Keneth Parnell broke my birdbath

I think he was attempting to steal it and name it Dennis but he was running and accidentally dropped it onto our driveway. I didn't see his face clearly but I'm pretty sure it was him.

"And Abram layeth with the Canaanites and eatedeth of the fatted calf" Acts 16:9


If it's a joke, it's not funny.

Kenneth Parnell is in jail since 2003.


It happened shortly before the millenium. My opinion is that maybe he was scared that he wouldn't be able to get any fresh water because of the computers and wanted to make sure he could, and so he took my birdbath, which had water in it when he took it.

I am glad to hear he is in prison because stealing birdbaths is against the Constitution of the United States of the U.S.A.

"And Abram layeth with the Canaanites and eatedeth of the fatted calf" Acts 16:9


You're sick.

What that monster has done in the past 50 years is disgusting and unforgivable, and you've decided to make a joke of it.

You're insulting to the Stayner family, and also to every one of that monster's victims.

You're also insulting to all victims of childhood sexual abuse everywhere.

Are you proud of yourself?


Usually people of this poster's nature doesn't have much of a brain to figure out that most people find his humor repulsive.

You would probably find this person home alone with no life and no friends.
People probably find him strange and he comes online and people on here finds him strange.

He/She will never get it.

Pity the person.

If you don't have much to begin with, then you don't have much to lose.



You are correct that I have very few friends but my lovely wife of many years is friendly to me despite her numerous problems and the mailman sometimes waves to me.

"The man who speaks as a molester is no friend of mine" says St. Thomas Aquinas


Perhaps you should meet Steven "Dennis" Stayner's brother Cary, I think you two would have a lot in common.


Is he into decoupage and Hummel figurines as well?

"The man who speaks as a molester is no friend of mine" says St. Thomas Aquinas


Figured you wouldnt get it.


So, wait.... Because he makes a joke you find offensive, he is of a similar mindset to a murderer? Hmm...... Interesting though.



dude, you need to stop smoking the reefur
