What movie?? can anyone help?

I remember seeing a movie a few years ago, but sadley i can not remember the name of it, so i hope one of you can help me..

I remember that it was about kids and kidnapping.. And then i can remember that the police or someone stoped a big whit van and opend it`s back door, and there they saw i white kids shoe in a pool of blood..

Does this sound like some movie you have seen??


Try asking your question on this board...http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000001/threads/

Tip: Give a detailed description in Subject line..example..Movie about kids being kidnapped.



Old post but since I just saw it.

This sounds like a scene from the 1983 Michael Douglas film 'The Star Chamber'.


There is a serial killer targeting kids, the police stop a van and claim they smell marijuana smoke so they search it, finding the shoe and blood. The judge, Michael Douglas, dismisses the case because of lack of probable cause for the search. The Star Chamber is a group of powerful people who mete out justice to criminals they think have gotten away on technicalities.

If I'm remember the movie right the two that were arrested in the van are shot by one of the victims fathers, then it turns out they were never the serial killers in the first place.
