Question about the bridge

If the bridge is always there but hidden because of the way it's painted then why do we see several times in the movie an artistic depiction of one knight walking across it while others are falling? To me this suggests the bridge only works for the faithful and worthy. But then how did Donovan and Elsa get across it?


To me, you answered your own question. The drawing was an artist's depiction. Nothing more. Who's to say anyone has ever even made it passed the first two trials to even attempt the bridge? The bridge is simply camouflaged, requiring "faith" to take the first step. I assume that when Indy made it across, he eliminated some of the illusion by throwing a handful of sand back across the bridge. Once the illusion was gone it made it much easier for Donavan and Elsa to follow.


But how did the artist have any clue as to what the third trial was like?
