Indy's only "successful" quest?
In each Indiana Jones movie, we see him on two quests. We come in towards the end of one quest and then he moves in to the "Major" quest of the film. The only film that didn't follow this formula was "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull".
If you look at most of Indy's quests, he actually fails most of them or at least walks away empty handed. In fact, I'm thinking he does that for all of his quests, except one.
Let's break them down.
In "Raiders", we start with his quest to obtain the golden idol. He gets it out of the temple, but it's taken by his rival, Belloq. Strike #1. The main quest of the film is the Lost Ark of the Covenant. In the end, it's confiscated by the U.S. Government. Strike #2.
Let's then go to Temple of Doom. Starts out in Shanghai where he's obtaining the remains of the First Emperor of the Manchu Dynasty in exchange for a very large Diamond. He leaves Club Obi Wan with no diamond. Strike #3. They go to India to obtain the lost Shankara stones. One stone is returned to the village, the rest are lost. Again, he walks away empty handed, so Strike #4.
Next is the Last Crusade. I'll skip the fist part and go to the quest of the Holy Grail. Although he patches things up with his Dad (which Spielberg insists was the "real" quest all along), the Grail stays in the cave, so empty handed again.
In Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, there's only one quest because the prologue was tied in to the aliens, so it's all about finding the lost city and the secrets of the Crystal Skull. In the end, the aliens go back home, the city was wiped out and Indy again doesn't really have anything tangible to show for it (except for patching things up with Marion Ravenwood and learning about his Son).
So six "failures" in that he doesn't get the treasure, but he's usually happy because he gets the girl or his Dad or whatever.
Let's go back to the Last Crusade. The quest at the beginning is the Cross of Coronado. He starts as a teenager and first loses the Cross to the rich guy. Fast forward to adulthood and he does finally get the Cross. He gets to take it back to his University and although it's not in his personal possession, he does achieve what he set out to do: Bring the Cross back and put it in a museum.
So, it would look like the Cross of Coronado is Indy's only real Success in terms of getting the object of pursuit.
Is there significance in this? Doubtful since Spielberg is Jewish, so a Christian Crucifix doesn't hold much for him personally. I'm thinking more along the lines that Spielberg wanted to give Indy a Break for once and have him succeed in at least one quest.
I just find it interesting that Indy really has a high failure rate when you look at his history.
I've never watched "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles", so maybe he's had more successes, but in the movies, not so much.
Agree? Disagree?