
I think this movie goes to show that child pedophiles can never be cured. Look at Phil Guarido who kidnapped Jaycee Duggard. It frustrates me to no end when child molestors are released or are supposedly rehabilitated. They are attracted to little children as I am attracted to guys my own age, I cannot be cured of liking guys, just as a child molestor cannot be cured of having a sexual attraction to children, it is hard wired in their brain. On certain crimes three strikes are two strikes too many, as two strikes equal two other children who have to be hurt just for the judicial system to realize this person will keep committing crimes.


These pedophiles learn what to say to their counselors and to the people who examine them for future parole. The counselor many times takes their statements for positive progress. I am a counselor and my personal feeling is to lock them all up together and let them molest each other and not ever let them out. They cannot be rehabbed and released. Nothing works including physical and chemical castration.
