players from the '30s can you name? Jesse Owens, unlike Michael Jordan, hasn't gotten any publicity since before he died.

Can you tell me, without googling, who Henry Rinnan was? He was an historical person, after all, and according to your logic, being an historical person constitutes "common knowledge" for some reason.


False equivalence by your part, Jesse Owens is common knowledge and people should have known who he was, again the joke worked (a lot better by the way) in Blazing Saddles and no one complained they didn’t know who he was. You have admitted that Spielberg dumbed the movie down which was my point from the beginning.


False equivalence? Comparing someone who was famous in the '30s to someone who was famous in the '40s? Holy Projection, Batman! You wanted to compare someone famous in the '30s to someone famous today, for crying out loud.

As for Blazing Saddles, that's a movie from 1974. Crusade came out in 1989, 15 years later. Jesse Owens isn't common knowledge just because you happen to know who he is.


No , people in 1989 should have known who he was, people in 2022 should have known who he was. Blazing Saddles was made 36 years after 1938, Last Crapade was made 51 years after 1938, a large number of people are not just going to magically forget who a very famous track star was in that span of time considering both were considerably far after 1938. Nice try kid but the fact still remains that Spielberg put Mickey Mouse jokes in the movie to appeal to toddlers and preschoolers


Regardless my point stands, Spielberg changed the line to something that would appeal to Toddlers.


You think Mickey Mouse only appeals to toddlers? I'm sure MM has many adult fans, or fans who grew up with him.


Toddlers? Mickey Mouse is massive business for adults, apparently:

I can only guess you despise the rodent, to be so hung up on this Crusade scene.


Yes adults know who he is, adults also know who Barney the Purple Dinosaur is, that doesn’t mean that Mickey Mouse jokes are for adults, they are strictly for children and the franchise was never strictly for children until Last Crapade.


Wait, you think that just because a character like Mickey Mouse is mentioned just once in Indiana Jones, means that the movies are now for children?

Also, you failed to read in that article that those children who grew up with MM are now adults (especially those who grew up during WW2 and are now old) and don't you think they'd be offended by what you say here?

Just what the hell is wrong with you??


Doesn’t matter at all, those adults would have grown out of Mickey Mouse by that point just like how I grew out of Sesame Street.

I’ll now ask: What the hell is wrong with you?


Nothing's wrong with me, I certainly don't spend hours and hours going back and forth with someone who has far too much time on his hands, arguing with others over a movie based on children's action serials of the 1950s. I have better things to do with my time. This conversation is terminated.


LOL you are literally the one who resurrected this thread, I forgot about it a long time ago until you responded, so if you want to blame someone for “wasting your time” or whatever then blame yourself.


The Mickey Mouse joke is a huge deal, it symbolizes the childish nature of the movie, it reinforces that Spielberg was making a movie for Toddlers.

So you keep insisting, but you have utterly failed to argue for this ridiculous claim. On the contrary, you have been 100% refuted, time and time and time again, but you still keep on like a broken record.

So expressing my opinion constitutes "loitering in their forums?"

No one ever said anything of the kind. It's your loitering that constitutes loitering. Expressing one's opinions is one thing, but you keep on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about it. You are completely obsessed, and refuse to accept that people can love what you hate.


You haven’t refuted anything, junior aside from your own intelligence and ability to put forth a rational thought.

Ummm as far as loitering I literally forgot all about this thread until you decided to resurrect it, you are literally guilty of what you accused me of, maybe you should focus on curing your own obsessions and forget about what I do, just food for thought.


The thread is still active, I didn't "resurrect" it. The reason it went three months before I replied to you is because I can only stomach so much of your idiocy before I need a break. But it's not like you've stayed away from these forums in the meantime, is it?


I literally have not posted on this thread for a long time, I was never going to post on it again until you hunted me down to repeat the same, debunked, fallacious talking points. Yes you do have an unnatural obsession with this trash movie


I agree. Indiana Jones Trilogy. Done and dusted.


Should have ended with Raiders of the Lost Ark being a one-and-done afaic. Last Crusade was tons better than Temple of Doom, but that's not saying much.
